
Love & Lust System

Not posting here anymore. You can find my novel here: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/278436/love-amp-lust-system/ Follow Kinoshita Asahi, who is a bit over two months away from starting to attend Tokyo University. He had horrendous luck throughout his life, but maybe this was about to change. A/N: If you're expecting an incel MC that goes around 'conquering', or even raping for the sake of points, this is not it. Our MC here is a smart and rational individual with one main goal: To live a life worth living. Although there will be many fully depicted sex scenes, with many different women, it won't have the misogynistic/sexist tones that these type of novels usually have. Just because he had sex with a woman, doesn't mean that she's 'his'. He's not looking for a relationship and is upfront about it, nor does he care if the women he hook up with have sex with someone else. I thought that it would be nice to let you know before you started reading it. :) Love & Lust System is Copyrighted 2021 by CasualCacophony. All rights reserved.

CasualCacophony · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Chapter 46


Asahi woke up feeling extremely refreshed.

After stretching and using his personal cleaning device, he walked to the living room.

He decided to tone down on the teleporting inside the house, because maintaining at least a sense of mundaneness was important to him.

Trish was still on the couch chair, reading a novel with Kanin.

As he sat on the couch chair next to theirs, he gave Trish a light kiss and patted Kanin's head. "Did you like reading a novel?"

Kanin nodded. < Yeah! The reader can be transported to a different world in their minds, just by reading some words. It's magical. >

Asahi smiled. "I'm glad you like it." He then looked at Trish. "Thanks again for keeping him company."

Trish smiled as she stroked Kanin's fur. "No need to thank me, Kanin is a delight."

Kanin wagged his tail.

Asahi sighed with a faint smile as he patted Kanin's head. "I know that I'll have to get used to leaving you alone, and that'll have to start to do so tomorrow morning. I'm just afraid that you'll be lonely, but I'm probably just projecting. I probably just don't want you to feel like I felt as a kid."

Kanin rubbed his head against Asahi's palm. < It's okay, I'll be fine. I can play games, read, watch anime, and Aurora will also be there if I need something. >

– That is correct. –

Hearing Aurora's voice, Asahi smiled. "You're right, I'm being silly."

Trish tried to start speaking, but a yawn came. "Well, it seems that now it is my turn to go to bed."

Kanin turned to Trish, extending his front paws.

Smiling, Trish picked him up and embraced him, stroking his fur.

Kanin rubbed his head against her cheek and licked it. < Thank you for reading with me. >

Trish gave him many kisses. "I'm always up for spending time with you, you little bundle of cuteness. I'm going to bed now, so you take care of Asahi for me, okay?"

Kanin nodded. < Okay! >

As she handed him to Asahi, she gave Asahi a light kiss. "Good night you two."

Kanin waved his front paw. < Good night. >

Asahi smiled. "Good night."

After she left, Asahi stroked Kanin's fur. "Is there anything that you wanna do?"

Kanin nodded. < Yeah. I want to learn a bit more about my powers. >

Asahi smiled. "I'll train a little bit too then."

He got up, holding Kanin, and went to the refinement chamber.

As they entered it, Kanin started to wag his tail. < It feels different in here. I felt it a bit before, but now the feeling got stronger. >

"It's the high mana density. Did the System teach you how to feel mana when you learned to change the color of your fur?"

Kanin nodded. < Yeah. So that's why the feeling changed. >

Asahi patted his head. "This place is really good to train, which is why I come here almost every night. You're always welcome to come with me if you want, except if I'm doing something that would be dangerous to you."

Kanin wagged his tail. < I'll grow big and strong, so I can protect you. >

Asahi chortled, then kissed his forehead. "If you wanna get stronger, that's fine, and I'll support you. But you were just born, so please pace yourself and enjoy life. Do things that you think are fun, things that you enjoy. That will be the best thing you can do for me, okay?"

Kanin nodded. < I will have a lot of fun then, but also grow big and strong. >

Asahi smiled. "The System will help you with your training, and you'll probably have to read a lot, so if you wanna do it lying down, Aurora can provide another bed for you."

