
All About Him

Diane was sitting behind her desk in her office when a tall man with broad shoulders and a mask covering half of his face knocked and walked in.

Earlier when she spoke with Christian, she hadn't even remembered his image; walking into the hospital to see her given how popular he was, but seeing him with that nose mask she saw how prepared he came.

Diane watched as Christian took off the mask and walked up to her desk to pull out a chair for himself.

Right after he settled down, he met her gaze.

"How many mistresses does your husband have?" That was the question he asked after he saw her unwelcoming gaze.

Diane blinked. "I have no idea," she replied calmly instead of choosing to be rude. "How is this supposed to be my business now?"

She was about to get a divorce, was the number of women he kept under him supposed to be any of her concern?

Christian didn't like her attitude, so he refrained from whatever it was he wanted to tell her, and he made sure to let her know her crime.

"Because of your attitude right now, I will hold back on my recent findings. I don't like that you are acting like I'm a nuisance to your peace."

The light in Diane's eyes dimmed. She picked up the annoyance in his tone and rested her back against her chair.

She was not about to pick a sight with him because she was aware of how it would end. She wouldn't want that since she knew she would be the one at the losing end.

"I'm sorry about that. I had a long day and I also don't want you to scold me for being my usual self."

Diane's comeback was a surprise to Christian who now seemed to understand the reason for her attitude.

"I think you need to come over to my place again so I can give you the agreement to read again just in case you skipped the punishment part," he reminded as he put down an invitation card on her desk.

Immediately, her eyes went to it even though she just finished getting threatened by him.

He was right though. She needed to fix her attitude.

"I need to send someone to your doorstep tomorrow. Send your schedule to me," he instructed.

Diane picked up the invitation card and opened it. "Can I ask what this is all about?" She asked softly with her gaze flicking between him and the card.

"You will understand when you read it. Also, you can't say no," he revealed while getting to his feet and just like that, he was gone.

As Diane was done from work, she had enough time in her hands to read the invitation letter.

'He's inviting me to such an important ceremony?'

Diane didn't think that Christian would do anything like that given the weirdness of their relationship and now, she was starting to worry about what he was up to.


The following morning, Christian sent someone to Diane's condo with a dress, a shoe and a bag.

"Mr. Knowles said you should wear them for the party tomorrow," the lady in a female brown suit and a wide grin informed.

As soon as she passed finished passing down the instructions, she left, leaving Diane with the box in front of her doorstep.

Diane took the weekend off because of Christian's sudden invitation so she could sort out her outfit for the day and continue with her thesis.

Even with her broke ass, she was still thinking of buying a new dress since she had nothing new and befitting for that party but thankfully, Christian has settled it.

Carrying the big box into her living room, Diane wondered what the outfit looked like and if it was in her right size.

Ten minutes later, Diane stood in front of the mirror gawking at herself.

Christian had sent her a backless black dress with breast paddings, a silver stiletto and a matching purse.

She looked hot in that dress even though her hair looked a bit messy and her face was free from makeup.

This only made her to wonder how he knew the size of her dress and if he was the one that hand-picked the dress by himself or sent others to do it.

She guessed she would never find out.

After trying out the dress, she picked up her phone to text Christian about getting the outfit she sent.

The next minute, he sent another text to her. 'Did you try it on yet? Did it size you?'

Diane replied with a 'yes' and five minutes later, he sent another text.

'I will send the hairstylist and makeup artist to you by 4 PM tomorrow. You should be dressed and ready by then.'

Diane read it and guessed he was paying for everything and instantly relaxed. She had been afraid of the kind of expenses she would have made just to attend his party but luckily for her, he was considerate enough to take care of everything.

By the time she took off the dress, she was already famished so she fixed herself a bowl of cereal and went over to the dining area to work on her thesis.

An hour into her research, Christian phoned her.

"I forgot to remind you that the invitation card admits two people, so you can come with your friend. I will also send a car to you by 4:30 PM. Don't be late."

Diane was already starting to be nervous about the entire party even though she had attended similar parties with her family in the past.

She just thought that Christian was being too fussy about it, but of course, she couldn't air her opinion.

"Is there any other thing you would like me to note?"

"Don't be late," Christian said to her.

His emphasis on her being on time was very important to him. It's not like Diane was the host or co-host of the ceremony which was weird.

For a moment, she was tempted again to ask him if her presence was that important since the inauguration was all about him, but then he had to shock her in the end.

"Wear a thong underneath," he instructed.

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