
001. The New World

"What is left for humans besides their greed?" A group of people at a round table are looking at different parts of the world and have long known that there are special types of human who has a special power of their own. They are a group of mysterious people who had been marking each whom they've observed to have such gifts with a barcode of identification as a boarding pass for the "New World". This group of people known as "The System's Envoy" had been carefully observing around the world since time immemorial and with mankind's advancements in technology, greed follows. "Sigh.. Mankind has taken a wrong turn, such greed and ambitiousness should be taken care of otherwise, this would be a plague that would detriment mankind." One of the men who is sitting at the round table shook his head as he mused to himself. While the rests are eager in observing various people, an old man with a long beard entered the room.

"Launch Operation Genesis, we've reached the headcount." The old man made an incision in his right hand and let his blood flowed, reciting an ancient ritual. The System's Envoy which consists of 9 members also did the same and also recited an ancient ritual. "To cease and destroy what is present is akin to starting from scratch. We shall see what the New World would bring us!"

As if some unknown force began to flood in the meeting room, the unknown force gathered at the center and launched concentrated energy in the heavens. In turn, there's a huge bell that appeared and rang 10 times consecutively. Sending a huge force of energy to the Earth with each ring, bringing forth meteors to devastate the Earth.

"Commence wipe-out and bestow the system to those individuals with powers and those individuals who have great talents!" Apocalypse took over the Earth and rising clouds of dust have yet to settle. The people who are not given the system have all been wiped-out while those who were provided exists. "Premier John, something's wrong! There has been an anomaly, it seems one of the powerless and talentless has survived and the system he's been provided has ceased its connection with the main system. Are we going to let this pass?"

"Hoho... This is going to be fun." the old man sat down with a smile on his face, his eyes affixed in a single monitor where a teenager was asleep soundly when the apocalypse took place.


A week later, the Earth was in ruins, a huge beacon of light is still at the center of the Earth and anyone can see it. Animals and plants were affected by this beam of energy, each of which has transformed, gained abilities, and even able to shapeshift in mortal form.

Kiev Wesler, a young ordinary man, 15 years of age, is the last person who woke up who has been bestowed a system. He found himself in his devastated apartment, looking back, the only thing he could remember is that he went straight home from his job and went to sleep. In this New World, the first thing he noticed is the semi-transparent barcode that appeared on his right wrist.

"000-5993 huh? What the heck is this? What the hell happened while I'm asleep??" he saw that everything around him has been turned into ruins and not a single person is in-sight, what he could only see is the huge beacon of light that pierced through the heavens. "How am I still alive? How did I survive all this?" Kiev is about to stand when a random mysterious voice suddenly jolted him awake.

"000-5993, state your name and channel your inner power for the system to adjust appropriately..." Kiev is in a confused state, "What are you talking about? My name is Kiev Wesler and I do not know this power you spoke of." The system flashed and recorded Kiev's name, the system then registered Kiev's ability to "Unknown" category.

"System commencing...."

"Loading preset guide..."

Name: Kiev Wesler

Job: Wanderer

Ability: Unknown

Level: 0


Str: 10

Agi: 10

Vit: 10

Dex: 10

Luck: ???



Kiev saw these prompts when he called upon the system. He is still confused with the whole situation and how it came to this and his only clue is the system that he has in his conscious. "System, what do I have to do now? Can you please explain what all of this is about?"

The system in his mind flashed continuously "Host Kiev Wesler successfully assimilated... Initiating protocol..."

"Quest received: Explore

Details: Explore the apocalyptic world and obtain clues about mankind.

Reward: Prologue quest would be unlocked.

"I need a direct answer! Damn it!" Kiev shook his head and decided to go outside his apartment complex. While walking outside and observing, he could feel that the air has grown extremely lively and whenever he breathes in this dense air, he could feel an unknown energy surge through him. His quest bar is being slowly filled as well. He mused that it is only a matter of time before the system gave the prologue quest to him and knew about the general situation. As he's keenly observing his environment, he heard a loud voice came behind him.

"Aria! If you want to live, leave behind the Unholy Testament! Don't test my patience!!"

Kiev was alarmed and saw two persons exchanging blows, one is armed while the other isn't. "Wh-wh-what the hell are these guys?!" Kiev saw how fast the two individuals were exchanging blows and his eyes could not follow. He was scared to death that if he makes a noise they would turn their attention to him and he would think twice about living.

"I saw this first! This is mine, to begin with, Frank! Do not overstep your boundaries!" A teenage woman was seen grasping a book, gasping for breath. "It seems like she is injured, this is insane! How are they able to move like that and why in the world are they keen on killing each other?" Kiev saw blood flowing in the woman's arm while still clasping on the ancient book. She seems to value the book so much that despite having her armed pierced, she still wouldn't dare let go of the book.

"I have been really generous Aria but this is how far my patience is willing to overlook that insolence of yours. Don't blame me for what happens next. Prepare to die!" Frank recited some incantations and a burst of light covered his sword. It seems it has become even sharper and a denser killing intent now shrouds his weapon.

"These are no ordinary people! I must escape here!" Kiev was shocked to his core at how these monsters came into being. As he's about to make his escape, the young woman saw him and called "Hey you! Are you just going to leave a beauty alone to die? What kind of man are you! Shameless!"

Kiev had cold sweat all over his body and stared at the woman "Fuck, now we're doomed! You and your damn mouth woman!" Kiev was about to make a run for it when in a blink of an eye, Frank appeared in front of him. Frank's eyes reek with murderous intentions and Kiev was scared to death. "Speak. Are you going to help this woman?" Frank's voice shook Kiev's soul and makes Kiev stumble to the ground.

"Sir, this humble one does not wish to do so. I am just passing by, I do not wish to meddle in your affairs." Kiev knelt and begged Frank for his life but none of it enters Frank's ears. "You are now an accomplice and you shall both perish." Kiev is shaking from fear and mused to himself "This is the end, why would I end up dying this way! If only this woman has not mixed herself up with me I would have had my chance to escape. Fuck this is over..." As Frank's blade was about to slice Kiev's neck, Aria has finished reciting an incantation she read on the ancient book.

"Job change complete - Igor's Follower"

A new skill learned: Spirit Hellfire and Igor's Demise

"Igor's Demise!" Aria shouted and an unknown force clasps Frank's neck. Igor's Demise is a skill that drains all mana in exchange for 10 seconds of binding.

"Let's go! We have no time to spare! Move!!" Aria dragged Kiev and ran with all their might.

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