< Okay. >

After giving Kanin's forehead another kiss, Asahi put him on the floor, and watched the little guy run to the edge of the chamber. After ten seconds or so, a little bed appeared near him.

Kanin lied on the little bed, and started to read several little screens of text that appeared in front of him.

Smiling, Asahi started to stretch.

'Should I continue with the training from the night before Kanin was born?'

[ Yes. ]

The floating target appeared once more.

With the first streak of electricity that Asahi cast, he immediately felt different. His cast time had been reduced by almost 30%.

'Holy fuck. Is this because of the combat experience thing? This is broken.'

[ That is correct. ]

'Does this mean that in a month, assuming that I can keep up with the 2h session on the machine, I'll be at the top of combat experience on earth?'

[ Yes, but by a larger margin than you are imagining. One thing that I have not told you, is that the machine is only useful because you have me. Otherwise, it was a failed product. ]

'Why is it a failure?'

[ Because the creatures that can handle the machine, do not need it. There are too many things that one needs to keep track of in order to use it, that those who can do it safely, will barely receive any benefits from it. Those creatures use brain implants that enhance their absorption of combat experience in real life, if available to them that is. ]

[ You however, using the machine for two hours a day over the period of a month, will have accumulated thousands of hours of life-or-death combat experience. That is far more than anyone on Earth can hope to achieve. ]

Asahi thought for a bit. 'Is it because the stronger you get, the harder it is to come across situations where you can experience that?'

[ Correct. ]

Asahi sighed in relief. 'Great, one of my worries just went away. I need to give something great to Thea as a thank you gift. But for now, training.'

Throughout the three hours or so that he stayed in there training, he realized that it wasn't just the initial improvement, but his adaptability and the speed with which he improved also increased.

Kanin spent most of the time reading. By the end, a floating target appeared in front of him, on which he cast Healing, making the target glow brightly, followed by a translucent silvery Barrier around it, almost like a second skin. Both were cast almost instantly, on his first try, which led Asahi's mouth to go agape.

It was something that made completely clear, if it wasn't already, that Kanin's species was far above Earthlings.

Asahi walked to the room where Trish slept, with Kanin in his arms. She had just woken up, and was browsing her phone, still in her pajamas.

She looked at them with a bright smile. "Good morning."

Kanin waved his paw. < Good morning. >

Asahi smiled. "Good morning."

As Asahi sat on the bed, Kanin jumped from his arms and went to Trish, who picked him up and embraced him.

Asahi caressed her thigh. "Would you like to come to the apartment and have breakfast with us? I talked to the girls last night, and whenever we're both here in the early morning, you should come and eat with us."

She smiled, stroking Kanin's fur. "I would love to. Watching this bundle of cuteness go nom-nom on the food is always a treat."

Kanin wagged his tail. < Nom-nom! >

She chortled, patting Kanin's head.

After Trish changed, the three of them headed to the teleportation room.

She looked at the teleporting pad, which looked like a disk on a slightly elevated platform. "That's it?"

Asahi nodded. "Yeah, but that's just because we don't need the whole setup, due to the System controlling it directly."

"That's fair. Do I need to brace myself?"

Asahi shook his head. "Nah. It's pretty seamless, you won't feel a thing."

After they stepped onto the platform, the room shifted very slightly, barely enough for her to notice that they were on a different room.

She looked around. "Wow, that's incredible."

As they exited the room, they saw an empty apartment, and a staircase appearing, which went to Asahi's apartment.

Walking down the staircase, they entered Asahi's living room.

She smiled. "I can't put into words how extremely convenient this is."

Asahi nodded. "Yeah, even I haven't fully gotten used to it."

They sat on the couch for a bit, to wait for Fumiko and Mayumi, and soon the five of them had breakfast together, with Trish leaving soon after.

During the rest of the day, they worked on their office. Fumiko helped with building the computers, which she really enjoyed. Kanin also joined them, because he really liked to learn new things.

