
Love is a Cage

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What is Love is a Cage

Baca novel Love is a Cage yang ditulis oleh penulis Laiba_Khalid_2300 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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By my leave, Alpha

If I am to make it out of here alive I can not wake the man who I choose to go home with. Of all nights to get pushed over the edge, why did I have to go home with someone. But I needed to get my mind off the fact my boyfriend of 3 years just dumped me after graduation. So here I am. Trying to pull my panties out from under Jacob? Jackson? Crap. If there was ever a story to judge me it’s this one. ‘Andrea Fray, if u don’t come down I’m leaving’ a text flashed on my phone. Great my best friend was leaving me to walk or hail a cab. Who needs underwater, right. It’s been 6 weeks since my drunken one night stand and I’m sitting here in the bathroom of the apartment Denise ‘Nessi’ and I share as she hugs me. “‘it’s ok, we can figure it out, we don’t have to return to the pack next week, I’m sure we can tell ur dad something to get out of the pairing ceremony.” The pairing ceremony was a chance for all packs to join and a few from over seas, to come together and find their mates, it goes on for 2 weeks for maximum pairing. But I know if I find my mate there is no chance he will be able to accept another and child. I’m daughter to the most powerful pack of North America, the Blood Rain pack. I cannot return carrying a child when I am not claimed. Being pregnant and unclaimed was very bad, usually females who got pregnant with another males pup who wasn’t their mate, were killed because her mate didn’t want to raise another wolfs pup. I don’t think my father could protect me seeing as how it was one of the laws he introduced when he rose to power. It was the first night of the pairing ceremony and alphas rolled in with their unmated pack members and usually a few warriors from their packs. There was well over 10,000 by now. I was headed to the kitchen to sneak a little snack when a delicious smell took me to the front door. The smell of fresh rain and mint, just mouthwatering. There he stood, 6’4” black wavy hair, muscles straining his white button up was showing off the outline of an 8 pack. MATE! Crap….

Jade_4527 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Esper's adventures in Konosuba

A regular guy who watches anime and reads manga and novels dies from a deadly pandemic. That guy became a soul and met The GREAT R.O.B. who granted his wishes and to be reincarnated to Konosuba, a Magical world brimming with diverse creatures, dragons and comedic individuals. Also, the guy chooses to live days before the canon starts. MC wishes to become an esper. Join the MC with his new identity, , as he goes on an adventure to Konosuba. Not becoming the deity, not the hero nor the villain. He is just a guy who wants to go on an adventure. This is created just because of an outburst of idea idk if I will make this fanfic seriously LOL Hello Dear Readers, If you stumble upon this story and seems like it. I ask are to add this in you collection and maybe gift me some Powerstones. Cause why not? They're free and can easily be done within few seconds. Besides, having a Powerstones is deeply appreciated. The Fan-fic's cover photo, and all photos used as materials were created and edited by me. The materials used were free to use but can be deleted upon valid and legal reasons. This is just a Fan-Fic for fun Konosuba Fan-Fic No System Fan-Fic Read this Fan-Fic when it is 25 chapters and above or you'll regret it. This Fan-Fic doesn't have extreme scientific, theorically, logical, magical, long information or explanation like the cultivation novels cliche or Xianxa novels cliche(no offense) This is not a Cultivation nor Xianxa Fanfic(no offense) Don't expect the MC to be Prideful, Arrogant nor Weak. No lemon scene but MC gets laid lol Goals before holes lol MC is a goal-setter Harem=Maybe? Familia=Yes Wish Fulfillment ______________________________________________________ *Hello there noobie Author Here!!* WARNING: I'm new in writing novel so there will be many flaws but i will improve as much. Don't expect much. And i only posts whenever i want and for fun. DISCLAIMER: KONOSUBA IS NOT MINE, IT BELONGS TO THE RESPECTIVE OWNER. I ONLY OWN FEW OCS THAT I CREATED, AND NOTHING ELSE. I DON'T OWN ANYTHING BESIDES MY OCS I USED IN THIS FANFIC. ALL THE SOURCE MATERIALS USED IN THIS FANFIC BELONG TO THE RESPECTIVE OWNER.

