
Love & Lust System

Not posting here anymore. You can find my novel here: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/278436/love-amp-lust-system/ Follow Kinoshita Asahi, who is a bit over two months away from starting to attend Tokyo University. He had horrendous luck throughout his life, but maybe this was about to change. A/N: If you're expecting an incel MC that goes around 'conquering', or even raping for the sake of points, this is not it. Our MC here is a smart and rational individual with one main goal: To live a life worth living. Although there will be many fully depicted sex scenes, with many different women, it won't have the misogynistic/sexist tones that these type of novels usually have. Just because he had sex with a woman, doesn't mean that she's 'his'. He's not looking for a relationship and is upfront about it, nor does he care if the women he hook up with have sex with someone else. I thought that it would be nice to let you know before you started reading it. :) Love & Lust System is Copyrighted 2021 by CasualCacophony. All rights reserved.

CasualCacophony · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
49 Chs

Chapter 30

Until August 1st 2021, the Ko-fi(https://ko-fi.com/casualcacophony) tips will have double value, meaning that for every U$20 in tips, an additional weekly chapter will be added to the queue. Every single dollar counts.

Please, disregard the ludicrous 2K 'goal', which isn't by any means an actual goal. I just set it like that for the sake of transparency, to make sure that the total sum of tips during this period will be visible there, since there is no way in hell that they'll even remotely come close to that.

The reason for me doing this is because I'm trying to make a bit of money, in order to start making things a little bit better for myself. By that I mean buying meds if I need them, instead of riding things out, food, replacing my tattered clothes with cheap but new ones, getting prescription glasses (they broke like 5-6 years ago), and things like that.

Will this work? I have no fucking clue, but I know for sure that it won't if I don't give it a shot, so here we are. I'll be posting this with every public release during this period.

Thank you for reading this, and for reading my novel. I wish you nothing but happiness. 😁


After Mayumi left, Asahi used his inventory to switch his pants to shorts.

Fumiko yawned.

Asahi gently pulled her to his embrace, and caressed her back. "Wanna take a nap with me before we start working on our own stuff?"

Leaning her head against his chest, she spoke with a sleepy tone. "That would be nice."

He gave her a light kiss, held her hand, and walked to his room alongside her. Passing by the couch, she grabbed her backpack.

In his room, she took off her hoodie, and they spooned in bed, beneath the covers.

Waking up, Fumiko felt Asahi's warmth, his arm around her, and a couple kisses on the nape of her neck, making her smile brightly.

After a couple more kisses on her neck, he spoke. "Did you sleep well?"

She caressed his arm, the one wrapped around her. "I did. You barely slept right?"

"Yeah, but I already expected that, with the way my body is now."

Slowly, she turned her body to face him. "Weren't you bored?"

He smiled, and gave her a light kiss. "Nah, I'm training as we speak."

She looked at him quizzically, and he pointed at the other side of the room.

There were a dozen heavy dumbbells floating in the air, like they were doing a choreographed dance.

She chuckled, caressing his chest. "We should start working now, so we can be a bit more carefree during the weekend.

He gave her a light kiss. "Yup. Since you only brought your laptop, I'll set up a desk with a couple monitors for you."

She smiled. "Thank you."

On an empty corner of the room, next to a power outlet, a desk appeared, with a couple monitors, mouse, keyboard and the works. He plugged everything where it needed to be using his Psychokinesis, only missing her laptop.

He also made the backup chair, the one that came with the room disappear, and another one like his main chair appear.

After a few tender kisses, they went to their respective spots to work on their own projects.

While Fumiko was coding something that he couldn't even pretend to understand, Asahi worked on his group project, improving the writing and doing some odd tasks here and there.

Later that night, they had a nice meal, courtesy of the Store, as were the snacks they consumed until then.

They played video games for a bit, then went to bed, since Fumiko was really tired, and desperately needed a good night of sleep.

As expected, Asahi woke up hours before Fumiko, so he got out of the bed using his psychokinesis to levitate himself, making sure to not wake her up.

He sat on his chair, and made a 13cm-tall light-green cylindrical device with a button appear on his desk. The device stood on top of a small silvery base that seemed to be constructed to mitigate vibrations.

Pressing the button, the device started let out a series of soft glows, and after a couple minutes it stopped.

