
Mana Unleashed: A New World

Raven Whitelock finds himself reincarnated on Earth during a catastrophic event - an asteroid has hit the planet, resulting in the release of mana that has been hidden beneath the surface since the creation of the world. But to Raven mana was not something new. Follow him on his journey to explore this new world of mana, monster, and mysteries. Chapter Length: 1200-1800 sometimes can be more than 2000. 2 Chapters/Day Please do comment at the end of the chapter to let me know how the novel is going and what changes can I do to make it better. In the first few chapters, I'll be focusing on world-building and providing you guys with how the world will work after the strike. .......................................................... [Author: I do not own the cover image. If it belongs to you and you want it removed, please contact me.] ...........................................................

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Chapter 12: Lies II

Chapter 12: Lies II

"That's the whole story. The monsters were already weakened by something or someone. I could only see a figure who swiftly threw one of the hyenas onto a tree and killed it, scaring off the rest. After the figure left, the hyenas scattered, but two of them spotted me and charged toward me. I fought them off, and I could see several injuries on their bodies. Their movements and coordination were a mess. Hearing the commotion, the rest of the hyenas also ran toward me, but I managed to defeat them too. When the last one showed up, that's when you people found me," Raven finished his story."

Khan repeated the summary that Raven gave at the end of his story in his mind, trying not to forget any important details. The most important thing he took away from the story was that there was someone or something stronger than the Association's most competent Awakeners. Raven was also one of them, even though he said the monsters were severely injured. Fighting that many monsters and coming out victorious with little to no serious injury weren't something one could achieve with just luck. Raven must have a great command over his skills and abilities.

"What level are you, and what were your basic stats?" Khan asked excitedly.

"Basic stats?" Raven looked puzzled.

"They are the stats that the status shows when you are level one. We have interviewed every person who has joined the Association as an Awakener, and almost all of them have said it to be between 9 to 11, and as of yesterday, the number of people working in the association has reached 2000. So according to this data, we have come to a conclusion and made 10 as the basic stat for the status except for the [int] stat," Frida explained to Raven.

"You are saying that most of the new Awakeners have a numerical stat of 10 when they are level one, and you guys call it basic stats, right?"

"Yes, and from there onwards, each level up gives us 5 points in every stat except intelligence, and there is no exception there."

"I see," Raven said, looking at his status window.

[Name: Raven Whitelock]

[Age: 24]

[Level: 1(600/1000)]

[Health: 100/100]

[Mana: 700/1000]

[Strength: 23]

[Agility: 12]

[Stamina: 22]

[Intelligence: 47]

[Defense: 17]


[Perfect pitch(C)]



"Yes, but there are people with higher basic stats than others, and President Khan and Captain Frida are such examples," Max added to Raven's statement.

"So what was your basic stat?" Khan asked again.

Raven saw that these people never assumed him to be a level one and were sure that he was someone stronger than them or had a high basic stat. He started thinking about which one of these options he should pick- should he be someone with a high basic stat or should he tell them the wrong level?

"President Khan,"

While Raven was pondering on what to do, a smooth and composed voice came from the entrance of the gymnasium. A man was approaching them, and Raven noticed that he had an air of confidence and sophistication about him. He stood tall with a straight posture and a purposeful gait, exuding an aura of intelligence and capability. He was dressed in a dark, well-fitted suit that complemented his lean physique, and his crisp white shirt was neatly tucked into his pants. A stylish tie adorned his neck, adding a touch of elegance to his attire.

As Raven observed him closer, his metallic eyes showed a dull glow.

[Name: Henry Brown]

[Age: 28]

[Level: 5(5900/6000)]

[Health: 100/100]

[Mana: 500/500]

[Strength: 31]

[Agility: 28]

[Stamina: 30]

[Intelligence: 21]

[Defense: 30]

[Ability(s)][Update (Intuition)]

Raven was a little shocked to see the stats of this man coming their way. He was the first individual with stats higher than his.


"Vice President Henry."

Khan smiled at him, while Frida, Max, and Emma nodded their heads a little. Raven just stood there.

"What are you doing here, President?" Henry looked at the people running in the huge gymnasium, looking like they were going to pass out, and then at Frida and Max. He completely ignored Raven's existence and just glanced at Emma. Raven noticed a little pride in his eyes and smiled a little. He knew very well how to use these kinds of people, the kind who only follow and respect power and position.

"Well, the reason to come here was to address these thirty people who are going to be the Gamma team and hopefully the first Hunters too," Khan pointed his finger at the people running and then looked at Max and nodded.

"Okay, everyone, that's enough for now. You can go now and be ready tomorrow morning," Max's shout stopped all of them, like someone pulled the emergency brake, and everyone started to leave the gymnasium. When the last one left, Khan looked at Henry and continued.

"But the reason to stay here is this young man." Khan walked to Raven and put his hand around his shoulder, like a proud father or big brother.

"Who is he?"

"You know about the Alpha team's operation of killing the wild hyena in the mountains."

"Yes, they were supposed to go this morning," Henry looked at Max and Frida.

"Well, they found him in the Blackwood, and guess what? He killed six of those hyenas by himself," Khan said with a big grin.

"What? Impossible" Henry's eyes opened so wide that Max thought that they would pop out any second, He coundn't believe what he was hearing.

"The Captain and The vice-captain of the alpha team have seen it with their own eyes"

Henry looked at them and they both nodded, he then shifted his gaze to raven with eyes that have disbelief in them

"What is your level Mr."


"Yes what's your level Raven," Henry asked again

"Well before I answer your question I want to ask you a question" Raven questioned everyone present

"Who is the most powerful person in the association and what is his level"

"It would be president Khan" Henry said looking at Khan

"Yes" Emma, Frida, and Max nodded

"What's your level president?" Raven looked at Khan as a glow passed his eyes under the black shades.

[Name: Khan]

[Age: 31]

[Level: 3(3400/4000)]

[Mana: 300/300]


[Strength: 25]

[Agility: 20]

[Stamina: 18]

[Intelligence: 25]

[Defense: 18]

[Ability(s)] [Update (Intuition)]

Khan hesitated for a moment, and Raven noticed a flicker of doubt in his eyes before he answered,

"I'm going to reach level 4 in some time" Khan answered truthfully.

"And what about you as vice president you must be also near his level right?"

"Yes I have also reached level 3 and will break through level 4 in a couple of days"

Raven smiled, knowing that someone was lying and understanding how much they were lying was a very satisfying feeling, one of the best feelings he would say. He realized that the strongest person present was hiding their strength for some unknown reason, and there could be two scenarios. Firstly, this person might not be loyal to the association and could be working for someone else while hiding their true strength. Secondly, they might simply not want to draw too much attention to themselves. Although there could be other reasons, in Raven's past experiences, these two were the most common.

As everyone looked at him, waiting for his answer, Raven closed his eyes and made a decision. He then opened them and spoke

"Im level 5 and going to be level 6 soon and my basic stat was 10"

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