
Married My Chocolate Boy

Magizhini came to her native for her sister's engagement. What would happen if she suddenly expected to be the bride of her crush? Arjun, came to see his Grandma, who had a heart attack. What would happen if he suddenly expected to be the groom of his crush. Answer is simple! They both fell in love with each other and they did. Then why does Arjun want a divorce? Why does Magi agree to give a divorce? Because they both didn't know about each other's love for them!!! Will they ever know? Will they ever say those three magical words to each other? [BLURB] I am still seeing the picture with wide eyes. Ramya was also shocked by seeing the picture. She slowly said, "didn't he look like that chocolate boy? I whispered, "He is my Chocolate boy" We both looked at each other. Ishu said, "Chocolate... why this hears familiar to me." She tried to remember that name, while Vaishu and Sakthi akka see us confused. Soon Ramya smirked, " So, You are going to marry your Chocolate. Haan?" Sakthi akka asked, "Her chocolate?" I think Ishu remembered now. Her eyes widened by the realisation. I lay in bed on my stomach and buried my face in a pillow. God! I can feel heat spreading in my face. I tried to calm my uncalming nerves. Ishu said, "You are going to get married to your Chocolate." "Shut up." I glared at them. They two started to laugh. I stood up on bed and threw a pillow on them. Sakthi Akka yelled, "What the hell did I miss?" Ramya shouted, " I will tell. I will tell you." While I shook my head in disbelief. Ramya started to say, "Five years ago....

Zhaagaa · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


         Usually it takes 9 hours to reach theni . In this journey Ramya doesn't close her mouth at all. She talks. She talks about her new projects and the places that she visited and her groom Karthik and his love for her and her love for him and bla bla bla. She showed the photos she clicked. Ramya is professional photographer. She is a working partner in her firm. She travels across the world for that and she loves her job. But my poor ears!..She didn't let me speak a single word. Let me tell you her nickname. she is a Chatterbox.

As if you speak less. Here comes inner me.

Already Ramya didn't leave me and now you too begin your work GO AWAY... I shooed my inner me.

Though Ramya is my cousin, I want to dip her in cow dunk for her non sense talk.

Hff.... Poor Karthik.

After the whole journey , we reach theni station. I quickly made my way out of the train before Ramya started another story of how excited she was for her engagement. My eyes started search for who comes for pick us.

There I saw SIDDHU. I literally run to him and hug him. He laughed and hugged me too.

"Hey how are you big man? How is everyone? Did you guys missed me? Tell me something you dumbie." Let me tell you guys this man grow up like palm tree. Very tall...

"Let me speak you pig head. All are fine and we missed you so much" he answered me.

Ramya pouted "only missed her. Then what about me? Do you forget me already? Don't speak with me. " I giggled. As always, she started her drama.

"Aiyyo. How can I even forget you? You know every day when I see the post box outside my home I eventually remember you." he said.

"But Siddhu what is connection between postbox and me?" she frowned in confusion. I also saw him with curiosity. I want to know answer.

He takes our luggage and walk away from us. After getting some distant from us, he said "Because that is postbox and you are a CHATTERBOX." He ran to car. Ramya shouted "SIDDHUUUUUU..." she ran behind him. I started to laugh.

Shiddhu and Ramya are exactly like Shiva and ME. They already started their unstoppable bickering in railway station just like 5 year kids.

While hoping to car, I texted Shiva that we are here safe and sound. Shiddhu picked us.

You guys don't know shiddhu right. Let me tell. He is my cousin, son of JANU Athai and ARVIND Mama. Janu athai is sister of my dad. Actually Me, Ramya, Shiva, Shiddhu, Vaishu, Krithik spend our childhood together in our village. We are kind of sisters and brothers. Vaishu is younger sister of Ramya . Krithik is younger brother of Shiva. Shiva(27) is eldest one among all of us. He is two years eldest than me(25), Ramya(24) is one year younger than me and Shiddhu(26) is one year elder than me. Krithik(21) is four years younger than me and Vaishu(20) is five years than me.

Our parents are childhood besties too. My Appa , Ravi Uncle(Shiva's dad), Arvind Uncle(Siddhu's dad) and Ganesh chithappa(Ramya's dad) are best friends and business partners till date.

