
1 prologue

what is going, is this my life. Do I really have to choose to be with who? thinking in my head and turn my head back and front looking at them. While standing there in the middle of two boys who look glace at each other like they were going to fight each other until someone wins.

No this can't be happening right. I like them both so why can't they get along as friends

Its seems like the world frozen, time stop, the people stop. "drip-drop drip-dorp drip drop" the rain started to poring on us, but still, they keep on gazing at each other no one dare to move, no one dares to speak.

I'm terrified to see what happens next. What if they hurt each other, this is too tense. At this moment thought kept running in my head, the rain kept pouring harder and harder on us. I was still looking back and front at them.

Maybe I should stop this because all three of us are soaking and wet from top to the bottom

"um, guys I think we should go home before we get sick," I said, they both turn and looked at me like I did something wrong

"right we should get you home before you get sick," Suho and Minguk said in a serious way at the same time.

So that just happen anyways let start from the beginning of the story