
Love again(unexpected)

"Stop!! please don't go away I know I was wrong by going out to see him again when I made a promise to never meet with him" Gao Yi gritted his teeth in anger and glared at her Suddenly an eerie smile showed on his face "Seems like I haven't been punishing you enough....don't worry I know what to do about that "Saying that he grabbed her hands and pulled her towards his bedroom " Gao Yi was a retired General in the imperial army who came back home because of am injury he sustained in his last mission, coming back to his city Shanghai china he decided to take his mother away from his father's hands And started his own business.Along the way he found his long lost love and he decided not to let go again Lin Rouxue is a beautiful Young lady of 23 years she attended the same secondary school , the first day she resumed the school her eyes clashed with his when he bumped into her in the school hallway and when he turned around to apologize he was so mesmerized by her beauty that he decided to pursue her but unfortunately she couldn't notice him Later on There was a twist in fate and they got separated for seven whole years Would they ever be able to love again ?

Omma014 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Riceball stall

~Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.~


"Miss Shi. Do not worry I'll pick up the cost of your treatment and drugs. let's get you to the hospital first."

Shi Lihua still didn't wish to let the matter go easily. But because she couldn't bear the pain in her thigh anymore, she sneered and walked out with a sullen face.

Before leaving, she glanced at Lin Rouxue and said.

" Watch out for me. I heard Han Ping left you to date My best friend Weiying, no one is gonna defend you this time around." after saying that,

she limped her way out of the coffee store.

Lin Rouxue clenched her first In resentment.

After Shi Lihua had left, Lin Rouxue directed her gaze to the manager.

"Sir I'm still waiting for my paycheck."

The manager was still very angry. he wished he could just slap her mouth. gritting his teeth he said

" Didn't you understand what I said? I'll be using your salary as a compensation for the injuries caused to Miss Shi"

Lin Rouxue smiled mockingly. she picked up her phone and pretended to call the police.

"Hello. Yes, this is Miss Lin speaking, I want to file a case. Yes, Harassment. My Boss Mr. Wang. sure, Am at the Lounge cafe on the 3rd Street"

Manager Wang's face turned red in fear.

He didn't hesitate to agree to her request

" Hehe Miss Lin, you don't have to take it too far. how about this, I'll send your paycheck to you through your mail I promise you'll receive it before the end of today."

Lin Rouxue didn't stop her pretense.

she knew he was just saying that to send her away, Unfortunately, she was immune to this kind of people.

Finally, he relented and went into his office.

He came out with the money wrapped in a brown envelope and handed it to her.

"Here. this is your salary for the month and your bonus for this month"

Lin Rouxue finally put down the phone and collected the money.

Me. Wang's face crumbled when he saw that the phone was off. only one thing was ringing in his head at that moment 'She tricked me.'

He slammed the phone on the table and stood up.


" Nice doing business with you Mr. Wang"

she smiled and walked out with her dignity still intact.


Inside The office of the President of the new company 'XUEYI Corp', The sound of the keyboard tapping was very prominent.

During the past one and half months That he didn't bump into Lin Rouxue, Gao Yi had signed a few contracts with a few well-known companies. He was doing pretty well for himself and the company, He was polite and courteous and also gentlemanly to people he met. Companies Presidents he has signed contracts with recommended him to their friend's companies.

Lu Bingwen who said opposite Gao Yi sighed and broke the eerie silence.

"I thought you were joking when you said you were quitting the army to start a business" he sighed again and continued.

" To be honest you are doing quite well for yourself. tell me something... why are you doing this?"

" For that Xue girl right?. ah why am I even asking the obvious? It is very obvious indeed, you even used her name with a combination of your name to name your company.

Gao Yi just raised his eyelids and glanced at him. he snubbed him and continued what he was doing.

Lu Bingwen rolled his eyes at him. he sat there in silence and refused to comment further.

he spoke again when he remembered something.

"That reminds me. Today is the Class get-together anniversary banquet. you promised to go with me"

That sentence alone made him stop tapping the keyboard.

Looking up, he said

" Today?" he had a project he had to sign later with the president of Ma zhou conglomerate. maybe he should send Zhong Wei on his behalf. Brushing that aside, he said in an affirmative voice

"Sure. what time is it starting?"

Lu Bingwen was surprised that he agreed so easily.

"7 pm sharp."

"okay. You can go"

Lu Bingwen:. . . .

He sighed softly and left the office.

After he had left, he dialed his assistant's number. the call connected shortly,

"Zhong Wei order a custom made suit, Wine colored."

After saying that, he hung up.


When Lin Rouxue got home, it was already noon.

she ordered take-out and ate.

After eating she fell asleep on the couch.

The sound of her phone Woke her up at 5 pm.

stretching her lazy bones, she picked up the call and answered immediately.

"Xuexue where are you?"

Lin Rouxue scoffed.

"What does my whereabouts have to do with you? is that why you woke me up?

Get lost. I want to sleep some more."

She hung up after saying that.

Not long after she hung up, another call came in.

she answered it again


okay, am awake. what's wrong this time?"

" Rouxue cone down let's go out to eat."

"I'm not hungry. you can go without me"

"I'm going to that riceball stall close to my office. are you sure you'll pass?.

Hearing it was her favorite Riceball stall, she jumped up from the couch, Quickly put on some casual clothes, and ran out of the house.

"Wait for me outside am coming"


Sorry for the late delivery of the chapter

Was busy with school exams

And I finished today

I'll be updating regularly from now

Thank you....