
Loving my Enemy

Lan Yan Shaoqinq, a young teenager and the fourth young master of the Lan Residence, is being mistreated and abused by his elder brothers for his sexual orientation. This continues for years until he falls into the arms of the one person that pushed him into the abyss of his trauma

Blue_Foxy · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs


🤣🤣sorry we have another part I promise it's going to end here😩.

As much as Ah-Yan didn't want to admit, the pain had began morphing into burning pleasure. The constant thrusting from Mo sent him over the edge making white fluids repeatedly shoot up

"Look at you" Mo smirked and licked his neck.He took the opportunity to sink his canines into Mo's shoulder but a strong thrust from him made his attempt falter ending in a soft bite


"Y-yeah?" Mo's thrusting increased as he neared his own release, his grip on his Qiqi loosened slightly but it was enough for him to push Mo away from him and get splattered with his release. Ah-Yan winced pitifully at the empty feeling in his bottom region


Someone yelled and caught Mo before he hit the ground, Ah-Yan felt heavy, his tired vision caught a lady in a pink Oni fox mask caress his cheeks, her mask was lifted and a fond smile graced her soft lips, unable to concentrate anymore his head drooped and he gave in to the oblivion that greedily devoured him.

"Didn't expect to see you here of all places, Madame"


'Damn it! How many bottles did those ladies give me?!'

Mo groaned and tossed in his king-sized bed, a warm body met his hands which made his eyebrows furrows

'Did I bring one home?'

Reluctantly opening his eyes, Mo peered at the figure laid beside him. It was a lady with long silky black hair, her skin delicately lined with scars and somewhat fresh bruises

'Did I go to hard on her?'

The lady steered when he ran his fingers down her hair. Almost immediately, the lady scrambled off the bed and away from him like a scared puppy

"Hey, are you okay?" Mo tried to sound as nice as he could

"I... I'm still alive"


Mo's head deadpanned when he noticed the woman was flat-chested, muscular and looked awfully familiar!




"What the hell are you doing here?" Mo boomed and balled his fists, Ah-Yan whimpered and tucked himself into a corner in the glass condominium.

"You...you..." not having the heart to complete his sentence, he fell silent while sobbing

"I did what, you fucking imp?!"

"You raped me!" he yelled and buried his head between his knees. Tears clouded his vision with his body shaking like a leaf during autumn.

"...l-like that is something new!" Mo scoffed and walked over to him, with brute force, he yanked the poor boy off the floor and dragged him to the door. Inexplicable pain erupted from Ah-Yan's back and he was brutally pulled



"No please!" Ah-Yan pleaded with more tears

"Why not?!"

"I...I don't wanna die...my....my brothers they want me dead!"

"Do you think I give a fuck?!"

"Please, Mo!" the smaller male latched onto his leg pleading profusely

"Get off me!"

"I... I'll do anything you want!"


"Y-yeah but please don't throw me out!"


Mo Quinn flung the shivering male back into his room, his hair was disheleved and curlier than the last time he saw him. Not to mention the cuts and scars that lined his body.

"The hell happened to you?"


"I'm talking to you!"

Mo growled and pulled his hair back


"Why are you all scarred like this?"

"M-my brothers!"

"...why do I even care?" Mo let go of his hair, pushing him backwards. Ah-Yan quickly scrambled off to a corner while holding his head

"You wanna stay here so bad...fine you can but you have no will of your own here is that clear?"


"I asked a question!"

"Y-yes...it is"

"Good, see it as your punishment for running away from me"

Mo snarled harshly with a wide smirk on his face
