

hi Iam lucky iam from ville maria school from india . since my birth I have lots of skin allergies and inspite of that iam allergenic to some things in this world. I can't lead a life which normal human beings lead . I have rashes in my hand and my legs and I gets pimples and breakouts easily but I don't care

my appearance because love doesn't need an appearance . it only needs our inner selves,personality, character . if the love comes from appearance and being pretty or beautiful that's not love but they are infatuated to your beauty. I doesn't have any friends because I always get bullied in my school . my relatives kids will say not to tell them sa my family and my parents also speak and tell only negatives to me . there is no one who speaks positively to me nor being friendly with me . I think in future any prince will definitely come for me and fall in love with me by seeing my inner self . I have the confidence that he will change everyone and everything around me. i can't even fight for my rights because I keep taking negative things . so let's see what my future holds . it holds my happiness or it holds curse of sadness. we always expect their will be someone who can shower love to us and be with us till our last second .

this story gives you the clear thought that any boy or girl who fell in love love their inner being not their outer selves . no one should get bullied or criticize by their outer beings

even if you don't like them pls don't talk rubbish about them just be quiet and avoid it's better than bullying if you know that they are getting criticize or bullied pls inform to the person who can stop . all are human being all are one and accept the universal truth that nobody is perfect

pan_huimin_4808creators' thoughts