
Making You All Mine

Caleb Johnson, the Governor's 19-year-old son is abducted by a local Drug lord. The state is in a frenzy looking for the young man. When Detective Issac Smith, an undercover agent, gets intel he does everything he can to free the boy without having his cover blown. The situation shifts and his under-cover persona rapes Caleb Johnson. Can Caleb forgive him? Can Detective Smith forgive himself for crossing a line he didn't have to cross, a line he chose to cross? WARNING- This story contains a detailed depiction of rape. Do not read if this offends you or causes trauma please do not read or read at your discretion.

CF_Yamako · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Finding Caleb


WARNING- This story contains a detailed depiction of rape. Do not read if this offends you or causes trauma please do not read or read at your discretion.

WARNING -This story also contains sexual situations between two males. If this offends you please do not read it.

WARNING - This story is set in an urban setting with predominately Black/African American characters such characters will use explicit language such as the N-word. If this offends you please don't read.

The place smelled of sweat, sex, and crack cocaine. Caleb Johnson didn't know how he ended up in this situation. He was walking back to his apartment from campus when men in a black SUV pulled up on him and grabbed him. He tried to fight back but they knocked his ass out cold. He woke up chained to a bed. Caleb tried to pull himself free but his restraints wouldn't move. The room was dimly lit and the walls were a yellow color, stained from all the nicotine and the crack cocaine. that was cooked and smoked in the house. Caleb coughed as he inhaled the toxic smoke that was in the air. He wasn't use to the smell. He really didn't know what was going on and why he had been taken. He was a junior at Lexington University majoring in Aerospace Engineering. His father was the Governor of Michigan. The first black Governor of Michigan. Caleb had tried his best to rise to his father's standards. The old man never seemed satisfied.

"Where am I?" He yelled as he continued to pull on the restraints.

"Help," he screamed. Two men burst into the room. They had guns and wore baggy jeans and oversized T-shirt's.

"I'm gonna need you to stop screaming kid, it's fucking with my clientele." The guy said annoyed.

"Let me go," Caleb yelled. "I can get you money." He offered.

"Please," Caleb begged. "Just let me go."

Another man came into the room he held a syringe in his hand.

"Please shut him the fuck up." The shorter guy said clearly pissed off. The other man with the syringe grabbed Caleb's arms injecting him with a drug. Caleb's body felt weird. He felt hot then cold. His body went limp as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"That's a good boy." The man with the syringe said as he laid Caleb back on the bed. He brushed the curly strands from his face. He was cute.

"Hey, Mark, don't go getting no fag ideas my friend.

Mark smirked, " Fuck you." He said to Demonte, his boss.

"Don't fuck my merchandise. I need him intact and untouched…might have to sell his little privileged ass. If his daddy don't comply. Demonte explained to Mark who continued to stare at the boy.

"Mark," Demonte warned. "Don't fuck him." He emphasized. "Keep him drugged and most importantly quiet. They had a whole trap house to run and didn't need any interruptions.

"Yes boss" Mark agreed.

Mark was tall and different from the others. He was gentle. He wiped Calebs brow as the young man began to sweat profusely. Mark had kind brown eyes. His dark skin glistening in the hot air.

"Please." Caleb whispered. His body weird. Caleb wasn't a drug user so this experience was no joke. He could barely move his head. Days turned into a week. Mark kept him pumped full of drugs. Mark would also feed him soup but Caleb could barely eat. The drugs made him nauseous and sick.

They hadn't hurt him at this point. Caleb figured his parents were probably looking for him. He was probably on the news 24 hours a day.

Caleb's eyes rolled back as Mark gave him another shot this time he was out cold.


Max and his crew pulled in front of the Apartment complex owned by Demonte. Apartment building C was a drug house. Everyone in the complex knew but folks minded their own business. "Snitches get stitches," was the saying and motto people around here lived by.

Demonte said he had some new merchandise he was sure Max would want to taste and take off his hands. Word on the street was that Demonte and his crew were also involved in the disappearance of the governor's son. So Max couldn't pass up an opportunity to see or at least find out more information.

Max walked into Apartment C. Before you could even get inside the place Demonte had a crazy amount of security set up like it was a fucking TSA checkpoint.

They made Max remove his guns and took his cell phone. It wasn't like he could use his cellphone, Demonte's team had jammed cell signals. Max was impressed. Criminals like Demonte weren't always the most sophisticated.