'Is it done?'

[ Yes. Within 2m of the device, sound will stay inside that range. You can work safely, without worries of waking Onoda Fumiko up. ]

He took a deep breath, cracked his knuckles and started typing.

The keyboard that he was using now, was one from the store, because his typing speed had increased once again, crossing the four hundred words per minute.

If anyone saw it, it would look like a custom purple keyboard, but in reality, it was made with material that were nowhere near close of being created on Earth. The main reason for the change, was so that he wouldn't need to worry about its safety, and could go all out without distractions.

Around six hours later, he felt Fumiko wake up.

He turned around, and got up from his chair.

She looked at him, still half asleep in her pajamas, and smiled. "Good morning."

He made the personal cleaning device appear, and gave her a light kiss as he handed it to her. "Good morning."

Feeling the refreshing sensation in her body after using it, she lost some of her sleepiness. "What is that green dildo on your desk?"

He laughed. "It creates a zone around it that doesn't let the noise out. It was so I could work without worrying about waking you up. But I guess it could be used for that as well, with the benefit of not letting the moans out."

She laughed, then caressed his chest, with a slightly worried expression. "You're not overworking yourself, are you?"

He gave her a light kiss and smiled. "Nope. I'm actually having a lot of fun with everything that I'm doing. I already asked the System to warn me if I start to burn myself out. I think having these powers and all this access to stuff made me a lot more active."

She smiled. "That's good. I noticed that you were typing much slower when you were working on your group project last night. Are you afraid that they will see your typing speed, since everything is done within the competition servers?"

He displayed an awkward smile. "That too, but I also don't feel comfortable going all out with my powers on that. It feels like cheating, even though it technically isn't."

She chuckled. "You're such a goody two shoes when it comes to some things."

He caressed her face. "A little bit, yeah. What do you want for breakfast today?"

She bit her lower lip. "I don't know, I'm not really hungry. How about you help me work up an appetite?"

He moved closer to her, running his hand from her face to her ample and plump ass, giving it a nice squeeze, as he kissed her deeply.

They started making out, caressing each other's bodies.

One by one, he made her clothes disappear, also doing the same with his underwear, until they were both naked.

Fumiko crawled on top of him, getting into position for a nice and long sixty-nine.

As she worked his shaft and balls, he ate her with gusto. They did it slowly, enjoying every second of it.

When she was soaking wet, she shifted her body to face him, slowly slipping his cock inside her.

While slowly moving her hips to swallow his cock with her pussy, she kissed him, and used her hands to play with his nipples.

He squeezed her ass, enjoying all the sensations that she was providing him.

After his cock was completely inside her, she raised her torso and looked at him. Gently, she caressed his abs, then his chest, as she licked her lips.

Starting to move her hips, she leaned down again, and began to lick and bite his nipples, while caressing his body with her hands.

It felt absurdly good for him, and she felt it as his cock twitched inside her.

She rode him slowly for close to twenty minutes, until they both reach an intense orgasm, moaning almost in unison.

He then gently rolled on top of her, without taking his cock out, giving her the same treatment.

Thrusting his hips at a slow pace, he massaged and savored her G-cup tits.

After they both came once again, he fucked her from behind twice. First in her pussy, and to finish it off, he pounded her ass until she was sprawled on the bed in a daze.

He gently caressed her ass, which was a bit red from him smacking it. "Did that get your appetite going?"

With a satisfied smile, she spoke with a sarcastic tone. "Barely, but you get a passing grade."

He started to kiss the nape of her neck, while massaging her ass. "I'll work harder next time then. How about six or seven in a row."

She let out a soft moan. "You want to put me in a cum coma, don't you?"

He lied next to her, looking her in the eyes. "Nah, just slightly short of it."

Her stomach growled, making her laugh. "Okay, now I'm really hungry."

He got up from the bed. "What do you want?"

Slowly, she got up as well. "Chocolate chip pancakes with chocolate syrup."

He chuckled. "I don't think I'll ever understand how you can eat so much of something so sweet at once."

She gave him a light slap on the chest. "Says the guy who ate a liter of raspberry ice cream in one sitting, just a couple days ago."

He nodded. "Touché. Now, I'm gonna use something that you'll ask me to come use in your room once a week, at least. And before you ask, it seems that I got it from a quest."

