

SHE WAS LOST . SINCE AGES. HE WAS LOST , AWAY FROM HIMSELF. THEY WERE LOST IN SEARCHING . ...... WILL SHE BE FOUND? WILL HE FIND HER, OR HIMSELF? WHAT HAPPENS AFTER? ........ Hope u like it . I am new . This is new. There some action drama romance and mystery coming your way,

lvly · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


" i knew you would say something like this . i heard from my own ears and from my own eyes it was you, it was your number on her phone Devin."

Ana spoke as she gritted her teeth and sneered.



Me and Eve were in the car returning home when suddenly there was a sound of phone ringing. It was Eve's phone.

" who's calling ?" i asked

"Its Dave ." she said and received the call on speaker mode.


" princess Lynne, you went shopping ? when are you coming back ?"

she giggled at the way her brother addressed her and played along with him.

"Yeah and this princess is on her way home"

She said acting like a real princess.

" oh good , then which road are you guys taking , tell the driver not to take the city highway that's jammed due to traffic because of an accident few minutes ago."

Dave said which made Eve scrunch up her eyebrows in confusion and then seconds later she raised it making her eyes wide.

" we just left the mall and how do you know ? you were in Queensland . Are you back ?"

Her last sentence was more like a squeal and she looked like she was right about to jump in happiness. Dave was a business man and a newly graduated doctor. For business he had to travel places and just days before he had to go to Queensland . Eve had thought that he wont be able to be back on her birthday . she was sad about it. he was her only brother and they adored each other to no ends. But it seems like bro's back.

" See you later princess." and Dave hung up the call without answering her question.

A big smile appeared on her face.

She then leaned over to driver and asked," you heard Dave,right uncle Cardo?"

Uncle Cardo has been with her since her birth .His real name is Reccardo but when she was small she couldn't speak his name clearly so she gave the name Uncle Cardo.

" yes little miss." uncle cardo replied.

" okay then let reach home fast. Dave's baaaack. yaaay"

Her eyes were almost in a crescent shape as she squealed again earning a chuckle from Cardo and a glare from me . she squealed in my ear.

" Eeeve do you want me deaf or what." i got only giggle in reply.

" I thought he wont be there this time on my birthday. but he's back . he kept his promise .he's the best." I rolled my eyes at her as i knew she wont stop squealing any time soon.

"oh by the way , Uncle doc is coming today right.?" she asked . She calls my father as Uncle doc since he's a doctor .

" yeah. Now dont ask about his gift . I dont know this time . He really hid it from me cause he knew I wont be able to hide it from you .So i also will be seeing it for the first time with you only."

I said while looking out the window. Fewer cars could be seen and more trees .

We kept discussing random things when Aaron from the front seat said ,

" Stop the car." ( there were four people in the car, Eve , Ana , Uncle Cardo and Aaron. Aaron and Uncle Cardo are Eve's guards)

All of us three were confused as to why he said to stop the car .

" Why? what happened? " Uncle Cardo asked .

" you'll know , just stop for a minute." Aaron calmly replied . And a second later Cardo stopped the car.

I again looked out the window. We were on the middle of the road which runs along the river. This road is usually quite as it is situated at outskirts of the city and people prefer more to city highway than to this road. And currently only our car is standing here.

Aaron got out of the car and looked around. I thought he was having the urge to urinate. I dont know why i thought that. maybe because he was too calm thats why i was confused.

As we were wondering why he asked to stop here ,a second later the other came . that car was with us . Eve actually had five guards . Two, Antonio and Riccardo were assigned by her father since her birth and three, Aaron , Liam and Salem by Dave later when she grew up. After all she is the only daughter of one of the richest man in the country. Ans secondly her father and Dave , both of them are super protective.

The other car came to a stop behind us. The other guards , liam , salem and uncle Antonio also got out . We were confused as what was going on? Cardo who was still inside got out to ask. " What's going on guys ? why we stopped?" he asked in confusion.

" What do you mean ? you stopped so we stopped." Uncle Antonio answered but similar confusion was evident on his face.

Cardo even more confused pointed at Aaron and spoke ," Aaron told me to stop . dont know why?"

These five guards were among the most trusted guards. So no one suspected anything.

Suddenly Liam raised his gun and shot at Antonio . Right in his head.

Before me and eve could process what's going on Cardo was fighting the other three. He started screaming . Run.

We were horrified by the sudden change in the seen. We tried to open the door but it was locked . Just then I saw Eve moved onto the drivers seat and pressed the buttons and door unlocked with a click. We both got out of the car and Eve started running towards the body of Uncle Antonio screaming his name ,

" uncle ...uncle uncle , no no no noo"

But before she could reach him someone caught her from back. I ran to her but i couldn't reach her either ,i was caught too. Apparently we didn't notice when one more car arrived with five more people in it but unknown ones. we struggled to get free but their hold on us was too tight.

I saw Cardo fighting with six people now. Cardo was strong enough to take down three or four at once but not strong enough for six burly men against him at once . he was loosing .

Seeing that, we started to panic . I saw Eve , she was biting the man's hand who held her , she tried to kick him ,hit him fiercely. But his hold didn't loosen. Rather he got annoyed and slapped her hard.

I tried poking in the man's eyes who held me but he was too tall so he avoided me easily . so his crotch was only in my reach . I hit there gathering all my energy. he bend a little and his grip loosened . I took that opportunity and tried to run but he recovered fast and caught me again and then i received a hard slap on my face. so hard that it made me see stars. " you bitch." he cursed at me.

When two to three seconds later my vision cleared again , i encountered one of the most horrific scenario .

I saw Aaron and one of the other guy tear off Cardo's one arm away from his body . his scream was loud and gut wrenching . it sent shivers down my spine .

Me and Eve both froze . Wide eyed like a statue we stood there as we saw them ripping Cardo's other arm and shooting him in his head.

That was when i felt stinging sensation in my neck and pain surged through all over my body . I screamed in pain . When i heard eve screaming too i looked at her , they injected something into her too. moments later Eve dropped down on floor closing her eyes. next I felt my vision swim before i followed her and darkness took over me.


*********flashback stops,*****

hmmmmmm . keep reading , love ya,

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