
Made in Ohio Realm

A novel based on a discord server's lore set in a fantasy setting.

SoraTheKami · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 6: The way out?

The zone

Forest Area

Woops and Sigu are walking in an unknown direction.

"..." Woops is looking a bit depressed.

"What's wrong?" Sigu asked curiously


"I am so weak."


Woops is looking down at the ground and stopped walking.

"I cannot marry Milkyray like this."

"I am sure that other powerful creatures are wanting to marry her just the same way I do."




Sigu is trying to console Woops.

"Woops... How about you watch monkey porn instead and forget about those femboys?"

"Are you fucking craz-"

Before Woops can finish his sentence.

He can feel some sort of pain in his chest.

"WOOPS!!!!" Sigu screamed out.

"H- Huh?"

Woops looks down and sees some sort of metal claw coming of out his chest.

"HaHaHA! You didn't expect that, do you? Femboy addict."

The Spider penetrates Woops' chest with his claws.

"Since you want to get penetrated by a femboy."


Woops now is having a claw in his chest.

Sigu doesn't waste any time and spawns his stone spear immediately and rushes toward the spider.

"GET FUCKED!!!!" Sigu cries out.

"Sigu, is it? I advise you to stop immediately or else I am going to cut this gay ass's head clean off."

Sigu stopped his rush.



"What a dumb decision, You can keep rushing forwards because this gay ass is going to bleed out and fucking die anyways, You retard."

"or You just don't want to see your friend here getting his head flown off? You fucking pussy."

Sigu doesn't say anything and just stares at Woops.

"Oh? Are you worried about this homo fuck? Don't worry, I will send you both to Satan together."

Sigu opens his mouth and asks.

"Didn't you die?..."

"I did, But I simply just revived myself."


"Are you fucking serious? I ripped you apart with my hands, so how the HELL DID YOU REVIVED?!"

The Spider doesn't answer the question and simply just looks up at the sky.

"It is a beautiful sky out here."

"Femboy fucker are dying."

"Monkeys are crying."

"On a day like this..."

"A Retard like you."

"Should get fucked and die."

A Figure appeared behind Sigu.

It lunges its claw forward trying to penetrate Sigu just like it did with Woops.


Sigu grabbed the claw and immediately breaks it apart.

Sigu then spawns his stone spear and pierces the body (?) of the spider.

"Oh. You did quite well against my clone."

"I guess it is not that easy to kill you after all."

The Spider then moved the claw that was holding Woops' body up in the sky.

"I will slam this bitch into the ground then."

The Spider then tries to do what he said.



Sigu said in a low voice.

Spider hears it and got curious.

"Huh? The fuck yo-"

Before the spider could even react.

He sees an iron spear lunge at his face.


The spear hits exactly on the spider's head.

The power of the spear was so immense that it erase the entire head of the spider and the wind it creates is so intense that it destroys hundreds of trees behind it. The only thing left was the lifeless body of the spider.

"You leave me no choice."

Sigu right now is wearing some sort of black Heavy Armour while holding an Iron spear that looks like it could even pierce heaven.

Sigu then immediately de-transforms and goes straight to where Woops was lying down.

Woops right now is in a critical condition.

He only survived because the claw of the spider's claw was blocking most of the blood to come out.


Woops did not respond.



"It is my responsibility to not unleash my power and save you sooner."

Sigu then pulls up the sleeves of Woops

The Ohio mark is visible.

"I guess I have to do it."

Sigu then spawns his stone spear.

He then slices his finger open to let the blood drip out.

He then hovers his bleeding finger over the Ohio Mark.

"I shall share my life force with you."

This is what you called an "Ohioanslation"

It is a process of an Ohioan willing to share their life force and power with a Non-Ohioan.

The blood drops into the Mark of Ohio and it lights up.

A yellow light is shining from the mark.

A strange voice can be heard.



2 Days later.

Sigu is in his [TAKE OVER] form and is running and destroying everything in his path.

He has been running for 2 days straight without resting while carrying Woops.

"a... AGHHHHH" Woops seem to have woken up.

Sigu stopped running.



"Huh? Where is this and..."


Woops doesn't seem to recognize Sigu in this state.

"It is me."

"... Sigu?"


"Is this some sort of ability of yours too?"


"Haha, Well."

"I guess you saved my ass for the 3th times."

"But how did I survived? I thought I got donuted by that ugly bitch."

"Take a look at your mark."

"My mark? You mean the Mark of Ohio?"

"Woops pulls up his sleeve and check his Mark out."

"Huh? Why is it glowing yellow? It looks kinda weird."

"Well, That is how I saved you, I do the "Ohioanslation" on you while you was out."

"Uh. You meant the shit that Ohioan do with Non-Ohioan to shares their power with?"


"Oh. I see now.

"Thanks, Sigu."

"Don't mention it."

Sigu continue his rampage on the forest to try and find the exit.

Another 5 days has passed.

Sigu still keep running while carrying Woops without sleeping or eat anything at all.

All he have in mind right now is to get out of the forest safely before the spider or any other creatures finds him and Woops.

Woops has slept like 4-5 times throughout the rampage.



After the continuous rampage and running.

Sigu see some sort of ligh ahead of him.

That seems to be the way out?

"Woops, Wake up, I think we have reached the exit of this damn forest."


They both run towards the way out.

But they did not know that there is an old friend waiting for them exactly at that spot.

"I guess a prey have been caught in my web..."

"I can finally go all out now that I am here for real."

"This will be the end of that monkey and femboy addict."

"I will eat them and absorbs their powers, Just like I did with that guy."


"Sigu and Woops have finally reaches the light.

And they see an old friend.

Woops realized who that old friend was and said.

"Prepare yourself Sigu, We are gonna do what they called a pro "Australian" moves."

"Yessir." Sigu immediately go into his full [TAKE OVER] form.

And now that Sigu has made an "Ohioanslation" with Woops.

He has gained some boost on his physical strength and speed.

Enough to tank some attacks of an Ohioan.

The spider noticed both of them and said.

"You are on my web."

"And both of you are going to get FUCKED!"

This will be the final showdown against the spider.

One side will definitely get fucked and died.


The White Space

"Both of them are dying to the spider for sure."

"I know my abilities well, Even though that spider still doesn't know how to utilize its to the best extent, Its basic abilities are just overpowered and unfair." Said The Ohio Final Boss sitting down arm-crossed.

"Don't underestimate them just like how you underestimate me, Retard." CFAD replied.

"Fuck you, Let's just watch things plays out and see the outcome."

"You meant wait for things play out and embarrassed yourself?"

"What is wrong with you? I thought you are a gOd, Why are you speaking so damn indecent?"

"I simply just mimic how the general humans speaks."

"Oh well, Modernity it is." Ohio Final Boss said without knowing what he actually said.

"..." CFAD stay quiet after hearing that.

"What's wrong?" Ohio Final Boss is confused by how CFAD reacts.


"Is that so? How weird."
