

If you would lend me your ears and give me your heart...


The Fae King had many loyal supporters. He was a hero to most of his subjects so when he was spurned by Zion there was a public outcry against the lich. As a result, Zion had to flee the realm of the Fae. The Fae King, unrelenting in his obsession, unrepentantly pursued and searched for the lich unceasingly.

Zion, having lived a life of secrets, was no stranger to running and hiding, so it was really business as usual for them. Likewise, because Zion is Zion they had already anticipated and prepared their escape ahead of time.

Interdimensional magical bureaucracy was a nightmare, so seeking magical asylum was out of the question. Instead, Zion crawled under the magical radar and slipped into a dimension that had banished all inherently magical creatures and had all but completely prohibited magic. While most magic users would avoid such a place, Zion knew that any dimension that put such restrictions on magic would also have a booming magical underground...sort of like how more speakeasies would pop up than the bars that were closed during alcohol prohibition. Zion knew that while this area was unstable and unsafe, it was the perfect place to hide.

They also knew this would only buy them time, and while the time it had afforded was more than they had anticipated, this also fostered an unanticipated grief. While things were far from perfect in the realm of the Fae, they were almost comfortable for a minute, and that felt like a loss when it was gone. It was also a little offputting coming home to a pile of wreckage that was their home and having to relocate that home just prior to that because a ruler with an agenda was having fun playing games.

Things were more complicated than just that, Cerberus and Corvis weren't getting along. The ordeal with Lucky and Contessa was also upsetting. Feeling overwhelmed, Zion decided to take a walk alone. The quiet snow falling around them, the crisp and cold air, the shimmering horizon bathed in light, it drew the lich in almost magically.

Disappearing into the forest of evergreens Zion could hear the howling of wolves as the moon came out when a voice behind them calmly spoke as soft as falling snow. "Don't be alarmed. I'm not here for you." A fairy said quietly though it was not a whisper, just delicate and soft.

Without expression or hesitation Zion reached through the cold air into the magical bubble that made her invisible and grabbed the fairy by the throat. With the voice of their soul they immediately demanded "Why are you here then and who sent you."

"I sent myself to ask for your help. He doesn't even know I'm here." The fairy replied fearfully.

"How is that not coming here for me if your purpose is to ask a favor?" Zion said unflinchingly.

"Because I'd ask anyone else for help if they could do it. If you let me talk I think you'll agree with me." The fairy said the look of terror still in her eyes.

"Fair enough." Zion said as they turned their back and dropped the fairy on the ground where a magical pentacle lit up. "I'm listening."

"I know there's a reason you didn't end him and left instead. I have something I know you want and I'll give it to you if you help me." The fairy said dusting herself off.

"So you don't really want a favor, you want to strike a deal?" Zion replied, back still turned.

"No, I want your favor so that you will help me. I know it's pointless to bargain with you, you have all the cards right now. Well, every one except this one, and I think what I'm going to propose will benefit us both." The fairy was still obviously very nervous.

"I'm getting bored listening to you talk around what you want." Zion said impatiently.

The fairy set a stone down on the ground next to them still inside the pentacle. She offered no explanation, she just set the stone down and waited

Zion immediately turned around and their shadow picked up the stone. "Amphibolite.." they muttered, "Where did you get this?"

The fairy gasped seeing the shade. "I..I had no idea.."

"Don't get distracted by my shadow. Where did this stone come from?" The lich said inspecting the amphibolite.

"When he came back from the mirror he wasn't the same. He doesn't know how to rule, he barely remembers you and he threw this up." The fairy spit out her words anxiously.


Cerberus, despite what Zion had said still felt trapped in wolf form. It was odd and surreal to him. He had felt the need to run as his wolf instincts threatened to overcome him with the emerging moon. Off in the distance he heard a desperate chirp. Lucky was looking for him. Hearing her distress, he was moved and began to run the direction of her chirps.

As he reached a clearing he saw her tiny form start to change behind the trees. He watched in horror as she struggled while her shape grew and contorted finally emerging from the trees exhaling frost.

She spoke 4 things to him in the language of her form. At this moment he immediately knew she was his familiar.

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