Asahi and Ryota were responsible for building the recording room, which wasn't all that hard, due to Ryota's deep understanding of sound equipment.

With video game music on the background, and a curious Kanin watching them, they all happily finished their jobs by the time the sun went down.

They all sat at the kitchen table, with Kanin on top of the table. near Ryota and Setsuko.

With a chocolate bar in hand, Setsuko looked at Asahi. "Can Kanin eat chocolate?"

Asahi nodded. "Yup."

Setsuko then stroked Kanin's fur. "Do you want some chocolate?"

Kanin nodded. < Yeah. >

Setsuko broke a small piece, and fed it directly into his tiny mouth.

As he ate the chocolate, Kanin wagged his tail. < It's so sweet and good. >

Setsuko patted Kanin's head.

Mayumi looked at them with a pensive expression. "Asahi has therapy on Thursdays, and the same goes for Ryota and Setsuko on Tuesdays. Amaya, do you have any weekly appointments that we should be aware of?"

Amaya shook her head. "No, I don't."

Mayumi nodded. "Okay then. I'll setup some deadlines for us, expecting five hours of work on the project per day on average, how does that sound?"

Everyone nodded in consensus.

Kanin looked at Mayumi. < Can I help? >

Mayumi smiled. "Unfortunately, you can't. This one is something that only the five of us can be involved in, otherwise we would be cheating."

Sensing Kanin's disappointment, Amaya gestured to Kanin to come over to her. "Kanin, can you come here?"

Kanin went to Amaya, who picked him in her arms and started to stroke his fur. "It's okay, we will be just fine. I know that you like to help us, but just by being here with us, you are already helping." She then kissed his forehead. "Your presence alone is enough to make us feel better."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Kanin rubbed his head against her cheek, wagging his tail. < Okay. >

Having a flash of inspiration, Mayumi spoke. "How about each of us order our favorite pizza, so we can share our tastes with each other? Before you say no, imagine Kanin eating said pizzas."

Asahi chortled, shaking his head. "Wow, that was low, pizza freak."

Mayumi stuck out the tip of her tongue at Asahi.

Laughing, they ordered several different types of pizza.

After their meal and an hour of talking after that, Asahi, Fumiko and Mayumi went back to their apartment, with Kanin on Asahi's shoulder. He had actually really enjoyed staying there during their walk together.

As they entered their living room, Kanin jumped from Asahi's shoulder, and ran to the center table where his custom controller was.

Upon jumping onto it, Kanin looked at them. < I can stay in the living room playing games, so the three of you go have intercourse. You don't need to mind me. >

The three of them looked at Kanin with widened eyes.

Kanin tilted his little head. < Did I say something wrong? You seem surprised and confused. >

Asahi chortled. "You didn't say anything wrong, but you saying it was really surprising."

Mayumi furrowed her brow. "How did you know to say that?"

Kanin moved his paws like he was shrugging. < Those were the words that seemed appropriate given your body language towards one another and the feeling that I got from you. >

Fumiko displayed a pensive expression. "We know that Kanin assimilates the languages that those around him speak instantly, right? With that comes the definition that said person ascribes to each word. Trish is a hyper observant person, so she probably, subconsciously or not, attaches her cold reading to the definition of related words. If we add that to Kanin's enhanced senses and intuition, it makes complete sense."

[ That is correct. ]

Asahi smiled, shaking his head. "Okay Ms. Holmes. Still, I don't really know how to feel about this, since Kanin is so young. System?"

[ Remember that Kanin is not an Earthling. Although he has the wonder and curiosity of an Earthling child, he also has cognitive capabilities far above the vast majority of adult Earthlings. Raising a being like Kanin is a first on Earth, so it is understandable that you have no idea how to proceed. ]

Asahi crouched in front of Kanin, patting his head. "I guess I really was looking at you as a super intelligent Earthling child, which is far beneath what you are. You're much more special than that."

Kanin wagged his tail and rubbed his head against Asahi's palm.

After the three of them gave Kanin a couple kisses, they left to Mayumi's bedroom.

