
023: New World

"Stop searching aimlessly, kid. I saw you hesitating over 'Mutant Frenzy' for a long time, and I don't think it's a good idea. You know, that place is crawling with disgusting mutants, even one bald guy who hides katanas in his arms, shoots laser beams from his eyes, can teleport, and for some sick reason, his mouth is sewn shut, sewn shut! Damn it! I can't stand the thought of that ugly freak stealing the great Deadpool's name; I wish I could go there right now and kill that abomination myself," a torrent of words flooded into Aiden's ears.

Aiden paused, realizing he'd almost forgotten. Wasn't this Deadpool? Known for being the most accessible entry point into the "Marvel Universe," Deadpool would always pop up to promote his own world whenever someone attempted to access another.

Clearly, Aiden now met the criteria to receive Deadpool's personal pitch.

"I'm giving you a new option, trust me, kid. Here, you'll find everything you want. Just open up this damn timeline for me, hurry up and get my world spinning. Motherf- I need to make my entrance."

Aiden was silent.

"What are you hesitating for? Kid, I mean, handsome boy, come on, open up this world, will ya?"

Is it really appropriate for a game expansion to be this... flamboyant?

Aiden shook his head in resignation. Deadpool's reminder served as a fresh jolt that he was within a game world.

When Aiden experienced pain, everything felt so real and brutal. And yet, when he felt at ease, someone would remind him that this world wasn't reality. Such psychological contrasts were difficult for Aiden to bear.

Even now, Aiden wasn't sure whether he was a flesh-and-blood person or just a set of cold data.

Shaking off the pointless thoughts, Aiden considered that entering Deadpool's world wasn't a bad idea. As an expansion accessed by gamers worldwide, there were plenty of guides online, and Aiden knew of at least three tasks that could earn light orbs.

One was to eradicate gangsters in New York, where killing ten gang leaders would grant a light orb.

The second involved a mutant factory. Whether destroyed or captured, it would yield a precious light orb.

The third was creating Deadpool. If Aiden followed the process and succeeded, he would receive three whole light orbs. Moreover, after creating Deadpool, a series of related tasks would unlock, rewarding a light orb for every mutant produced. The rewards were exceedingly generous.

In the Marvel universe, expansions seemed synonymous with abundant light orb rewards, a stark contrast to the main world Aiden inhabited.

These three tasks had been posted online. The first was relatively simple, leading to a frenzy among gamers when one player accidentally stumbled upon the light orb and shared the news. The second and third tasks were more challenging, requiring ample preparation and prerequisites. Many players deleted their saves countless times before completing them.

Aiden knew that the antagonists within the expansion were powerful, but to him, they were no obstacle. Regardless of whether he was fundamentally data, on the surface, Aiden was a living being, a person who walked on legs and wielded guns with hands. Ten years had turned him into a top-tier assassin, and he was confident in his abilities.

As long as he wasn't targeting someone with Deadpool's regenerative powers, Aiden believed he could succeed. The name "Winter Soldier" was also a source of confidence.

"If I could control that factory, produce mutants, my power would increase significantly," Aiden thought deeply. To the mutant community, each member was a formidable entity. Regardless of how useless their powers seemed, if used properly, they could have astonishing effects. There were no useless mutant abilities, only useless mutants.

"If I can master the method of creating mutants, I could build an army for myself," Aiden mused, then after ten seconds of silence...

A bizarre blue-purple portal appeared out of nowhere, hanging in the sky. Corresponding to it, the only light orb Aiden had acquired in ten years vanished without a trace.

Aiden lightly flicked his fingers, and the large package beside him drifted over. He slung it over his shoulder and stepped into the portal without a moment's hesitation.

"Hydra, wait for my return!" Aiden silently vowed.

Faintly, he heard a voice whisper, "Kid, I salute you."

As Aiden stepped out of the portal, he found himself in front of a dingy bar bathed in neon lights, its rundown atmosphere emphasized by the trash strewn about and the nauseating filth.

But for Aiden, this place was no different from the beautiful cloudscape above. Stepping out of Hydra's oppressive, dark cell felt like liberation, and his heart slowed from its long-held tension.

"Sister Margaret's Home for Wayward Children." Aiden frowned, recognizing the name. It seemed to be the bar owned by Deadpool's friend, Weasel, and the starting point for all the events in the game.

"Deadpool? Where is he?" Aiden waited but realized the motormouth had disappeared. Was this character only programmed to appear when initially choosing worlds?

Aiden looked around, deciding not to enter the bar right away. Instead, he explored the vicinity and scoped out the terrain.

Eventually, in an abandoned building behind the bar, Aiden stashed his equipment in a derelict room, keeping only a silenced USP as he ventured out.

The dim environment suited Aiden well, perhaps a lingering effect of his past. In a parking lot, he spotted two thugs trying to break into a car.

"I like your jacket," Aiden said as he approached.

The sudden voice from the darkness startled the thugs, but Aiden's mastery of stealth was such that his footsteps made no sound. The two focused on the car hadn't noticed him at all.

"What did you say? Are you serious?" One thug turned towards Aiden's direction, seeing only a dark silhouette. Grown up on the streets, he wasn't scared. After the initial shock, he steadied himself, his face a mix of mockery and scorn, "You saw what we're doing, right?"


A gunshot rang out unexpectedly. Without warning, Aiden fired. The previously mocking thug's eyes widened as he fell dead.

"I like your coat, too." Aiden turned to the other thug, who was now clearly terrified.

"Alright, friend, stay calm, it's just a coat," the thug quickly shed his coat, placing it on the car roof, hands raised, his face dripping with sweat. He watched the vague shadow cautiously, swallowing nervously before saying, "I can... I can..."

"Leave," Aiden commanded, and the thug bolted, his earlier bravado replaced by panicked scrambling.

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