
Loving my Enemy

Lan Yan Shaoqinq, a young teenager and the fourth young master of the Lan Residence, is being mistreated and abused by his elder brothers for his sexual orientation. This continues for years until he falls into the arms of the one person that pushed him into the abyss of his trauma

Blue_Foxy · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

~•It's him?•~

Street lights flashed brightly making Ah-Yan dizzy as Ah-Xiaoli sped past several residential buildings, loud music blared from the car's stereo,


"🎵I was on a boat that day🎵"

"Gege...please don't leave me out on the streets..."

Ah-Xiaoli continued singing ignoring his brother who had turned to a crying mess

"🎶And she's gone for the summer🎶"

"Gege, please listen to me"

He tried pulling the door's pin up but his arms felt like jelly, the Aphrodisiac's effects were already kicking in!

"Gege!" Ah-Yan cried out only to get ignored again.

After a few minutes of being ignored, the car screeched to a halt and the blaring music stopped only to be replaced by the muffled sound of Pop music with the scent of perfume, sweat, drinks and cigarettes.

"We're here, I hope you enjoy your time here..."

"No...no no no"

"Don't worry you'll find enough me to touch you and cling onto" Ah-Xiaoli chuckled and ruffled his brother's head before getting out of the car and dragging his little brother out too

"Please, I...I promise I'll be straight I swear!" Ah-Yan screamed desperately while trying to fight the burning heat that spread like fire to his lower half, his wails attracting passerbys

"Too late Ah-Yan...too late" Ah-Xiaoli clicked his tongue and pushed him into the club, the bouncer at the door gave him a sceptical look but he held up a ward of cash

"Don't let that boy out till it's dawn"

The bouncer sighed and took the money

"Gege!!" Ah-Yan got pulled and pushed till he was among several people who were drinking and dancing, his head spun in dizzying circles as huge and small hands stroked his body


"Hey sweetheart, wanna dance?" A brunette ran her hands down his chest in a sensual manner

"N-no" he shook his head and pushed her away gently


"This way" the lady led him to a clean men's restroom, Xiao washed his face that felt like it would melt from the heat that his body radiated, his red eyes spilling more tears as he clutched his stomach

"Get me my damn phone!"

Someone in one of the stalls yelled and hit the door and it flung open, a young man walked out, his shirt was fully unbuttoned revealing taut abdominal muscles,

He looked dizzy and angry as he swayed back and forth

"What are you doing standing there? Get my damn phone!"

The man yelled and slammed his hand into the ceramic slab that held the sinks, making Ah-Yan jump with a squeal

"I...I...um... I'm not sorry I...d-don't have it"

he stuttered while trying to keep his eyes from steering to the man's bare chest

"Who the hell are you?" A familiar wave of nostalgia washed over him at the person's voice, he just couldn't place his finger on it


the man leaned towards Ah-Yan, his breath sharp with whiskey

"You look like...Qiqi"

Cold sweat broke out on Ah-Yan's back, his body frozen to the spot he stood


He looked up to face the man, his blue eyes dimmed and shook as tears clouded his eyes. He knew this person, how could he not...the only person that addressed him by that name

"Am I right.... Lan Yan Shaoqinq?" the man asked again and lifted Ah-Yan's face via his chin

"Who...who are you?" His body shook from the rippling heat that subdued his body and the fact that the person standing before him was his and is still his enemy from highschool! And not just an enemy

"I missed you Qiqi, where have you been? "

"N-no, Mo Quinn"

Mo chuckled and traced his huge hands over Ah-Yan's small frame

"Did you miss this?"

'Not again, please no I...can't go through this again!'

LMAO, Mo's nickname for Ah-Yan reminds me of genshin impact's Qiqi😂