Upon closing the door behind them, Asahi made their clothes disappear, pulling Fumiko to him and kissing her, while sliding his left hand between Mayumi's legs.

As they traded kisses and caresses, the three of them moved towards the bed.

Fumiko lied down, with Mayumi sitting on her face to get eaten while she watched Asahi.

Asahi went down on Fumiko's pussy, savoring it like it was an exotic delicacy. It only lasted for a few minutes, due to her being already wet to begin with.

He then got in position, and started to tease her pussy with the tip of his cock, before inserting it.

Mayumi watched it with an expression of pure pleasure, as she caressed Fumiko's tits.

Asahi moved slowly, making Fumiko feel every centimeter of his cock. While doing so, he pulled Mayumi in for a long and deep kiss.

Mayumi then leaned down, going into a sixty-nine position, licking Fumiko's clit and Asahi's cock at the same time.

The three of them kept that consistent cycle of pleasure for almost fifteen minutes, before reaching a simultaneous climax between the three of them.

They then spent another hour pleasuring each other, climaxing three more times.

After regaining their breath, the three of them used their cleaning devices, got dressed, and went back to the living room.

There they watched Kanin play his farming simulator game with a smile on their faces. The glee displayed on Kanin's face as he played the game, was more than enough entertainment for them.

Around 11pm, Fumiko and Mayumi went to bed.

As they entered their rooms, Kanin jumped to the couch and looked at Asahi. < I know that I said that I'm going to grow big and strong, but can I stay here tonight and keep playing it? I really like this game, and I want to work on my farm. >

Asahi chortled, smiling as he picked Kanin up. "Of course, play as much as you want."

Kanin wagged his tail. < Yay! >

Asahi stroked his fur for a bit, giving him a few kisses. "I'm gonna go to the mansion and train. If you need me, just ask Aurora to call me and I'll probably be here in less than a minute."

Kanin nodded. < Okay. >

After kissing Kanin's forehead, Asahi put him back on the center table, and went to the mansion.

That night he would be alone there, since Trish had a movie night with her parents, and would sleep at their place, so he focused his time solely on training.

Two hours were spent in the combat experience machine, while the rest were spent practicing magic.

Around 7am, he was sitting on the couch in the mansion's living room.

'Everything is going quite smoothly. How am I doing in points?'

[ You currently have 3,985, 023P ]

Asahi raised his right eyebrow. 'That's a lot more than I expected, but I for sure won't complain.'

He then thought for a bit, then snapped his fingers as he remembered something. 'I need a car, and a license. What car would you recommend?'

[ The self-sustaining Mystech ZFB-7. It boasts a 0-200Km/h in 0.78s acceleration, Gravitational Magic that makes it capable of a compact U-turn at 1,000km/h, protection capable of shrugging off a direct TNT explosion like it is just a breeze, and guided Arcane Missiles. It also comes with a low-end supercomputer to which Aurora can connect in order to help you. It costs 1,500,000P. ]

His eyes widened. "Holy shit."

[ Although there are cheaper models that will do the trick, this one can also be kept in your inventory as a combat suit of sorts. There are also many other functions, but those were the ones relevant to your needs. ]

'Yeah, that'll do. Can you make it look like a black high-end sedan?'

[ Of course. ]

Asahi smiled. 'Okay. Please build me a temporary driving course beneath the underground level of the property, so I can practice driving. I know that Aurora can easily drive it for me, but that's something that I wanna learn either way. I'll learn it on a regular car first, so buy one of those, but bound to the property. Also, Aurora, please register me as a license holder on the appropriate databases without anyone suspecting anything, and System please craft me a license.'

[ Done. ]

– Done. –

If there was one normal and mundane thing that he would avoid if he could, that would be bureaucracy.

Please, consider supporting me on K'o-fi(https://tinyurl.com/CasualCacophonyKF) or P'atreon(https://tinyurl.com/CasualCacophony). The money goes towards groceries and other essentials.


I'll be changing the P'atreon goals to not be tied to chapter releases anymore.

The K'o-fi will be there for extra tips or short term finantial goals.


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