

The story is about a young man from an impoverished background who fell in love with a billionaire daughter but couldn't make her his due to his background...

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23 Chs

Chapter 17

Alex's friends did what they were told to do and shielded the entrance preventing Jason from going out of the hall. Seeing that Alex was trying to cause another problem, Jason quickly turned to him and said with a frown on his face.

"why are you doing all this, causing trouble will not benefit you in any way". 

Alex's mouth twitched to what Jason just said before replying to his question with pride.

 "The reason why I am doing this is quite simple, I want to teach you a lesson that you will never forget in your life. You need to know your place Jason".

"You are forgetting something" said Jason while looking at Alex coldly.

"And what could that be?" asked Alex while smiling.

"This is not your home where you can do all you want without caring if you're going to be implicated" replied Jason.

Hearing what Jason said makes Alex laugh out loud and his friends also follow suit. After laughing for a while Alex almost feels his stomach hurt from laughing and he had to calm himself down before saying to Jason.

"Just because it's not my home does not mean that I will not be able to beat you black and blue until these morons you called friends will not be able to recognize you when I am done with you".

Before Alex could make any move on Jason though, Mr. Edward came in to call Mary only to see some group of kids ganging up against a kid that he is quite fond of and could not help but ask.

"and what the hell is going on here"?

Seeing that a teacher is trying to interfere in their dealings, Alex was just about to tell Mr. Edward that they were just having a chat about their examination but he was a little slower than Max who quickly replied with a worried look.

"sir Jason was just about to go out to play with us before he was blocked by Alex and his friends from going out and it seems like they are here to cause trouble".

Hearing that Alex and his friends were just trying to pick a fight with Jason while they were supposed to think of how they could prepare themselves for the upcoming examination makes Mr. Edward furious and he glare at them and yelled at them to get out of his sight before he gives them something to do that will make them busy since they don't have anything important to do other than to cause trouble. 

Left with no other choice, Alex quickly lead his friends and left the hall together but before leaving Alex turned to look at Jason in anger before shifting his gaze to look at Max who just helps Jason to escape from his grip and just nodded to him before finally leaving the hall with his friends to play at the playground. Meanwhile, after Alex and his friends left the hall, Jason let out a breath of relief before turning to face Mr. Edward and thank him for helping him out from the troublesome riches which Mr. Edward just smiled in return and just gave him a little advice before looking around the hall once again and call out Mary to whom replied and follow the teacher to his office. After Mr. Edward left the hall, Max, Jason, and the others ran to him and asked him about how he was feeling to which he just replied casually as if nothing had happened.

"This is what we meant when we say you should stay away from Alex and his friends thankfully Mr. Edward came on time this time around else, God knows what they could have done to you" said Anna who continuously play with her fingers while advising Jason as she saw the way he was acting as if nothing has happened and reminded him of their warning.

"Well is not something serious so you don't need to worry yourself about it" said Jason with a slight smile on his face.

"How can you say it is not a serious matter when you were almost beaten up if not for Mr. Edward" said Elizabeth.

"I said it okay guys, I'm not afraid of him since it's not his home, he cannot do anything other than uttering nonsense from his stinky mouth" replied Jason who was already getting irritated by their words and had to cut them off.

Seeing the way his best friend was still not understanding what the rest were trying to say and was not taking the matter seriously, Max shook his head helplessly before saying to him.

"hey buddy what they are trying to say is that though this is not his home does not mean that he could not have you beaten in fact he will and when the school gets to know of it, he will deny ever laying his hands on you and he had a lot of friends that could support him unlike you who had little few friends".

When Jason heard what Max just said, he could not help but grumble before giving in to their advice, although he's acting like he did not care about Alex but deep down in his heart he was on the verge of running away. When they saw that Max had already knocked some sense into the dummy head, Larry sighs in relief before reminding him to stay clear from Alex and his friends before they go out to play in the playground. 

They played for some time before the school bell rang for the kids to go back to their hall and that playtime was over. After going back to their hall Jason was just about to sit down but before he could sit, Alex who was sitting at the back tore a piece of paper from his notebook and divided it into a smaller size before folding it and putting it in his mouth to cloth the folded paper with his saliva before bringing it out of his mouth and suck it into a straw and aim the straw at Jason before shooting it at him. 

After sitting down Jason was just about rest his head on his desk since there is no teacher in the hall to conduct lesson but before he could, he was hit by something wet and stinky and he had to reach out his hand to take it out and look at what it only to see a folded paper that was cover in saliva and he could not help but turn to look at where it came from only to see Alex laughing at him.

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