
Alex Disappointed

“Alexander Wale…” He head a voice echoed in the dark and he turn round and round but didn’t see anyone. “You are welcome, I have been waiting for you for seven hundred years”.

 “What!, seven hundred years!,” Alex turn to look at Zack and Zack just nod his head in agreement with the voice.

“Yes Alex,  seven hundred years we have waited and now it's time to finally take over power and now is the time to rescue our kind, we have  barely live and now we need to take control. you are the chosen one but first there are things you need to do. You must kill the head of the clan.

“What! Kill?,  I've never killed anyone before in my life and I cannot kill anyone” Alex said shaking his head.

“It’s either you kill them or they kill you Alex” the voice said and then someone who is putting on white but has a dark face appear from nowhere and wave his hand and Alex saw his mother and father in their moment of pain and he also saw the faces of the men and women who killed his parents.  He saw them strangling his father to death and his face turn red when he saw Sandra and her father.

“Why will she do such a thing to me?” Alex yell in pain.

“What else? It was all planned out, they wanted you to get married to their daughter so they gets the right to what belongs to you after killing you and wiping off your family and take over everything that belongs to you.

Upon hearing that Alex held his heart because he can feel so much pain in his heart right now, and the urge to kill Sandra increase.

Zack and Alex went back home but he didn’t know how to go about rescuing his sister so Zack proposed to teach him how to use his powers.

“First thing Zack start teaching Alex was how to change into another person because he knows that Alex has the power but he didn't know how to use them.

“You mean I can change to anyone I want to change to?” Alex ask surprise but excited.

“Yes of course you can”

“ I want to try it now, like now” he said so eager to start “okay” so Zack start teaching Alex but it's taking time for him to master it and so each time he tries to change he will change half away he can’t change fully.

Alex was given a room in Zack's house he went in but he was not himself, he keeps thinking about his family and about Sandra and about his friends “What has happened to Jack I hope it's fine now?, I just hope it's fine” Alex keep worrying himself. He tries to look for his phone but it's nowhere to be found, his phone is gone, he lost it when they dragged him away.

 Everything that Alex has, everyone he knew are gone, He grew up thinking that he's going to manage his father's company, get married and live a happy life but his life has taken a sudden twist and he lost everything.

Words cannot describe his disappointment, he finds himself in this but he didn't fully understand what he's dealing with.  The more he tries to understand it the more it becomes difficult for him to understand. Everything that everyone is telling him looks like a dream to him.