
Loving my Enemy

Lan Yan Shaoqinq, a young teenager and the fourth young master of the Lan Residence, is being mistreated and abused by his elder brothers for his sexual orientation. This continues for years until he falls into the arms of the one person that pushed him into the abyss of his trauma

Blue_Foxy · perkotaan
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38 Chs


After Ah-Yan came back to school, everyone pretended that they weren't away of the photo scandal although many openly expressed their disgust, some defended and assured him whenever he needed it.

Mo apologized whenever he got a chance to speak to Ah-Yan and the boy forgave him.

That's when he started to notice it. Ah-Yan would sometimes go pale or pull away when someone touched him carelessly. It started mild but quickly escalated to a point where he began to avoid physical contact with everyone.

Most times he would show up to school with a bandaged nose or bruised lips and sometimes his uniform would have a faint patch of blood stain. This puzzled Mo greatly

'was little YanYan self harming?'

he thought to himself whenever he saw Ah-Yan.

One day, he managed to corner the boy, and led him to a spot in the school compound that was barely visited by anyone

"Little YanYan?"

"..." Ah-Yan simply stared at the ground, trembling

"A-are you self... harming?"

He noticed the way the boy stiffened, he was right. Little YanYan was doing self-harm

"it's dangerous, stop it"

he muttered and held his face, stroking away the shiny black locs that covered his red rimmed eyes

"I'm sorry, I'm the reason you are like this"

Ah-Yan sniffled and said "make me forget"


"make me forget the pain, you've caused me, even if it's temporarily"

Mo was dumbstruck, he watched as Ah-Yan wrapped his arms around his waist

"The other day, you had your way with me...it hurt but it felt good at the same time...I want to feel that feeling again... I saw a place where it was just me and my thoughts and nothing else"

"Little YanYan, what the hell are you saying?"

Mo hastily pulled away from the dazed boy

"I don't want anyone to hurt me anymore, even if it's just for a few minutes, let me see that place"

"No, I'm not going to touch you, Ah-Yan I'll pretend you never said this ok I'll assume you're mentally unstable right now and you don't know what you are saying, ok?"


"Maybe you should take some days off school and rest some more, let your brothers take care of you"

Ah-Yan squeaked as soon as he heard the word 'brothers'

"are you alright?"


The blue eyed boy stepped away from him, before Mo could speak another word, he had bolted away and out of the building.

Little YanYan became more withdrawn and reserved. It was obvious that something was going on as his grades began to pummel and his physical appearance just wasn't the same. Some times Mo would notice traces of cotton wool in his hair or on his clothes and most times countless tiny patches of blood on his uniform.

Bai Feng desperately tried to get Ah-Yan to come to him but the boy simply distanced himself more, a month to the end of the second session of their last year in highschool. It began.

That particular day, Ah-Yan was seated in the library lost in his thoughts with numerous book spread open before him. Mo happened to drop by to return a book he lent when he spotted the boy. He took a seat next to him but the boy didn't take notice of his presence until he tapped his right cheek


The boy flinched backwards almost toppling over in his chair


Mo waved at him, but Ah-Yan just stared at him like he had suddenly grown an extra pair of eyes

"Hey?" the elder repeated,

"Mo" he called out softly


Silence ensued, leaving Mo confused, he was worried. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he felt Ah-Yan cup his cheeks

"your face....it was red"

Mo blinked, if confusion could be a person, it would be him

"you were crying...Mo, I...I hate you"

Then it clicked, Ah-Yan was talking about the night he had forcefully taken him

"You feel guilty don't you?"

Mo leaned back, away from Ah-Yan's cold touch

"I'm sorry"

"Of course you are... you've ruined everything"

the boy broke into a quiet sob, tears streaming down his red face.

"F-forgive me"

Mo's chair scrapped the floor as it was pushed backwards, his body arched over Ah-Yan's crying but stunned frame. Before the boy could comprehend what was going on, Mo's lips crashed into his.

Mo expected the boy to struggle but met with nothing. Ever since then, the two began to engage in something Mo tagged as 'comfort sex'. However, he became quite aggressive and somewhat abusive when Ah-Yan tried to withdraw from their acts. He became impulsive and made Ah-Yan do things he wasn't meant to do. Things got to an extent that Mo began to demand intimacy from Ah-Yan in public places as well.

~•Very Important Notice•~

So I've been watching a lot of abuse and psychology movies lately (that's why I haven't uploaded in a while). I've discovered a lot of traumatic experiences people had to go through because of SEXUAL HARASSMENTS abuse and RAPE. I just want to say that if you're currently undergoing either of the three, PLEASE contact whatever facility that can HELP, either the POLICE. RAPE and ABUSE is not something to be joked with. It scars one for life. If you know someone that is being abused PLEASE HELP the person.

Now to clarify whatever confusion I might have caused in the chapters. Ah-Yan liked Mo a lot in high school but was too shy and reserved to actually voice out his feelings but Bai Feng knew and he didn't like it because he liked Ah-Yan. So he decided to use Mo to hurt him so he would hate Mo and cease being friends with him so things will be the way they used to be(just the two of them).

However, after the incident, Ah-Yan began to actually hate Mo because Ah-Yan couldn't stop liking Mo. Then the 'comfort sex' thingy happened and he began to lose his feelings and wanted to withdraw but Mo was far too deep in indulging the boy. So he was stuck with no one to turn to.