1 SCP- 1001 - Mr. Coconut

Item #: 1001

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1002 is to be stored at an 13cm x 12cm wooden box, that would be labeled by its SCP number, as SCP-1002 contained in the box, it would be tightly shut, SCP-1002 would be contained in the box between the hours 8:00 PM to 12:30 AM at least two guards must patrol the box overnight.

Description: SCP-1002 is an humanoid wooden puppet, he is approximately 3 meters in length, he wears an worn out tuxedo, he has an coconut as an head, which why he earned the name "Mr Coconut" SCP-1002 doesn't have an eye or mouth, but no one knows why he can still talk.

SCP-1002 origins began at ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️during the 60's SCP-1002 was an famously known by his owner ⬛️⬛️⬛️ who would soon also become an ventriloquist, and use SCP-1002 as an dummy, SCP-1002 owner ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ was found dead in the alleyway of L.A, and SCP-1002 was left, but eventually the ⬛️⬛️⬛️ foundation would find him and contained him.

Interviewed: Scp-1002

Interviewer: Dr. Floyd (Deceased)

<Begin Log>

Dr. Floyd: Good afternoon Scp-1001, I'll be interviewing you today.

SCP-1002: Oh, alright.

Dr. Floyd: Well, we'll be asking you a few questions in this interview, so let's start, shall we?

SCP-1002: Sure thing, I guess...

Dr. Floyd: So, the first question we'll begin would be....Ah here you go...

Dr. Floyd: How is your life as an puppet?

SCP-1002: Well, I'm not sure about that...

Dr. Floyd: How come?

SCP-1002: Can we skip to the next Question please

Dr. Floyd: Um, yea sure, Anyways onto the next question...

Dr. Floyd: So what happened to your owner, or whatever...

SCP-1002: Well, the last time I saw him, he was in the movie studio, he was focusing on practicing his lines, and other stuff, that's all.

Dr. Floyd: Go on.

SCP-1002: No, I think I would want to stop this interview, right now...

Dr. Floyd: As you wish..

<End Log>

Closing Statement: The Interview was amazing intriguing, we may not have learned anything, but I think he's ready for testing.

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