One more thing, Their parents that our grand parents also best friends.

Arghhhh.... It's confusing right.

I engrossed in my family tree. Shiddhu's words bring me to earth.

"hey Pig head... Tell Chatterbox that I am not Dumbie."

"Hey tell that Dumbie to stop calling me Chatterbox" Ramya snapped.

" I am not Dumbie. You Chatterbox"

"Yes. You are"

"No. I am not"

"You are"

"I am not"

"You are"

"I am not"

"You are"

"I am not"

"You are"

"I am not"

"Arghhhhh .... Stop it right now." I shouted. Guess what? They immediately snapped in my direction and shouted at me "GET LOST." And continue their bickering again. I shook my head in disbelieve.

I wonder these two guys ( Shiva and Sidhhu) just want to irritate us (Me and Ramya) 24/7. But if we struck in any problems , then they are the first one to help us. Not only that they are over protective brothers too. Well technically not brothers but we have that bond between us. They never allow any guys near us. Well except Krithik. Though he is younger than us , he flirt with us. Trust me when I say Krithik done masters in flirting. But he also over protective around Vaishu.

May be that is reason for u girls being SINGLE. Not Ramya now.

Sadly Yes !!!

Coming to present, I was already praying god that house will come soon. So that I can escape from these two stupids.

After a long unending few minutes....I think god hear my prayer. "Thank you lord. I will surely grace your temple with my presence." I thanked god.

We get out of car and ran into house. I know our whole families are here. Well expect Shiva and Krithik.

Even this Krithik guy is not here. I pouted in that thought. Donkey Brothers!!!

Well you know He is doing his MBA in London. Otherwise he will come for sure. My mind reminded me.

I know they are busy. But I can't help but frowned little.

That frown is went away from me when I saw my mom,janu athai, seetha ma (Shiva's Mom) and Rey chithi(Ramya's mom) are playing with little Raj, Shiva and Ishu's one year son . He is complete bundle of joy. I still remember that day he born, Shiva was on cloud nine not only him all of my family were crazy about him. we decided to spoil him with all of our heart. I tiptoed to them silently "BHOOOOOOO....." . Four of them are shocked with wide eyes. But I must say my little prince is brave. He even giggled at me. I took him in my hands and swirl him in air. He laughed while making cute sounds.

I laughed until my mom pull my ear " Sneaky little brat.. you literally get the shit out of us. Can't you call us softly?"

"Ahhhhhh.... Maaaa its paining" I groaned in pain. My little prince giggled seeing me groaning in pain. Just like his Appa.

Well you deserve it.

Shut up. I shut my mind and pouted.

Now it's their time to laugh at me. Then Seetha ma set me free from my Mom "Oh Koki...let her go. She was just playing with us." Here comes my savior Seetha ma. She is the purest soul ever in the world. She saw me as her own daughter and takes my side when that donkey shiva fights with me while my own Mother takes his side.

Yeah Yeah... She is the purest soul in the world. Inner me agree with me.

See my inner me also agree with me.

You guys notice one think. Those two bickering idiots are nowhere in the house. I think Janu athai noticed "where is Ramya and Shiddhu? Don't tell me they were started their bickering instead of coming home." I giggled "Athai you are right. They started their bickering in station. But they came home with me. I think they are still outside."

Seetha ma sighed, "They still behaves like 5 year kids." Janu athai sighed , "Does Anyone believe me if I say that idiotic son of mine is already married man and a responsible DCP of Madurai city?"

I giggled. Siddhu is only 5 year old tom in front of us. But he is terror DCP of Madurai city. We always proud of him that he decided to serve our nation. Also he is married. You guys don't know Sakthi akka. She is damn cool. When Shiddhu and Ramya starts their bickering she literally came with popcorn to enjoy the show.

Now last but not least Rey ma sighed, "what am I going to do with my stupid daughter? For god sake, she is going to get engaged."

"Oh Rey, Just two months. After then Karthik will be th one sighing." Laugh echoed. Raj smiled like its his duty to smile whenever we laugh.

Ramya is going to get engaged in three days. Actually I am the one who would be in her place but I ditched that. She always curse me for that. For that I have to emotionally blackmail my family members that I want to be fit to business world and I have to achieve my goals. Actually that's quiet tough job but I made it. I don't believe it till now. I wonder how my Patti ma agrees to me. I thought she would create the mini havoc in house.