Max walked through the drug house. People were laid out, high out of their minds. The place smelled and the smoke was thick in the air.

They lead him to a room where Demonte and Mark was. The room was clean and the air was clear. There were TV monitors on the wall mostly all showing CCTV footage around and inside the complex. Demonte was shorter than Mark but he was muscular he was dark-skinned with a wide nose full lips and a bald head. He reminded Max of the comic actor Terry Crews.

"My man." Demonte stood up the two shook hands doing the one-hand hug that men do.

"What's good," Max said eying Mark. Mark was tall and lanky he had a smart look about him. He carried himself differently from the others. It wasn't something Max could explain to an outsider but if you were in the room you would see it. Mark had a face like a model. He was attractive. His brown skin was smooth like peanut butter. Mark had brown eyes that were sneaky and conniving. He had a flat nose and wide lips that reminded Max of the singer Usher.

"I got something that I thought might interest you or your cousin in chi town. I know he got a lot of contacts and he do trafficking and shit so.." Demonte trailed off.

Mark stepped in handing Max the iPad with a picture of Caleb on it.

"Is this th-?" Max said recognizing Caleb.

"Yes, the governors son." Mark snapped.

"Chill," Demonte told his right hand man. "It's getting to hot and his dad ain't cooperating. So take him off my hands for a measly 250.

"250." Max pondered. I don't know it's expensive especially when folks got his ass on the news 24 hours a day.

"See I told you." Mark said in doubt. Max eyed Mark who was annoying.

"I mean we can take him." Max explained but we may want some extra product too.

"What?" Mark said annoyed. " you ain't getting no product for free. He snapped. "Do you even like boys?" Mark asked eyeing Max suspiciously. He didn't even allow Max to respond before firing another question.

"Why you so adamant to get this boy?" Mark asked suspiciously.

"You haven't even seen him, inspected him, or even fucked him. Mark explained. "You don't know shit about him so why you so interested? Huh? Mark asked. "I mean your cousin trafficked women. So why you want this boy? Mark said crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't like Max.

"If you would have given me time to talk I was gonna tell you that I like boys and women too. Max explained. Not that it's your fucking business. Max said stepping close to Mark. He wasn't scared of Demonte's little pip squeak.

Demonte pushed Mark to sit down. "Calm down you just mad I'm giving your toy away.

Mark glared at Max. "We can't trust him. He just saying anything."

Look I don't have to lie about me… Max spat at Mark. His tone aggressive. He was showing dominance. He only needed to win Demonte's approval. Mark was a non factor.

Just because I ain't no fag like you don't mean I'm lying." Max shrugged.

"Who the fuck you calling a fag?" Mark yelled he was ready to square off against Max.

"Gentleman," Demonte spoke calmly annoyed by this petty bullshit. He had bigger things to do and more important initiatives to over see. He needed to get rid of this fucking kid. Since the Governor didn't want to play buy his rules he'd give him a taste of his own medicine.

"I can prove I like boys." Max smiled at Mark. "Let me fuck him. Prove to you I am what I say I am. Max smirked at Mark. He said something bold. He knew Demonte wouldn't go along with it.

"I don't know about that shit." Demonte said "It's not necessary."

"Hold up." Mark spoke.

"No, let him." Mark frowned not trusting Max. " He's bluffing. If you can actually fuck him you can take him. Mark smirked.

Max chuckled. If I didn't know any better I'd think you had a crush on me….you mad because I won't fuck you.

Demonte chuckled at Max's comment. He liked Max.

Caleb had been out for another two or three days.

When he awoke he heard a new voice.

"So this is him?" The man said.

"Obviously," Mark spat at Max. He didn't even trust him. He had always felt like Max was a snitch and didn't know why Demonte liked him. Supposedly Max cousin was a boss back in Chicago but Mark hadn't verified that shit yet and hadn't gotten really any intel on the mutherfucker. So he was really suspicious of the new comer.

Max looked around the room trying not to be so obvious. He saw the camera on the wall watching him. He was dressed in his jeans and a gray fitted t-shirt which showed off his sculpted chest and ripped arms. He was 6'2 190Ib, fit and handsome. If Mark hadn't been so suspicious of Max he'd let Max fuck him because the mutherfucker was sexy. His black hair was braided back with stubble on his face like he hadn't shaved in weeks. He had brown skin like milk chocolate. His light brown eyes were intense as he looked at Mark. He knew Mark was suspicious as he should be. You can't trust anyone in this game.

