
Marvel’s Kryptonian

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


It didn't take long before the ground was full of people.

   Even the least injured among them had broken several bones, and several of them died directly.

   Zod walked to the front desk of Kandu.

   "Give me a copy of the best BBQ you have here, as well as iced Coke. Use the largest glass to fill me with enough ice."

  Zord misses the Coke on Earth very much. Even if he has this idea on Krypton, he can't make the taste he wants to drink.

   Of course, the shopkeeper did not dare to refuse. Zod scanned the shop for a week and found that no table was clean, so he searched it and got thousands of dollars from these gangsters.

   The price of Zorder in the United States is not very clear, not to mention that it is not the period of the era he traveled through.

   "Hurry up and clean up the table."

   Zod said.

   There is no way, the rotisserie can only let the younger brother clean up, by the way, use detergent to wipe off the greasy tables and stools.

  In this kind of place, there is actually very little cleanup. The main reason is that even if it is done well, the gangsters will make a mess when they come, and there will be no cleanup over time.

  Zord enjoyed a Texas BBQ, feeling okay, and then drank five gallons of iced Coke.

   In addition, he also ate more than fifty catties of various barbecues alone, and drew half of the barbecue restaurant's inventory.

   When the boss checked out, he looked suspicious of life.

Zod also found that he became very edible, but the Kryptonians did not have it. Photosynthesis alone is enough to maintain energy consumption. If you expect to eat and drink like a Saiyan, it will be enough to destroy The energy of the planet, unless the stomach is a matter annihilator, can convert matter 100% into energy.

   After a full meal, Zod began to inquire about the news with the boss.

Only then did I know that the gang that I just killed and disabled was a notorious local scorpion gang. Although the names of these gangs sounded very new, the scorpion gang has very scary gangs in Mexico and Texas. The reputation that can be matched is only the "skeleton gang" supported by another suspected American underground emperor Jin.

   The two big gangs fought openly on the U.S.-Mexico border, Mexico, and Texas. They not only took fanfare, but sometimes also intervened in kidnapping, blackmailing, and trafficking in tourists. There were even cases of human organ trafficking that alarmed the United States.

   But now the main business of the Scorpion Gang is to sell fans and ice, while the Skeleton Gang mainly engages in arms. The largest "seller" in the Americas finds Golden Union and Golden Skull Gang.

   This also makes the Skeleton Gang's weapons advanced and fierce firepower, and the Venomous Scorpion Gang can only fight with the Skeleton Gang.

   Zod felt very interesting, and didn't want to take care of him. He was neither Baili Lili nor Long Aotian. He would not kill anyone unless they threatened him.

   After eating, Zod did not go back immediately, but began to wander in this foreign land.

   The gang of poisonous scorpions who was severely beaten by him in the morning went back and reported the situation. If it was just a beating, but there were casualties, it would be the face of the poisonous scorpion gang.

   Although the headquarters of the Scorpion Gang is not in Texas like the Skeleton Gang, it does not mean that they have no force here.

   More than fifty gunmen set out immediately, and they were going to solve the guy who had beaten the prestige of the scorpion gang.

   Then Zod's actions couldn't hide from the eyeliners of these snakes, and it didn't take long for him to be blocked in the street.

   The police in Texas don't want to care about the scorpion gang. After all, most of them are black police who collect money from the scorpion gang and the scorpion gang.

  Zod was very surprised.

"go to hell!"

   did not mean to bring Zod back to torture and die. Killing in the street is a better deterrent.

   Then he raised the muzzle. Zod's super fast reflex made him look at the opposite side and slowly raised the gun, and then after visually calculating the trajectory of the ball, he easily avoided it, and the gangsters had already instinctively pulled the trigger.

   So, a shocking scene appeared, and Zod easily avoided their bullets and quickly approached!

   "Damn it!"


More than fifty gunmen were shocked, but even if they wanted to hit Zod again, their body movement speed and neural reflexes were too slow. After Zod approached quickly, he hit them with a punch. The guy in the lead, this punch even hit a shocking scene that can only be seen in the movie.

   The person who was hit directly hit the three or four people behind him, and then the three or four people hit the person behind him again...

   a punch, directly knocked out more than half of the people!

   This group of gangsters who are walking fans, how do they know the importance of formation, standing together feels invincible.

   And the first guy, because he endured the most direct punch, the place he was hit was sunken directly, and he felt that he could put a book of Cihai in.

   Seven steps away, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, the gun is fast, within seven steps, the punch is fast!

   The scorpion gang after being approached by Zord had no power to fight back. Even if they hurriedly turned their guns, they would only hit their own people. Instead, Zord turned their guns around and swept their own people.

   In the end, the wailing gunmen have nothing but fear left. Where is this monster that popped up?

  Zod stepped on a wailing guy.

   "Take me to see the boss of your scorpion gang."

   Zod looked down at him and said.

  Since others have come to the door, Zord will not give up.


   At this time, the black policemen who had collected the black money ran out.

   Just kidding, if the poisonous scorpion gang has something serious with them, they will suffer too, and the black money will be less than a few months.

  Zord glanced at the black police rushing out at these critical moments, and flashed directly.

   The skin on their bodies is not easy to handle, so Zod decided to follow the vines. These guys must go back to the poisonous scorpion help, or they will definitely be seen by the poisonous scorpion help if they go to the hospital?

   It's time to make an appearance by myself.

   As expected, after the black police helped inform the Scorpion Gang, the Scorpion Gang sent someone directly to the hospital to check the situation. Zord followed this guy to a factory of the Scorpion Gang at the Texas border.

  This factory is one of the most important sources of shipments for the Scorpion Gang. It can produce more than 30 tons of ice and powder a year. It is the largest ice powder production site of the Scorpion Gang.

   In addition to shipping to Texas and the states of the United States, it is to the Golden Triangle.

   It is no exaggeration to say that this is a route flowing with gold. At least two-thirds of the funds of the Scorpion Gang come from ice powder trading.