She looked at him quizzically.

He made a 20cm-tall light-blue pyramid with silvery circuitry appear in the middle of the room. Suddenly, it emitted a light glow, and in an instant, the room and everything in it was clean, including them, leaving a faint flowery smell.

Her mouth went agape, before she hugged his arm, squeezing it between her G-cups. "I'm glad that you already knew what I was going to ask. I'll be expecting you every Sunday night."

He chuckled, and gave her a light kiss. "Gladly."

She blinked. "Speaking of which. Neither you or Mayumi have been to my room."

He raised his right eyebrow. "That's true."

She sighed. "I guess I never invited you guys because I'm not really friends with my roommate. It's more like a cordial business-like relationship, and the three of us can get really loud."

He smiled, and pointed towards the cylindrical device.

She blinked, and gave him a few light slaps. "You didn't need to literally bang my brains out. I can't believe I didn't make that connection instantly."

He laughed, turning the cylindrical device off with Psychokinesis, and making both devices disappear. Holding hands and laughing, they went to the kitchen, still naked.

At the table, while Fumiko enjoyed her pancakes and milk, Asahi ate a grilled cheese with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Licking her lips, Fumiko looked at him quizzically. "Are you still not looking at the quests?"

He shook his head. "Nah, not even at the rewards. Unless it's something that would be paramount to my development or safety, or the safety of those I care about, the System won't tell me until I ask for it. While I was writing earlier, I asked about cleaning devices, because of the gigantic house that I'm getting, so the System told me about my reward."

She smiled. "It still amazes me, whenever I think about how you're dealing with having a System."

He displayed a pensive expression. "That's actually something that I've been thinking about, how other people would handle having a System. Would you agree that despite its benefits, actually having the System, puts more pressure on a person than just learning about its existence? I'm not trying to minimize what you and Mayumi are going through in any way though."

She chuckled. "I know. I can easily see what you mean. You're the one that has to hold back and keep yourself in check. We already know that you can buy guns, even futuristic ones. Given the scope of the System, it's easy to deduce that you can most likely buy things that would level a city. Drugs as well, whatever you want, really. Am I wrong?"

He shook his head. "Nope, you're on point. That's why I'm trying my best with the smoke and mirrors. Even a monkey knows that the best way to deal with a threat is to completely eliminate it. Not only I don't want to turn into that kind of person, that in and of itself would make me a real threat, and both the TS and the Consortium wouldn't hesitate to try and eliminate me if I started to go around killing people. So, be it from a moral or a logical standpoint, I only see my doom at the end of that path. And that brings us back to me not gaming the System, at least nowhere near as much as I could. I feel like both things would easily get out of hand."

She nodded. "True. With the clout and momentum that you have under your moniker of MysteriousMoonlight at the moment, I can easily think of a hundred ways to get millions upon millions of points. Although, at that point, you would probably run into some severe diminishing returns. If my line of thought is correct, you being genuine in your actions should be worth a lot more points, especially on the Love side of the System."

A system screen appeared to their side.

[ That is correct. ]

He smiled. "That one I had already figured out as well. Thankfully it aligned pretty well with what I wanted in the first place. Yeah, I could make videos, write more, even livestream me fucking some girls, but I'll pass."

She laughed. "Please, don't do porn. So many guys would feel emasculated watching you have sex, in more ways than one."

He blushed, and smiled awkwardly. "I mean, it's not like I can always go that hard at it."

She cleaned her mouth with a napkin, walked to him, sat sideways on his lap, and gave him a tender kiss. "I know, and I was just joking. If you're tired or not at peak libido, that's fine, no need to force it."

He hugged her tightly. "I won't."

She gave him a few light kisses. "Good. Are you going to see Trish tomorrow?"

He shook his head. "I had already told her that I wouldn't, but I'll go home with her on Monday after training, and stay over. Although, we might go to my newly acquired house instead."

She looked at him with an obviously fake offended expression. "You're taking the mistress first?"

He chuckled and kissed her. "Don't worry, I'll wait to furnish it when I take you and Mayumi there. Outside of a few essentials that is."

She laughed. "A bed and lube?"

He lightly tickled her. "You know me well. Wanna spend the rest of the day in bed, flirting and talking?"

