
Meeting God

Over the Pacific Ocean a massive hurricane formed threatening all the neighboring countries. News outlets all over the world are reporting with a copy and past scrips, "a massive hurricane is threatening to wipe out Australia. Warning have been issued and a massive evacuation has been set in place."

Soon after earthquake shook the world as a new content formed in the shape of a perfect circle a few hounded miles off Australia.

A massive red ring slowly rotated above the island creating a vortex in the middle of the island. Slowly a man in all black and red walks out. The magic ring disappeared and massive skull black skull took up 1/4th of the island.

A few hours the hurricane disappeared. Hundreds of helicopters soon started to explore the island.

American soldiers were the first to reach the area. On contact the first to touch the ground completely disappeared causing a panic.

The rest of the helicopters didn't land. As they explored they came across the skull. Anyone who got too close to the skull would hear a voice. A few solders recorded their findings on a phone. Surprisingly the phone picked up on the voice. Soon the video had billions of views. The voice called out gently, "Submit to your god."

I remember reading a story years ago were the comments were the best part about the chapters. I learned the best jokes I’ve ever heard from those comments.

ViciousReturnscreators' thoughts
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