A dark green like liquid and a white with orange liquid sit in a long tube in a completely white room with cameras in every corner and a big one way see thought glass. (Dr.jefferson)"open the tube's lets see they're reaction to each other".
(Dr.clark)"Yes mr.jefferson" and with that the woman press a button and the tubes realese the air in side and open.The Dark green liquid slowly moved out the tube and on to the floor slowly moving on it after going along the floor for a while then the white and orange liquid finally started moving out the tube as well. (Dr.Clark)"Did the green one just scout the area for danger they mint be smarter then we think".
(Dr.Jefferson)"I don't know? Lasher and Scorch always stay in the tubes unless we put something out for them to eat or a host for them to bond with." (Dr.clark)"Vicktor Jefferson Clark what did i say about naming secience prodjects" (Dr.Jefferson)"You said not to mom,but i'm 100% going to name some of the creations that we clone from them, i was thinking klintaris laszeris (klin--tar--ris) (las--er --is) (Dr.Clark)"whatever honey just make sure that they don't leave like your so called Venom and Riot".After that they both walk away into the hallway and keep talking along the way.The Dark green sludge as well as the white and orange sludge move and start to communicate (lasher)"We must leave--"
(Scorch)"how,were,and when we have no were to go lasher.No way out no way we can get out of here.We don't even now were the others are Venom,riot,agony,scream,or phage are all gone so even if we do leave how will we know were to go."
(Lasher)"You done because i have an idea on how to get out of here. cover me with your body so they don't see me" (Scorch)"Whatever,i hope your right about this lasher" (lasher)"Me to clash, me to".As Dr.Jefferson walks in he is confused on why there's only one test subject (Dr.Jefferson)"Uhh mom were's lasher i don't see it mom! mom! mom!."(Dr.clark)"What!,What do you mean you don't see it it's right,------oh shit we need to find it now ill check the cameras".After many clicks of the high tech computer four high quality camera feeds came up on in different corners of the white room as it look like the too were fighting and the white with orange one won the fight and ate the dark green one.
(Dr.Clark)"vicktor honey look at this and get your suit on as fast as you can" (Dr.Jefferson)"What,------- oh shit we got to get in there!".When both scienctist put there suits on and decontaminate each other and walk into the room with long tazer's sticks. (lasher)"Ok scorch when they get a little closer i'm gonna jump at the one on the right you take left 3,2,1 go!!".Both the dark green and white with orange liquids lunch onto the two scienctist making them fall and hit their heads on the floor knocking them both out (Scorch)"Great now lets find the other's come on i see the other rooms let's go" (lasher)"there i see a vent let's go into there"