Mark was really the odd one. He was actually quite intelligent. It was a shame that he was doing this shit. Mark was a fucking pharmacist a real pharmacist. He had graduated from university and shit, so why did he come back here? Why did the streets claim him?

"Nigga, I don't like you." Mark said pissed. "If I find out you up to something best believe imma tell Demonte. So he can smoke yo ass."

Max laughed hearing Mark get semi-gangster was hilarious. Hearing Mark use the n-word is even more hilarious and out of place.. was he really getting to Mark. Or was it the boy that Mark wanted it was agitating him that he couldn't hit.

"You're lucky Demonte needs your egghead ass to cook these drugs but when I find your fucking replacement best believe one to the head, you bitch ass nigga." Max said with confidence and conviction as he pressed his fingers in the middle of Mark's head making him take a step back.

"Get the fuck out of here." Max said " let me enjoy him in peace or do you wanna watch me fuck." He asked as he walked over toward the bed. Max chuckled. "I bet you do want to watch me fuck em, don't you? Max teased.

Mark watched in horror as Max roughly touched Caleb's angelic face.

Just because Max had all that money from his cousin, the drug lord in Chicago, or wherever he got the money from. Didn't mean they should have given him to any old savage. Caleb was delicate. The kid came from a good family. He was in pristine condition with a good pedigree. This wasn't your average trafficking situation. They could have found a more suitable buyer but Demonte said it was getting too hot and Mark lost his shit in the heat of the moment. He had to give Caleb away because they didn't want the smoke. Caleb's dad, the governor, wasn't bargaining with them as they thought he would. The man was ruthless too. The man said Demonte and his crew could kill his son just as long as they sent the body back to him in "decent condition" so he could have an open-casket funeral. The governor promised he would hunt them down and give them the death penalty if convicted. The governor was quite frankly something Demonte hadn't counted on when they took his son. They thought they could use Caleb as leverage to play politics with. They had miscalculated greatly.

"What did you drug him with?" Max asked seeing that Caleb was limp to his touch.

"Heroin," Mark said. He should be coming down though.

"I don't want him unresponsive," Max said.

"Here." Mark said filling a syringe with a small amount of liquid before injecting Caleb.

"He will come around," Mark said as he watched Max brush Caleb's curls from his face. Max took the young man's beauty in. The governor's son was handsome. He looked younger than 19 years old. The kid had fair skin for a black boy, curly locks that were full and hung low to his shoulders. Caleb had a lot of hair reminding Max of a lion's mane. His lips full and luscious, slightly pink with high cheek bones and a wide nose that fit his face. He could be a model. He was gorgeous. Max could definitely see the kid on a Ralph Lauren ad.

Those grey eyes opened meeting brown ones.

Caleb's eyes widen seeing the new man whose face was very close to him. He gasped in fear trying to move. "Please." He started to beg feeling fear overtake him. "Don't k-" Caleb tried to say.

"Shh," Max cooed him as he leaned in kissing those lips.

"Hmm." Max moaned pulling back to look into those eyes but also so he could fuck with Mark, who was seething all because Max had taken his toy. Max wanted to laugh but he couldn't break character. Max had to admit Mark's toy was a beautiful little thing.

"Get out." Max growled he pulled his gray shirt over his head revealing his massive toned and ripped torso. He undid his belt as he crawled on top of Caleb who began to cry too weak to fight back.

"Please," Caleb begged as Max undressed him. "Don't" he said as Max opened his shirt while he pulled Caleb's jeans off leaving him only in his back boxers, which hugged his body like a glove.

Max took Caleb's boxers off his body. He took in his nude form. "Not bad." He said as he scanned over the youthful body that lay before him. He wasn't too thin but thin enough, he no doubt worked out, an athlete probably. Max deduced seeing Caleb's abs which were well formed and his thighs tight. His body unmarked or scarred just how Max liked, smooth beautiful skin.

Max's dick throbbed as he looked at the young man on the bed.

He unzipped his pants as he kissed Calebs lips again. "Calm down so I don't have to hurt you, pretty boy." He said softly his baritone voice deep and rough.