She kissed him deeply. "And fucking."

He squeezed her ass. "Well, that goes without saying."

The day passed by quickly, with both of them enjoying each other and having a lot of fun.

At night, he went online to work on his group project for a few hours, logging onto the voice chat with them.

(S)- "Look who finally showed up."

(As)- "Between a naked Fumiko and hanging out here, with most likely nothing to do, what would

you choose?"

(S)- "Point taken."

(M)- "She was naked? How scandalous."

(R)- *giggles*

(As)- "It seems that you guys got quite a few things done today. Alright, I'll pull my weight now.

Amaya, I'm gonna send you some bullet points and mechanics in a short while and you tell

me if you're okay with programing them."

(Am)- "…"

(As)- "Amaya?"

(Am)- "Yes, I'm here. Send me and I'll take a look at it."

They kept working for a few hours. With Asahi's typing prowess, even without using his powers, he did everything that he needed to regarding the writing quite quickly, then helped them with whatever they needed.

After they said goodbye and logged off, he sent a text to Amaya.

(As)- Hey, you seemed a bit off there for a bit. Is everything okay? If there is something I can help

you with, just ask and I'll try my best.

(Am)- Oh, I'm fine. I kind of talked about it with Mayumi already. But… I'd actually like to talk to you

about it as well. Can we talk during lunch on Monday? You, Mayumi and I.

(As)- Of course, count me in.

(Am)- Thank you. I'll talk to Mayumi about it as well.

After saying goodbye, he looked at his bed. Fumiko was wearing her pajamas, with headphones on, watching videos on her laptop.

Smiling, he joined her.

Sunday, around 6pm.

Mayumi arrived at the apartment.

As she entered the front door, she was greeted at the entrance hallway by Asahi wearing just shorts, and Fumiko wearing pajamas.

Asahi hugged her tightly, lifting her off the floor, and giving her multiple kisses.

Fumiko hugged her, laying her head on Mayumi's chest. "How was your weekend?"

Mayumi caressed the back of Fumiko's head. "Mostly hanging out with my parents and working on our project. Did you two have fun?"

Fumiko smiled brightly. "We did."

After Mayumi put away her backpack, and changed into her usual crop top and booty shorts, they sat on the couch to watch Asahi adventure at the TS's Justice department.

By the end of it, Mayumi and Fumiko were blinking, trying to process what they heard.

Mayumi looked at her bracelet, then at Asahi. "23.8 billion yen?"

Fumiko had a pensive expression. "Even with the tax exemption, the property isn't worth that much, right?"

He looked at Mayumi. "That's what the System told me." He then looked at Fumiko. "It's not, not even half. I was just buying her help in the future. She's quite against not paying people back, and she's more than intelligent enough to realize what I was doing, and still went with it. It was basically a silent agreement that she'll help me in the future if I need something taken care of, or expedited, as long as it's not illegal."

Fumiko nodded. "Ah, I get it. You intend to use vehicles and some other things from the Store, and will for sure need help with registering them if needed."

Asahi smiled. "Bingo. I want to get all of us cars from the Store, if you're okay with it."

Mayumi took a deep breath. "Do you intend to make this a thing? Selling stuff to them, I mean."

He shook his head. "Not unless I need something from them, or what they ask for won't be a burden in terms of points. If they try to use anything I sell them for evil purposes, the System will make it stop working on the spot. I don't wanna sell stuff to make money for me, but I can just donate all the profits to some charities."

Fumiko smiled. "That would be nice."

Mayumi nodded. "That's a great way to use the System for good, without needing to actively do too much."

He rubbed his chin. "System, can the Basic Guidance give me a list of trustworthy charities, with the maximum amount that I should donate in order to not corrupt them?"

[ Yes. ]

He smiled, rubbing his hands.

Please, consider supporting me on K'o-fi(https://tinyurl.com/CasualCacophonyKF) or P'atreon(https://tinyurl.com/CasualCacophony). The money goes towards groceries and other essentials.


On K'o-fi you can tip me directly, and whenever the communal goal is met, I will release an additional chapter in the following week, with the limit of one additional chapter per week. While on P'atreon, you can stay five chapters ahead of the public releases, while also helping me work towards additional weekly releases.


Thank you all for reading my novel. I wish you nothing but happiness.

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