I ask them go see outside. Before they go out I asked about others especially where is patti ma. They told me that all are went to temple for engagement preparations.

 Okay I will see them in evening.

I am hell tired I want to rest for some time. I will see them in dinner. So I went to my room and laid on bed. I simply close my eyes and thinking about how Patti ma takes my refusal of marriage.


My Patti ma got an alliance for me. she wants me marry her friend's grandson. When she told me, I immediately refused her. 

But when I told my decision about my marriage, All family members are literally freaked out. Only soul that supports me was Shiva. He also didn't agree at first. But I don't want to marry that fast and he don't have chance rather than supports me. But to my family 24 is correct age to get marry. Being first princess of family, all of them had a special soft corner for me and I used that in correct way.

But to my surprise, when I told my decision to Patti ma she is all calm and peacefully hear out the reasons that I stated. I just can't predicted that. She knows I am one of hell stubborn ass. She knows I will argue with her. I even make notes of point for argument.

She simply asked that " Okay. I respect your decision. But when do you think you are going to married?"

"After achieves my goal Patti ma."

"And when will you achieve your goal?" she asked me while intensely looks into my eyes.

I felt uncomfortable under her intense gaze. But I don't show my nervousness and boldly reply "Within 2 years. I think Patti ma"

"Ohh. So you are sure with your decision. Right?"

"yes. Paati ma" I don't know why suddenly I saw a slight smirk. But she composed in second.

She challengingly says that "Stick on it."

I don't know why she said that. I saw Shiva. he also confused with her calm and composed side. Damn who won't. My whole family is literally shocked.

You guys know when Shiva's Marriage talk starts he refused that because at that time he is in love with Ishu and we just start our company. He didn't want to open up his love until WILL Corporation set its name on business field.

Then also, Patti ma just look at him in challenging manner. She makes him to open up his love story from his mouth. She said him, "If you don't marry now, then I will marry the bride, I select for you to Sidhhu and the bride is Ishu." Shiva and I shocked was an understatement. Because we believed that no one knows Shiva loves Ishu expect me. He even asked me that I told Patti Ma cause I am closest one of Patti ma. But I promised that I didn't tell her.

My Mom go behind Patti maa. I signaled Shiva and we both followed my mom. She goes to Patti ma's room. We hide behind the door and eavesdropped the conversation.

Amma asked her that "Athai why did you don't tell her anything when she refuse to marriage?"

She simply says that, "Don't worry Kokila. I will take care."

They didn't talk about that then. I sighed and Shiva squeezed my hand that tells that don't worry.


Even now I didn't believe that she won't make any move to make me agree to the marriage. But I simply shrugged the thoughts eventually. I believe that she agrees to me to achieve my goals. But Shiva warned me she won't leave any matter that easily.

Talking about my Patti ma, she is a strong lady. I always admire her. My dad and uncles says that I am carbon copy of Patti ma. That makes me admire her more. Actually all our grandparents expect her were passed out in fire accident. From then she handle all of my uncles as her own children, all three ladies are her own daughter in laws and all of youngsters are her own grand children. She gave us lot of love, courage, inspiration and what not. She didn't freaked out when our all grandparents met with an accident. That time she just delivered janu athai. But she consoled and handled my dad, chithappa, Ravi Uncle and Arvind Uncle. She nurture them as a mother, she didn't show any partiality between them. All of us are admired her a lot and know that she won't leave any matters easily. That's what surprised us.

After my marriage talk , she wants Ramya to get married. The only person who argues with my Patti ma is me. I even argued with her for start WILL on our own without elders help.but Poor Ramya .. She couldn't say no when Patti ma asked her to meet the groom. Patti ma also says that if you don't like the groom, then you don't have to say yes. Ramya also agreed and went to meet the groom. When she comes from there, she is acting like a love sick puppy you know.

Speaking about Ramya, that Chatterbox literally burned our ears by talking how gentleman her Karthik is(Note her karthik). especially to Shiddhu!!! That poor soul didn't have any chance but hear her. But we all really happy for her.

I don't know when I sleep. But I have a peaceful sleep.