

When a certain cat startes to vist Mari will he discover that he has feelings for her or will he ask a certain bug for help. (Adrians mom is alive in this book her name is Emilie but they call her Em)

lunareza20 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs



"Come on Chaton," I say as I'm getting closer to the Akuma. "You know what I think I'm getting out of shape." He says landing next to me. "You know what I think I think you are just eating too many croissants. I mean you ate 10 yesterday." I say laughing. "Well, it's not my fault their really good." He says sticking his tongue out.

"Stop being a baby and help me look for the Akuma," I say swinging to another building. When I turned around Adrian wasn't there anymore. Well, where could he have gone? I think to myself as I'm now looking for my partner instead of the Akuma. You know what I'll just call him.

Once I landed on a building I dialed cats number. After a few rings, he picked up. "Chat where are you, you don't just disappear on someone like that," I say. "Sorry LB but something wasn't right so I had to come to check it. Just come here as quick as possible I'm by the Eifel tower." He said then hung up.

Once I got there I knew what he meant. There was no Eifel tower. "Um, chat can we talk alone," I said dragging him away for the crowd. "What happened. And why haven't we found the Akuma yet they always show them selfs so why isn't this one?" I said getting frustrated. "I'm as mad and confused as you are but we need to keep it together." "Your right chat we need to keep it together. But how can it just disappear and why isn't there any Akuma shouldn't we have at least seen it or heard of it on the news." I said now pacing back and forth.

"It's okay my lady we always figure it out who knows maybe they just don't want to show up, or they are invisible. But we will never know if we just stay here. Maybe they left a clue. But please stop being mad because then I'm mad and I don't think anyone wants to see me mad." Once he's done speaking a little laugh escapes my lips.  "Okay but only because you didn't use any puns," I say while I stare at his confused face. "Come one kitty let's go look for some evidence," I say will swinging down to where the Eifel tower used to be.