
Lustful Adventure in Pokemon World

Oliver was just an ordinary kid, dreaming of becoming a powerful Pokemon trainer. But all of that changed when he was killed in a hit-and-run accident. As he lay dying in the hospital, he was visited by an angel named Seraphina who offered him a chance at a new life. She transformed him into a handsome boy and sent him on a journey to become the greatest Pokemon trainer in the world. But as an orphan with no money, Oliver quickly realized that his dreams were out of reach - until he was approached by a mysterious organization that promised to make him a trainer to be reckoned with. Desperate for a chance at greatness, Oliver joined the organization and began his training in earnest. Before he knew it, he started to get everything he want. Money, fame and Harem. He became not only a good trainer but also one of the celebrity in Hoenn. Join Oliver in his Lustful Journey to become the most famous person in the pokemon World. [Note: The cover photo is not mine. If it is yours, do let me know. One last thing, I can't guarantee that I would be able to finish it. But I will try hard to finish It.] [This novel is in break. I will start uploading again once I finished writing another volume.]

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38 Chs

Letter From The Shadow

[Installation complete.]

[Welcome. I am Noa, a system. I will guide you through your adventure.]


I heard some mechanical voice. It was a girly voice though. What's going on? Or rather, where am I?

I can see a transparent screen. What's going on? Wait, what was I doing again?

There are two memories inside me.

Wait, let's think slowly about it.

I remember that I was transmigrated by an angel to a pokemon world. The body I am reside in is called Oliver. He is an orphan.

This is a Pokemon world as the angel told me. But it's a bit different from the world I know. In this world becoming a Pokemon trainer is just a foolish dream of some people. It costs a lot to even get a starter pokemon let alone becoming a proper trainer. A person can only get a trainer card from government authorised some special professors and believe me, it's not free.

Pokemons are a lot violent then you can ever think. They are just like the regular monsters in isekai animes. Every year, a lot of people die just getting caught up in their attack.

I am right now is in Rustboro city. It's one of the largest city in Hoenn. I, Oliver, had a dream to become a Pokemon trainer. But as an orphan, it's just a mere dream. No one will give me a Pokemon let alone trainer card. So, after getting out of the orphanage, I was able to get a job in a local restaurant. To be honest, finding job is also hard for an orphan as no one is interested to give a job to an orphan. But I was lucky in that case. Because of my handsome look, I was able to get this job. No, I am not a narcissist, I am telling you the truth.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. My black hair was styled perfectly, falling effortlessly over my forehead and framing my face. I knew that it was one of my best features - thick and luscious, with a natural sheen that caught the light just right.

But it wasn't just my hair that made me feel confident in my appearance. My facial features were symmetrical and well-proportioned, with chiseled cheekbones that gave me a defined and handsome look. My eyes were a deep brown, with a piercing intensity that seemed to draw people in.

Despite my height being slightly on the shorter side, I had a lean and muscular build that I worked hard to maintain. I had always been athletic, playing sports and working out regularly to keep my body in shape. And it showed - my toned arms and chest were visible even beneath my shirt.

All in all, I was happy with the way I looked. I knew that I wasn't perfect, but I had learned to embrace my flaws and appreciate the things that made me unique. And as I left the house that day, I felt confident in my black-haired, handsome appearance

Ah, the transparent screen is still out there.

Thanks, Noa. I will be in your care from now on.


Saying that the transparent screen vanished.

Wait, what time it is?

I looked at the clock. It's says that it is already 9:30 AM.

"What the hell, I am late." Saying that I hurriedly wore my clothes and got out of the small one person room.

"A letter?"

While locking the door, I saw a letter fell from my pocket. When did I put it in?

I looked inside the letter out of curiosity. There was something stupid written in it.

[ "Below the glitz and glamour lies, A secret place for those who prize, The power that can shape the land, And hold the future in their hand.

Find me where the chandeliers, Give way to darkness and to fears, And in the depths beneath the light, You'll find the treasure shining bright."

- The Shadow.]

"The Shadow? What is it? I kinda feel like I have heard about it. Wait, it's not the time for that, I have to hurry." Saying that, I started running toward my the restaurant I am working.

On my way, I have seen a lot pokemon. It really looks so realistic. They are really beautiful. I do kinda want to touch them.

I even saw a guy with Chimchar.

I really like Chimchar. I wish I could have one.

By the way, Starter Pokemon's are really rare. They are guaranteed to become powerful not like any other common pokemon, so I kinda want at least one of them. But it's impossible as it is going on. The money I earn by working on the restaurant goes to straightly to my food and other daily expenses. I can't afford to buy a Pokemon from market and trying to catch a Pokemon without the help of a Pokemon is like inviting death. I don't have a death wish, believe me.


I entered the restaurant.

"Sorry, I was late." I said to my co-worker Zakia-san.

Zakia-san is a kind lady. She treated me kindly from the beginning. When I was an amateur, she would always help me. Which made my work a lot easier and because of her kindness, I was able to cope up with the group.

"It's okay. But manager was really mad at you. It's already too late you know." Zakia-san replied to me.

"Crap. I might have fucked up this time. It's already five days straight." I said to her.

"Ahaha. I do think there's a high possibility that you might lose your job today. She was muttering about how she found a good looking guy who is obedient. You should do anything to make her believe that you're needed in this restaurant. Otherwise, she might actually kick you out Oliver." Zakia-san replied.

"Am I really is in trouble?" I asked with teary eyes.

"Yes. Now now, don't be late and go to her room." Zakia-san instructed me.

"Thank you, Zakia-san. I am going." Saying that, I went toward manager's room.

*Knock *Knock

"Who?" A beautiful voice can be heard from the side of the room.

"It's me, Oliver." I answered.

"Come in." she replied.

I swallowed bit of my saliva and entered the room.

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