
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

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25 Chs

Magic part 2

Reko ran towards Lucke after seeing his calm demeanor, preparing to forcefully take the magic guide book. However, before he could touch Lucke, Lucke kicked him in the stomach, causing him to collapse to his knees and hold his stomach.

Both Ivy and Cleo wore a confused expression after seeing this.

"I can't actually give you this book," Lucke said, "because I have something important to do. But we don't have to fight over it. I can show you the symbols and incantations for the spells inside the book, and we can practice together. Doesn't that sound better than fighting?"

After saying that, Lucke looked at Ivy and continued, "Ivy, I'm sorry if he made you angry with what he said about the Red Scarlets. He has his own opinion about them, and you can't be angry at him for that. You have your own reasons to respect and believe in them."

Lucke then shifted his gaze to Cleo, who remained silent. "Cleo, thank you for being the more mature person among all four of us."

Cleo smiled briefly before returning to his normal expressionless face and taking a seat on the floor, leaning against the wall.

Reko stood up from the floor, no longer in pain, and apologized. "I'm very sorry, that won't happen again."

After that, they all sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall, maintaining silence after what had happened.

A long while passed, and Lucke realized that no one was going to speak. He opened the guide book and said, "We can start practicing spells now. Which one are you trying to learn?" He focused on Reko, who thought for a while before replying, "I would like to learn either water or plant, but I guess I'll have to choose plants for now."

Hearing that, Lucke nodded and shifted his gaze to Ivy, who said, "I would love to learn light magic so I don't have to stay in the dark room without light anymore."

"And you, Cleo?" Lucke asked.

"I don't want to learn any magic at the moment," Cleo replied, causing confusion. However, they all decided to leave the topic there. So, Lucke opened the magic guidebook and started reading.

I'm pretty sure that whoever is reading this has discovered my secret hideout. I'm not sure how you managed to find it, but good job. Just remember to start with the creation symbol first.

After reading that passage from the book, he didn't tell Cleo, Ivy, or Reko. Instead, he flipped the page and started reading out loud so they could hear.

Magic is incredibly unique and fascinating. People are born with something called "valge," or what we refer to as energy. This form of energy is drawn from the moon and any being that uses too much of it will temporarily lose the ability to cast spells or even draw symbols for spellcasting.

Additionally, when a person loses all their energy or valge, they regain it the next day after sleeping because they absorb it from the moon. The amount of energy one has changes based on the length of time they've used a spell. Also, incantation spells cannot be used without incantation, so please don't be foolish and try it.

After reading that, Lucke shifted his gaze upward and saw Reko smiling.

Oh shit, he was going to attempt that, wasn't he? You're not alone, I was considering doing the same thing.

Lucke then shifted his gaze back to the book and continued reading.

Each symbol represents a different set of spells. For example, the creation symbol grants the ability to create something from one's surroundings. As a person grows stronger and gains a better understanding of how to use this symbol, they will be able to use it more effectively in various situations.

Furthermore, you are not limited to learning only one type of magic at a time. While I don't recommend it, if you feel inclined to learn multiple types, then go ahead.

After reading that, Lucke wondered what would happen if a person learned how to use multiple types of magic from different symbols, instead of sticking to one before moving on to the other. However, as he scanned the page, he realized it didn't provide that information.

If you begin with magic and desire a method to learn faster, then try controlling your energy and focus on channeling it into your hand, gradually shifting it into something you can use to draw the symbol of the magic. This will allow your body to adapt to the magic more and more, enabling you to utilize it more effectively.

Please, I urge you not to even consider using any spells from forbidden symbols. I'm certain that if you've looked through this book, you've seen all the elemental symbols and some other symbols, but please note that the forbidden symbols are not included in this book. Do not use them.

I don't know who is reading this book, but I warn you not to use a spell from a forbidden symbol. I once had a friend who attempted to enter a different world called the mirror realm using a spell from a forbidden symbol. All forbidden symbols require certain requirements to be met in order to use them, and my friend ended up losing his life because of one of these requirements.

So, once again, please refrain from attempting to use magic from forbidden symbols.

"Ok, that's interesting," Lucke said before turning to the next page.

That should cover all the necessary information about magic, but I did indicate how long each spell takes to learn, so please take a look at that before making any decisions.

"Alright, that's all the information it provides on how to use magic," Lucke said before placing the book down on the floor.

Ivy, Cleo, and Reko moved in closer, forming a circle as they gazed at the book in the center.

Now he flipped to the first symbol on the page, which was the symbol of fire, and underneath he saw the fire spells. "Alright, none of us wants to start off with fire magic, so let me just change this," Lucke said as he flipped to the first spell symbol that Ivy wanted to learn about.

The symbol for light resembled a circle with a smaller circle at the top left and a line at the bottom. The instructions below stated to draw the large circle first, followed by the smaller circle and then the line beneath it.

After reading that, Lucke shifted his gaze from the book's page to Ivy, who closely observed it before saying, "Alright, I'll give it a try."

After mentioning that, Ivy focused on recalling the symbol and the incantation for the initial spell beneath it, which said, "Let a ball of light appear in thy hand." Lucke left the book open to that page for a little while so Ivy could remember it. However, he didn't leave it there for too long because she could simply ask him when they got home. So, he turned the page to the next one, where he found the symbol for the plant.

The symbol for plant magic was a straight vertical line with two intersecting lines in the middle. Underneath, there were the spell and incantations. The incantation stated, "Grant me the power to create seeds capable of bringing change and balance to the world: 'Sprout'."

Upon seeing this, Reko's face transformed into one of shock, as if he had seen a ghost. Then, he looked up at Lucke and said, "No, surely you don't expect me to remember this, right?"

Upon hearing that, Lucke examined the incantation and realized it wasn't something easily memorized. So, he shifted his gaze to Reko and replied, "Well, this was your choice, not mine."