Jane_Park_2563 · Komik
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Eternal Embrace : A Fantasy Romance

In the enchanting town of Everwood, a chance meeting between Grace, a violinist, and Ethan, an artist, sparks an unforgettable love story. As their paths continue to intertwine, they discover a deep connection rooted in their shared passion for music and art. Grace and Ethan's relationship is tested as they strive to pursue their dreams while holding onto their love. Their journey explores the challenges of long-distance relationships and the power of an unbreakable bond. Amidst the breathtaking scenery of Everwood, their story unfolds, revealing the vulnerability and passion that comes with finding one's soulmate. But there is another tale within this novel, one of supernatural romance. Rudhir, an immortal vampire, finds himself irresistibly drawn to the captivating Roshni. As he wrestles with the shadows of his past, he must confront the question of whether a vampire's heart can be redeemed by love. Eternal Embrace takes readers on a magical journey through the realms of love, loss, and redemption. It explores the enduring power of love to transcend time, distance, and even mortality. A story that weaves together fantasy and romance, it captures the intricate dance of human connection, where hearts find solace, passion, and the strength to overcome the darkest of pasts. Prepare to be swept away by the captivating tales of star-crossed lovers in this enchanting novel, Eternal Embrace

Avantika_Shukla_8531 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Vorfreude: Rachel Richmann

Krisis pangan dan energi berkelanjutan telah memperparah kondisi peradaban umat manusia di tahun 2157 M pasca perubahan iklim ekstrem dan kekeringan menahun. Para politisi, pebisnis, dan ilmuwan telah berbondong-bondong menciptakan kebijakan dan penemuan tepat guna agar manusia dapat bertahan hidup di tengah krisis. Rachel Richmann, CEO sekaligus ilmuwan dari Cyclops Intelligence adalah salah satunya. Rachel memiliki ambisi besar untuk melakukan rekayasa genetik agar manusia dapat bertahan hidup tanpa makanan dan oksigen melalui gen dan microchip yang diberi nama Instinctive Cardinal Nutrition Generator (ICNG-257). Penelitian dan komersialisasi bisnisnya sukses besar, namun diluar dugaan seseorang dari laboratoriumnya sengaja mengubah fungsi dan sistem gen dan microchip tersebut hingga mengakibatkan cacat permanen pada penerima rekayasa, termasuk diantaranya adalah para politisi dan pengusaha elit. Rachel telah dituntut atas kesalahan praktik yang terjadi di perusahaannya, namun Ia berhasil membungkam media dan penegak hukum. Rachel mengaku tidak bersalah, dan Ia terus mencari sosok Lore Hasenclever, peneliti yang disinyalir sebagai dalang dari insiden tersebut. Di tengah kegamangannya, Rachel bertemu dengan Niels Geyer, seorang arkeolog dan pemerhati lingkungan yang sangat membenci pengusaha seperti Rachel karena menganggapnya semakin merusak peradaban manusia. Namun, sampai lama waktu berlalu Niels tidak mengetahui dan mengingat pasti siapa sosok Rachel sebenarnya. Niels adalah seorang pengidap Alzheimer, Ia kesulitan mengenali teman dan keluarganya sendiri, dan momen-momen yang terjadi dalam hidupnya. Di sisi lain, Rachel juga menyembunyikan identitasnya dari Niels. Rachel tidak ingin Niels membencinya, karena jauh di dalam hatinya Rachel telah menaruh perasaan pada kesederhanaan pria itu. Niels jugalah yang telah menanamkan kembali nilai-nilai moral dan kemanusiaan yang Rachel rasa telah hilang darinya sejak lama. Lalu akankah ambisi mengubah segalanya? Juga, mampukah Rachel sebagai seorang perempuan mewujudkan mimpi-mimpinya untuk menciptakan penemuan yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan manusia? ---------- Hello, welcome to the seventh novel by Aleyshia Wein! Novel kali ini mengangkat genre Sci-Fi (hard Sci-Fi, soft Sci-Fi, biopunk) dengan sedikit unsur-unsur crime di dalamnya. Novel ini tidak akan terlalu romantis, tapi mungkin manis. Novel ini akan menunjukkan sisi ambisius Rachel sebagai seorang CEO dan ilmuwan, sekaligus kelembutan dan perasaannya sebagai perempuan itu sendiri. Novel ini akan sangat kompleks membahas politik, bisnis, dan sains hingga terintegrasi ke dalam alur keseluruhan yang cukup melelahkan. Novel ini juga serius akan sangat filosofis menarik esensi terdalam kemanusiaan. Jika tertarik, boleh memberikan komentar, review, serta kritik dan saran yang membangun agar Author semakin meningkatkan kualitas penulisan kedepan. Regards, Aleyshia Wein.

aleyshiawein · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
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