
Loving my Enemy

Lan Yan Shaoqinq, a young teenager and the fourth young master of the Lan Residence, is being mistreated and abused by his elder brothers for his sexual orientation. This continues for years until he falls into the arms of the one person that pushed him into the abyss of his trauma

Blue_Foxy · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

~•Lunch break with two old chatterboxes (II)•~

Following the path he remembered running through, Ah-Yan carefully maneuvered his way until he caught sight of the two women rearranging their little tent


The two women looked up to find the boy who was bawling his eyes out yesterday holding unto several plastic bags

"Oh my, it's you from yesterday!"Yin Yu'er exclaimed as she let go of her tent pole and made her way over to the boy

"What's with the plastic bags do you work in a factory that makes em?"

"No aunty I got you guys something"

Ah-Yan held out the bags and the tantalizing aroma of different Chinese delicases wafted into the air making their mouths water

"C-child you didn't have to, we're fine" Xiao PengPeng waved her hands refusing but her stomach rebelled earning an embarrassed and flushed expression

"Please see this as a gift from a son to his mothers okay besides I'll come more often and share food with you guys and even talk to my man about accommodation for you guys!"

Ah-Yan chirped happily as he unwrapped the bags and the food they held

"Awwn, thank you so much"

The two women burst into tears as they hugged Ah-Yan, their old frail bodies shaking as they poured their heartfelt gratitude

"Now let's eat before it gets cold!"

"By the way..."


"You mentioned Your Man?"

" Is he that guy from yesterday?"

"is he your husband?"

Did you guys have a quarrel?"

Was he the one who made you upset?"


Ah-Yan flushed red as their questions bombarded him, he didn't know how to address them for he really meant to say was my master but it seems his self caused misunderstanding would take a while to be resolved.


With heavy short breaths and a pale countenance, Ah-Yan rushed in to Mo's office. With a shaky hand he knocked

"Come in"

a voice that definitely didn't belong to Mo responded piquing his curiousity , slipping in he came face to face with the most beautiful face he has ever encountered. Everything about the person stood out from his natural pink lips to his perfect and soft jawline to the tiny baby fat and cute doe eyes staring at him like a child observing it's new toy


"Master, he's so cute!"

The person yipped happily while limping slightly. That was when Ah-Yan saw his outfit. His ears burned red.

"China why don't you welcome him?"

"Yes Master"

Ah-Yan's eyes widened in shock as soft lips pressed against his.


This book would have to be put on hold til May for some personal reasons (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ).I would love to share my reasons but I can't. Though I will still drop some chapters but it won't be as the normal schedule. I'm so sorry for any inconveniences caused(╥﹏╥).

I don't want to sound awkward either but I barely have the motivation to write because the positive feedback I get from guys is like really low so the energy to write is not just there ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀). Hence the break apart from my personal reasons.Til then I'll see you guys
