
LOVE YOU till the end

After failing to save a terminally ill patient who happens to be a member of the aristocrat and her boyfriend breaks up with her, she drops in at a bar and eventually ended up in bed with a total stranger. She feels horrible and things gets complicated when the patient seeks her help. She asks that she marry her wealthy son, Darius, whom she wasn't in good terms with. Although the members of their Aristocratic family refused, after so much persuasion, Celine agrees not because she wants to but was threatened by her uncle who promised kick her and her sick sister out. She concedes to marry him but plans to annul it after the death of the patient as she wasn't one to be trapped down by a man but things take a turn for the Alpha female when karma comes knocking; she's one month gone and a life was forming within her.....she was expecting?? How would she fulfill her end of the bargain with such a big secrete? And there's no more chance to escape because the cold and aloof billionaire was now, head over heels for her.

Mary_stica2406 · perkotaan
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6 Chs

Chapter 4


"How can i get married to someone I barely know, i mean..... That makes no sense", Celina said to her friend, Rose, who came visiting.

"But looking at the bright side you get to associate and freely mingle with elites and aristocrats", Rose advised while taking a sip from her fruit punch.

"What stupid bright side are you insinuating about?, huh..... The one where i am caught up for a lifetime with a man I have no feelings for", Celina exclaimed.

" Oh, quit that relationship and emotional bullshit. Even if you were to be given a lifetime, I am a hundred percent sure that you will not fall in love", Rose interrupted, annoyed at the statement.

" What do you mean?, so you mean that I can't fall in love and would probably not get married?", Celine asked, a little angry.

"Exactly my point, just take a good look at yourself", Rose instructed forcing her to look at herself in the mirror.

"Yeah and what's wrong?",Celina asked.

Rose face palmed herself.

"You are truly a dimwit", Rose insulted.

"Heyyyyy", Celine cussed.

"Yeah, you are beautiful, smart, intelligent and sexy, now let get to the bad part; you are a perfectionist, you don't have a lover because you ended up chasing away 14 dates and also pissing off your boyfriend with that control freak and arrogant attitude of yours", Rose blurted

"I did not!!", Celina said, stubbornly defending herself.

Rose scoffed.....

" And i am sure you will chase your last admirer and crush with that ego of yours", Rose said as a matter of fact.

"How so?", Celina asked with folded arms, standing akimbo.

"Oh you are so dumb, don't you know that Christian has a soft spot for you?", she informed.

"What?!!!", Celine gasped in surprise.

" Yeah, that is why he was able to put up with you arrogance and massive ego although your kindness and beauty overshadowed all your flaws atimes", she said.

"Hey, cut it out, that's not fair. I never knew he liked me", Celina said in shock, still trying to put up a tough face.

"And if you knew, what would you have done?, you would have started ignoring him or acting strange or worse, rejected him", Rose said while throwing a canned drink at her.

"So what do I do?", Celine humbly asked while taking a seat on the couch next to hers.

" I suggest you fulfill that dying woman's wish, maybe try to reach a compromise with your husband to be", she teased while twirling the glass in her hands.

"What kind of compromise?", Celine asked while taking a seat beside her friend.

"Well you can offer a marriage without pleasure and divorce after the death of his mother, besides I'm sure you'll piss her billionaire son to the core that he'll throw you out himself but you'll be filthy rich after that and you can get revenge on those that hurt you", she insinuated jokingly but it hurt Celine's ego as she recalled her one night stand.

"Yeah that is a good idea but isn't that falsehood?", she said totally ignoring the insult.

"How is it falsehood?, you fulfilled your end of the bargain, you can't end up with someone you don't love for the rest of your life. As your bestie, I wouldn't want that for you", Rose said seriously.

She couldn't believe Celine was buying the idea of a marriage without love.

"Okay but what if he refuses?", Celine said to herself.

"Come on babes, you know influential men like him do not like to be caged down by marriage, they love to explore, so trust me, he would agree", Rose reassured her with confidence.

"What if he takes advantage of me?", Celina asked in fright.

"Come on!!!, with all your martial art skills, he won't be able to lay a finger on you. The contract will be a win-win for you guys ", Rose said.

"But are you sure you want to do this? ", Rose asked.

"Yeah, besides that's the little I could do to help her and also forgive myself because I know she won't live long with that heart transplant ", Celine said sadly.

"I guess so but there's a problem", she added.

"What is up?", Rose asked.

"Mother and son are not in good terms", Celine said.

"Well you can also use that to your advantage and not get involved in this arranged marriage", Rose convinced.

"Yeah yeah, I can tell her that i won't get married to her son, unless they make peace with each other, which is clearly impossible", Celina said with joy.

"Yeah but in case plan A fails, go for plan B and don't forget me and don't forget me in paradise cause i need 'em bucks to get that new Louis Vuitton bag and shoes ".

"You better mend your ways of spending extravagantly", Celina advised teasingly.

"Yes mom", Rose replied as they burst into laughter.

"You weren't around yesterday, where went you?",

"I was caught up in a one night stand with some rich dude", Celina replied falling to the bed with a loud thump.

"Oh stop pulling my legs sister Mary, you wouldn't even let Calox, your one and only boyfriend touch you when you guys dated ", Rose said while bursting into a fit of laughter but the serious look on her friend's face told her that she was pretty serious.

"How did it happen?, tell me and don't spare any details", she ordered.

After Celina narrated her ordeal, Rose was shocked. "He left a huge sum of 5 thousand dollars, a cheque of 3 million naira and a weird note".

"What does the note say?", Rose asked.

"I like you, I miss you and hope to see you someday, a day I won't let you go", Celine read out the note.

"Wow that was oddly romantic and shameless too", Rose said.

"He raped me!!!", Celine yelled angrily.

"No, the both of you gave mutual consent", Rose corrected her.

" But I was inebriated", Celine defended herself.

"....And so was he besides you were the one that offered him wine", She interjected.

"He took advantage of me", Celine said, it wasn't like her to admit being in the wrong.

"No... No.... No..no, you also were at fault, why go to a bar?", Rose asked.

Their conversation was interrupted when Christian called her.

"Your attention is needed at the hospital", he informed coldly.

"Wait Chris, are you mad at me?", Celina asked.

"No why would I be?, I don't have the right to get angry at my teacher, do I?", Christian said sarcastically.

"I am sorry", she apologized.

" Just come to the hospital immediately", he said before hanging up.

"One man down, one more to go, tchh", Rose cajoled her.

"He didn't reject me, he's just mad at me".

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