

LOVE TRIANGLE❤️ (SHE STOLE BOTH THEIR HEARTS) Christine is a beautiful girl from a middle class family who got into the best high school CHRISLAND PRIVATE ACADEMY in California through scholarship. She has a great physique and curves too. Max is a hot and poular student of CHRISLAND PRIVATE ACADEMY and many girls drool over him. He lost his mom and his dad remarried but he hates his mom and his step brother Noah. He is a player but girls don't mind as long as he dates them. He is a badass as he fucks both teachers and students anyhow he pleases. What happens when Christine joins the school and ridicules him and he vowes to take away her pride but his brother Noah always protects her because he is in love with her? What happens when Max falls in love with Christine but finds out that his brother also loves her. But that isn't the problem,what happens when Christine falls in love with both brothers and has to choose one? Who will she choose? And worse of all,what happens when a rich and spoilt girl comes in the way to try take both brothers away from Christine by all means necessary. Find out in this wonderful high school romance. Genre: Love,Tears, Arguments and many more.

tommywrites14 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


Noah's POV

I almost vomited remembering all that happened in the principal's office. I couldn't believe that idiot stepbrother of mine would actually fuck his way out of trouble.


"I heard what happened in class, why would you both fight each other in the school premises,just look at how you two are injured and bleeding? " Miss Molly out principal said in anger.

" Actually ma'am he... " I tried saying but she interrupted me.

" I don't want to hear any excuses from either of you. " She said and glared at both of us.

" But Miss... " She interrupted again.

" Detention now. " She said and I was about leaving until I saw Max walked up to her and rub her breasts.

"What are... are you... doing Max." Miss Molly said as she tried not to moan.

"I'm sure you love what I'm doing." Max said and placed a kiss on her lips not minding the fact that I was there.

"This isn't right Max I'm your principal and..." She said but Max placed his finger on her lips.

" Shhhh....just enjoy the moment." Max said and lifted her dress before shifting her panties and placing a finger into her.

" Ahhh..." She moaned in pleasure.

"Disgusting." I said and walked out of there in disgust.


"Shameless people I can't believe Max would be so shameless that he even has the audacity to fuck our principal. Our principal for God's sake." I said and covered my face with my palm as I shook my head.

"How did i become so unfortunate as to have a brother like him. He's a disgusting human being. He just fools people with his handsome face and has his way with girls. Foolish boy." I said and continued walking until I got to the entrance of the class and I saw the new girl.

She was talking to one of the girls and was smiling widely and I was smitten by her beauty. Suddenly she looked at my direction and we locked eyes with each other.

"Hi!" She said when she got to me.

"Hey!!" I said shyly.

"It was cool what you did back there for me and I really appreciate it. Because of me you got injured." She said in a caring voice.

" Ohh it's nothing, I don't like when people get bullied and besides it's just a little injury. " I lied to her.

" Well it doesn't look little to me and why are you heading to the class instead of towards the nurse's office?" She asked me with her face filled with worry.

"Well.. I..I am..." I stammered.

" Come on, to the nurses office we go. " She said and dragged my hand.

After meeting with the nurse and she had treated my wounds,we left and I took a look at her new girl and couldn't help but admire her. She looked back at me and gave me a warm smile and my eyes fell on her beautiful pink plump lips.

"What's wrong?" She asked me.

"Thank you." I said and she laughed showing her beautiful set of white teeth.

"What's so funny?" I asked her in confusion.

"You helped me and here you are saying thank you,I should be the one thanking you." She said and I smiled.

"What did the principal say?" She asked me.

"Well.... I'm officially in detention now." I replied her.

"Ohh bummer,it's all my fault." She said and frowned and she looked very cute.

"It's no problem, I've been there a lot of times." I said and smiled at her.

Immediately I said that,the bell rung for class and she waved at me before leaving for class while I headed to the detention room.


Finally after a long boring moment, school was over and I was out of that he'll of a room. I had been aching to see the new girl and at least know her name and I was happy I was out of there. I left the class and was out in the hallway when I saw her leaving the school and I ran after her.

I got outside and caught up with her and smiled at her. I looked up and saw that it was about to rain and we both didn't have any umbrella with us.

"Heyy." I greeted her and she smiled at me.

"Hi again." She replied.

"It seems like it's about to rain." I said and looked up and she did same.

"Yeah it does."

"Do you have an umbrella?" I asked her.

"No I don't."

"Then we're both going to be soaked and we'll catch a cold too." I said and smiled.

"Well I don't mind, I'm used to walking in the rain." She replied and smiled warmly at me and I blushed slightly.

Soon enough it started to rain and I took cover under the roof of a building and looked behind me. I thought that the new girl had followed me but I was wrong as she was spinning in the rain and I couldn't stop staring at her.

"Beautiful!!" I murmured out unknowingly.

"Come and join me." She said while laughing but I shook my head in denial.

"Come, it's really fun." She said and dragged me into the rain.

She continued spinning in the rain while I stood there watching her. She looked so beautiful in my eyes and I couldn't stop admiring her.

I continued staring at her,her well shaped and well endowed body,her boobs which were firm in her bra that I could see as the rain had made her white shirt transparent,her long hair that was dripping wet from the rain and her beautiful lips that was formed into a small smile.

"Get her out of your head stupid, she's a new student and you don't even know her name." My subconscious told me and I snapped back to reality.

"Right!! I don't know her name." I said and was about to ask her name before I heard a faint sound of car honking. I looked at the direction the sound came from and saw a car heading towards us with full speed.

I then looked at the new girl who was still smiling and dancing in the rain before looking back at the car. Without wasting time, I dragged her out of the way and the car passed few inches away from us splashing a puddle of water on us.

Dragging her out of the way made her to lean on me and she hugged me tightly probably in fear after noticing the car. I looked at her and smiled as I inhaled her strong scent.

I don't know what took over me but I then started stroking her long wet hair as I felt her soft boobs on my chest. I laid my head on hers and inhaled the scent coming from her hair. She had a very nice scent.

"You're safe now there's no need to be scared." I said truthfully but regretted it instantly as she let go of me.

" Thank you so much. " She said shyly and I smiled.

"Anything for a friend." I said and smirked as I saw her confused look.

"Friend?" She asked as she frowned and she looked so cute.

"Yes friend!! Is anything wrong?" I asked her.

"Well I'm a new student and you don't even know my name." She said as she pouted her lips and the urge to kiss her enveloped me but I restrained myself.

"Ok then let's start from there. Introductions first!! What's your name princess? " I asked her and she furrowed her brows.

" My name is Christine. And yours?" She asked me.

"You have a nice name Christine." I told her.

"Thank you." She said as she blushed slightly.

"What's your name?" She asked me again.

"My name is Noah princess." I said and she blushed again.

" Nice meeting you Noah. " She said and stretched forth her hand for a handshake.

" The pleasure is mine princess." I replied her as I shook her and placed a kiss on her soft hand forgetting the fact that we were both standing in the rain.