
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

Grader · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

The train station part 1

Lucke walked into the kitchen after coming down the stairs, followed by Ivy. He noticed the lamp on the wooden table, illuminating the entire downstairs. Luna was in the kitchen, holding two black containers with their dinner. Cleo was sitting on one of the wooden chairs. Luna handed a container to Ivy and another one to Lucke, who sat down at the wooden table. He glanced at the wooden spoon he would be using to eat and a smile appeared on his face.

However, he still couldn't accept the reality of his situation. He was truly stuck in a world of poverty.

He stared at the black container, feeling a sense of dread. He hoped it wasn't the same mashed potato-like food he had eaten the previous day. He wished for something good, even if it didn't look good, just something he could actually enjoy eating.

Slowly, he opened the container and saw the same food from the previous night. It was the same mashed potato-like food that he had forced himself to eat. His expression changed from concern to sadness. In that moment, he felt like holding back tears as he shifted his gaze to Luna, who was still standing in the kitchen.

Luna wore a smile as she spoke, "Well, you said you liked it, so I thought why not make it again? I hope you enjoy."

At that moment, Lucke realized it wasn't Emma who had made the food the previous night, but Luna.

He cursed in his head multiple times as he stared at the food in the container. Luna noticed his expression and said, "Well, aren't you going to eat? You did say you enjoyed yesterday's dinner."

Hearing that, Lucke slowly used the wooden spoon to take some of the mashed potato-like food and looked at it before shifting his gaze to Luna, who was still smiling.

He forced a smile before hastily putting the wooden spoon into his mouth and swallowing the food quickly, trying to avoid the unpleasant aftertaste.

"Oh, I guess you really do like it," Luna said with a smile. "Well, don't worry, I have plenty more here."

"Great," he replied as he continued eating, while Ivy and Cleo ate in silence, as if they had already gotten used to the aftertaste of the food.

After finishing his meal, Lucke handed the container to Emma and she entered the house to wash it. He then walked outside and admired the beautiful stars above. His gaze shifted to the moon and he stood there in shock, looking at it.

As he looked at the moon, various thoughts crossed his mind. He wondered why the moon had that particular color and what made it look that way.

Luke stared at the greenish moon, wondering how he hadn't noticed its color before. But then he thought back and realized that in his new memories of Lucke, the moon had always been that color.

A considerable amount of time passed, and Cleo and Ivy, who had been watching Lucke stare at the moon, finally spoke up.

"What on heck are you doing?" Ivy asked. "You've been standing there staring at the moon for a while. Are you okay?" Cleo looked at him with a confused expression.

"Oh, I'm fine," Lucke replied.

After that, they played the same game they had played the night before, which was hide and seek. When it was time to sleep, they went to bed.

Ivy slept on one side of the bed, facing the wall, while Lucke slept on the opposite side. Cleo slept between them, but his head was at the opposite end of the bed.


Waking up in a luxurious room filled with expensive furniture, Khan sat up in his bed. He gazed at the wall, unwilling to get up, but eventually he stood and made his way to the door of his room before leaving.

He entered the spacious corridor, feeling a bit drowsy, and noticed a wooden door on the other side.

Upon entering the room, Khan observed the various features of the bathroom in the grand mansion. There was a white sink with a mirror above it, along with a toothbrush and toothpaste on the side. He brushed his teeth at the sink before leaving and returning to his room. In his room, he opened his large wardrobe and retrieved a blue and white suit, blue shoes, and a wooden cane.

He dressed himself and left the room, walking down the corridor until he reached a door in the center. He opened the door and walked through, finding himself in the front yard of the mansion. He glanced around and saw flowers on either side, as well as large golden gates at the entrance of the yard and a carriage in front of the mansion. The carriage had golden wheels, while the exterior was white with two doors, each containing a window.

Khan entered the carriage and, after a while, the front doors of the mansion were opened. A man emerged and opened the carriage door. The man was dressed in a black and red suit, with long black hair and brown eyes. He inquired, "Where can I take you, my lord?"

Reaching under the seat of the carriage, Khan retrieved a newspaper and opened it. He replied, "Take me to Coney Train Station. I have a request from the king to attend."

Upon hearing this, the man nodded and said, "Understood, my lord." He closed the carriage door and climbed onto the front of the carriage, guiding it forward. The carriage stopped at the golden gates, which were opened by knights in golden armor standing at the side. The carriage then proceeded through the gates, traveling along the streets and passing numerous people and other carriages along the way.

Khan turned the page and noticed an interesting story.

He thought to himself, "Hmm...it seems like anyone in Kanull can become a killer." He read an article in the newspaper about the chaos in Kanull, where people were mysteriously disappearing. The only clue left behind was a symbol of a man wearing a dark cloak, holding a scythe. No one knew what his motives were, but he was definitely dangerous.

He also read about the death of Hywin and how Magret would be taking over as the new leader of the wire union family.

After finishing reading, he placed the newspaper on the red seat of the carriage. He opened the door and stepped out, finding himself in front of a large building labeled as the train station. He let out a sigh and walked towards the entrance, turning the doorknob and entering.

Inside, he noticed a crowd of people waiting at the train stop. Some were seated on wooden benches. He glanced around and saw several armed officers standing nearby. He joined the crowd, wearing a mask that covered the lower half of his face, which he had purchased for this purpose.