
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

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Chaos in Kanull part 3

Khan strolled down the castle corridors, passing by numerous knights in shiny golden armor, each carrying a sword. The armor, made of gold and a magical substance called Linux, provided enhanced durability and protection against bullets and fire. It was perfect for guarding the king himself.

Khan continued walking, his anger evident as he ignored the knights without saying a word. Finally, he reached the massive golden doors of the king's throne room. Pushing them open, he entered the grand room where King Alexander sat on the throne, flanked by the two knights in golden armor.

The king and the knights noticed Khan's heavy breathing and angry expression, with tear marks on his face. The king asked, "What's the problem, brother?"

Khan replied, "What's the problem? You sit here on your golden throne while our kingdom burns because of those damn red scarlets!"

The king inquired, "What do you mean?"

Just then, the king's attention was drawn to the slowly opening golden gates. A man wearing golden armor entered the throne room.

"Michael? Why are you here?" Khan turned to Michael, who quickly approached him.

"Were you able to check on Amori?" Khan asked with concern.

"Yes, she's okay," Michael replied before bowing to the king. "Your majesty, I bring terrible news. The kingdom is in chaos. We've been attacked by the red scarlets."

"What? How did this happen?"

"They attacked the Navant Bank, a train filled with people, children, the Nemant Church, and the Llightline School. They caused chaos and many people have been killed," Michael explained.

"What? How could this happen?"

Khan clenched his fist in anger and said, "Magret, she is responsible for this. She helped them. I saw the boy with the bomb carrying an envelope with her name on it."

"Damn it!" Alexander shouted, slamming his fist against his leg.

"What should I do, Sir?" Michael asked, looking up at King Alexander.

Alexander sighed and replied, "We must execute our plan in case something like this were to happen. As many knights and officers as possible should enter the Kingdom of Kanull. We have to put an end to them. There can be no peace as long as they exist."

He turned to Khan and said, "Khan, you can seek help from the New Order and the Secret Assassination Association to find them. I, as the king, will do what I must. I will assist the people who have suffered from this incident."

"Deliver this message to my wife and ensure she and Amori are protected by as many guards as possible. We don't know how far they are willing to go," Alexander instructed.

What about Magret? As the leader of the wire union family, she now holds influence and I am now certain that she is the main source of our problems. I am now certain that she is the main problem, the one assisting the red scarlets. But there is one issue that concerns me, brother.

What is it?

Why would they attack? Why would they cause all this chaos? Why not live in peace? I am sure the people of Kanull do not want a war. Are they no longer acting on behalf of their people?

Khan sighed as he said this and said, "I am truly angered by this act, but it feels as if they have planned this out. It seems like they want us to attack Kanull."

Before I left the train, I heard the boy with the bomb saying, "when you step into Kanull, you unleash the monsters within it." They are up to something, but they must pay for their chaos. We will no longer allow them to have their way. It is time to put the Red scarlets in their place.

"Alright, your majesty, I will ensure that the queen receives the message. I will also send some knights to her and the princess's side. Additionally, I will send the necessary amount of knights and officers to Kanull and find the red scarlets," Michael says as he stood up.

King Alexander nodded, and Michael placed his hand against his chest and bowed before leaving the throne room.

"You should have listened to me, brother. This wouldn't have happened if you had. We could have hunted them down with the help of the knights and officers, along with the New Order and the Secret Assassination Association. You know that, right?" Khan says.

Alexander sighs and stands up from his golden throne. "Well, we can only act now and quickly. The situation with Magret, I will solve this problem myself. Focus on finding the red scarlets. We must not allow them to go into hiding. Do not allow word to spread to brother Romare yet, and if it does, convince him that I am handling the situation. Having him involved will only make this situation worse."

"Alright, I will take my leave," Khan says as he exits the throne room through the two large golden doors and heads down the corridor…..

On her balcony in the grand mansion of the royal family, Amori stood at the railing where she could see the dark smoke rising into the air from the explosion that happened at five different locations. This sight immediately made her afraid and reminded her of the war that happened five years ago, when the war started between the humans of Kanull and her people.

She could hear people screaming and see many soldiers running towards the smoke.

Father, you always warn me about the humans of Kanull. Now I'm sure that they're not the problem. The problem is the red scarlets who always try to start a war or rebellion.

She sighs and draws the symbol for fire magic and whispers the incantation, allowing a small ball of fire to appear in the palm of her hand. She gazes at the ball of fire as she thinks.

I wish I was stronger, strong enough to protect my people and not hide behind the walls of this house while the soldiers are out there helping the people and dealing with the problem. These are the times when I dislike being the princess and wish I had the freedom to help the people of my kingdom, even the people of Kanull.

It's because we don't share our technology with them and put many restrictions on them that they become so cruel and attack us. I don't understand, father. I don't understand my ancestors.


Both Khan and Micheal left the king's castle. One of them went to a red telephone box, while the other chose to take a carriage to the mansion of the royal family where the queen and princess Amori resided.