He moved closer to the boy placing his crotch in Calebs face as he pulled his hard dick from his boxers stroking himself slowly.

Caleb pulled against the restraints in desperation. "No." He whined.

Caleb's eyes widen as the man's warm dick touched his lips. The man forced him to open his mouth. His dark brown cock was very large and thick. The veins flexing as he pushed towards Caleb's mouth. Max was like the definition of a Mandingo. Caleb began to tremble as he realize what was happening, tears streamed down Calebs face as Max forced himself inside Calebs mouth.

Caleb gagged and coughed. He wasn't use to this abuse.

"Suck." Max coached him. His hand firmly holding Caleb's head in place his fingers firmly wrapped around Caleb's soft coils.

Caleb just let Max move in and out of his mouth. Saliva dripping out of his mouth as he tried afraid of making the man angry.

"I need to feel your tongue," Max whispered his eyes closed as he enjoyed the fellatio.

Caleb tried to comply he tried to move his tongue around. He could faintly taste semen and he wanted to vomit. Caleb could smell Max's cologne each time his face got closer to his groin. At least Max had showered and he wasn't sucking a dirty dick. Caleb's jaw began to get sore as Max grew harder in his mouth. He hoped that if he complied it would be over fast.

Max pulled his dick from Caleb's mouth.

"You did good." Max praised him. "Nothing a little practice can't polish," Max smirked as he pushed Calebs onto the bed.

"Wait." Caleb gasped as he lay naked. Max licked his lips as he lay on Caleb. His body weight subduing him. Max kissed Caleb's lips once more then he licked up the left side of Caleb's face looking into the security cameras. He knew Mark was watching him. He knew Mark wanted the boy he also knew Mark wanted to humiliate him and expose his secret but Max was better than Mark.

Max gently kissed down Caleb's body exploring for his own curiosity. Using his tongue he licked on Caleb's nipples biting them making Caleb gasp in shock. His reaction turning Max on even more.

Max dipped his fingers in the oil near the side of the bed. Inserting his finger inside of Caleb who thrashed around trying to get free.

"Please don't." He cried as tears streamed down his face. Those grey eyes were full of sorrow."Please don't," he begged."

Max was gonna lose his erection looking into those sorrow-filled eyes so he flipped Calebs over onto his stomach. He couldn't look at him and do this. No matter how turned on he was hearing the boy plead and cry tapped at his soul. Max turned his attention to Caleb's beautiful ass. Max roughly grabbed handfuls of Caleb's ass stroking himself once more before he parted Caleb's ass cheeks.

Calebs felt Max at his entrance. "Stop." He screamed. "No." He cried as Max began forcing himself inside.

Max pushed the boy's head into the mattress muffling his cries. He knew he was hurting him. His ass was tight and he was getting some resistance. Max was going as slow as he could trying not to tear him. By the way, it felt, he knew that this ass had never had a dick in it before. He was definitely the first.

"You're so tight, pretty boy," Max whispered.

Max thrust the last of himself inside feeling Calebs go limp. Caleb's hole was tight around his dick. He felt like he couldn't fuck him like he would normally because it would hurt the kid. Not to brag but Max knew he had a big dick. Caleb lay there as tears streamed on their own down his face onto the mattress. He gripped the bed holding on for dear life.

It hurt like hell as Max pounded into him. He could hear the older man moan in ecstasy.

"You feel so good." He grunted in his ear. "A little more." He whispered very low as he continued to hump the younger male under him.

Max hated to admit to himself but he was gonna nut, without even forcing himself. He would usually think of some shit in his mind but Caleb turned him on. The boy was beautiful. His ass was nice to look at. His face, those lips….

"Pretty boy," Max moaned as he reached his peak and exploded into Caleb's ass. Max collapsed on top of Caleb as his orgasm ran through his body.

Caleb could feel Max shake as he blew his warm breath against his neck as he recovered. Max realized he was probably suffocating Caleb so he got off of him. He stood up, zipping up his pants, fastening his belt, and putting his shirt on.

Caleb continued to lay on the bed face down. He didn't move. He was still in shock.

Max grabbed a plaid red and black blanket from the left side of the room he draped it over Caleb. He ran his fingers through the boy's hair and kissed him on the forehead making Caleb cry some more.

Caleb heard the door close as Max left.

Caleb pulled at his restraints he had to find a way out of this place.