
Chapter 18 Nightmare

“What was that?, He woke up so scared and sat on the bed looking at Sandra. He took the blanket and covered her. He then went to the bathroom to wash up his face.

Early next morning Alex and his parents left the house to the airport but he gave order to his driver to take Sandra home with a fat envelope.

“What! He left already?”

“Yes ma” the driver said bowing his head at Sandra making her wonder if she’s the one this elderly man is bowing for.

 “But he ask me to take you home and he also left this”. The driver hand Sandra the envelope.

“Thank you”. The driver took Sandra home with the limo but she didn't want to stop in front of their house so she stopped two streets away from their house.

Then she walks home so scared of getting into the house because she has no excuse to give to her parents for not sleeping in the house last night.

 Her parents were so worried about her, they’ve reported to their neighbours, called her friends to know if they’ve seen her.

Sandra made her parents sat up all night waiting for her. And her mum crying

“Hey… Sandra is home” her little brother shouted when he saw Sandra standing at the door afraid to come in.

“Will you come into the house right now?” her mum shouted at her, but her dad stop his wife.

“Please let her come in first before you start shouting she might run away again”

“Why would she run away? have I been maltreating her in this house? haven’t I been a good mother to her?. I have been sending her to school what did she want?. What do you want Sandra?” her mother keeps shouting and asking her series of questions.

“Mum please I didn't run away, something came up and I'm so sorry I didn't have a phone to call you. I went to see my friend in a far community she was so, so sick, I couldn’t come back early because we took her to the hospital she’s still there.”

“Oh my goodness what happened to her! is she ok now?”. Her mother jumped up and rush to Sandra.

“Yes mum, she's fine now, she's responding to treatment and I still need to go back there but I will do that next week, so I didn't really run away mum. Please forgive me for not telling you. It was an emergency”

 “It’s ok my daughter. I hope she’s fine”

“Yes mum she’s fine”.

 “Thank God. I thought you ran away from home”

“No mama, how can I run away from home?” she ask relief.

 “Ok, my dear go in, have you eaten?”

“No mama”

 “Go in and take your food, when you’re done come to the market we have a lot of fish to sell”

“Ok mum, thank you”

“Alright”. She took her things and left for the market.

 Sandra was so happy that she was able to get out of this mess.

 “Goodness!.. that was so close” she inhale and exhale