
I kill them

They got home and Blaze went in search of Sandra the fish seller.

Weeks pass and she’s yet to see Sandra  “ maybe we need to visit the market,” Sandra said.

“That will be a bad idea, we are going to draw too much attention to ourselves and that won’t be good.”

“Fine, do it your way then”

Sandra walked up to a scene as she was coming back from the market after a long day of selling fish. She saw this stranger sitting down comfortably crossing her legs and playing with something round that looks like a fire in her hand.

“What is going on here?” she turned to see her father tied together with her mother and brother kneeling before this strange girl. “I think I’ve seen you before” Sandra said pointing at Blaze “What do you want?”

“I want you”.

“Then leave my family alone, take me, is me you want” Sandra’s mum could now understand what she has been saying,  so there are strange people like this?!, but what she didn’t understand is what they want with her daughter.

“I don’t have anything to do with them, but you have to say goodbye to them because this will be the last time they see you or you see them”

“What!, you can’t take my daughter, you have to kill me first” Sandra’s mum said struggling to get up from the floor.

“As you wish ma” Blaze said and burned her to death.

“No…no…..no..…..” Sandra yell rushing to her mother but Blaze seized her by the hair. “What did you think you are doing?, I need you alive dummy”

“You killed my mother!” she yell and charged towards Blaze but she pin her to the ground.

“What are you doing!” Sandra ask yelling, startled and  looking down at her feet that is pinned to the ground.

“What do you think? You’re lucky they ask me to bring you alive” she said looking round the house shifting her nose as if the house is smelling. “I think you guys don’t need this anymore” she said and set the house on fire but Sandra didn’t  know when they got out of the house and into Alex’s house.

 “What!.. what!!, my brother! My father!!, what did you just do?”

“I kill them, what else?” Blaze said walking away from her and Sandra ran after her to fight her but Blaze gave her a slap that send her flying across the sitting room.

“Enough!,” Sandra yell coming out of her room and was on time to stop Blaze from pulling out Sandra's eyes from her.

Sandra didn’t know if to cry or kill this two, but she is no match for them, she has lost everything she has within a second, her whole family is gone, she crashed on the floor and cry her life out.

Blaze and Sandra left her alone to cry then went to the dinner table eating and watching her as she cry.

“Are you done!” Sandra ask her after some hours of  crying.

“Now look here, beginning from today, you are now my servant, you will serve me till your time on earth is over” Sandra stare up at her wondering what she has ever done wrong to this girl.