

Seperated from his family when he was just 1 year old lived in forest with beast unknown to his origin . Arin grew up in a small village no so called family that would take care of him , he never have anticipated that day would come where his life will completelt change ing his life.He will learn about magic which he never would have. A clue of the lost kingdom which while soling this mystery he will encounter about 7 taboo superpower information and a prophecy about information about hisself which completely change his world view.

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs


As the sun's rays hit the cave entrance spreading in full cave Gracilia opened her eyes with full vigor she felt heavy she looked up and found Arin sleeping on her she used her magic and brought him down near her stomach

As she brought yesterday's memory, the first thing that came into her mind was 

" How am I alive " Then she looked around the cave and found a crystal ball and everything became clear this was the same core 

The cores are used in various ways they are small not very big they are consumed in a normal way, and they increase one core mana's carrying capacity.

Then she looked at her condition her normal fur had grown large and her size had increased she checked her core she was shocked her mouth remained open her core had not only grown in size but its color had also changed.

then she looked back at Arin who was yesterday holding the crystal and knew, it was not a miracle that saved her.

Normally different colors represent different types of power

White represents the weak potential

Blue represents a normal potential 

Orange represents a higher potential

Purple represents an advanced potential 

white core is mostly found in common folks they are only limited to casting 1 tier spells not everyone has a core one in a thousand has a core and manages to become a mage, and lives the luxurious life that one dreams of.


" huff huff "

A small boy covered in blood on his face sitting on the dead body of a bathed in blood happily commented 

many dead bodies of beasts were scattered around

" Mama how was it "

1 year before 

" Children get ready today I am going to teach you how to hunt " a voice rang in the cave waking the lives present in the cave groggily all the children woke up

arin yawns and walks near Gracillia lays on her stomach and closes his eyes 

" you sleepy head wake up already " Thaka came forward nudging Arin's body bringing back Arin from his sleep 

At the entrance of the cave, all stood near Gracillia watching Gracillia commencing a spell of wind flew a small fairy colorless form from the wind amazing the children 

Slowly it started moving forward forming a path Gracillia looked back at the childrens faces and said

" stay near me " strictly looking at her children

on the way, she informed some rules of hunting for the children along arin to ignore big beasts and not to disturb them.

They soon arrived in a forest where there was no grass. The only field in view was covered by trees and several small beasts were present. The only kind of beasts present were the ones called Horn Boggies.

A small beast with a bogie-like body and a small horn above the nose 

Gracilia looking at the small beast she commented

" small animals are clever with amazing speed you should avoid attacking them from the front use your body for small animals " 

Gracillia looked at the children and called out for Thaka and gave him instruction 

"come here Thaka you see the small horn bogie go there and smash his back from your body "

Horn bogie a small rabbit-like animal with horns on their head which were tilted at some angle the body was only 5 inches it was easy for Thaka to attack sneakily on its back crushing its

Thaka slowly reached behind the bogie and jumped to end its life but the bogie reacted very fast its instinct kicked up a strong kick straight to the face of Thaka making him fly and run away from the scene.

Animals have senses that can even sense hidden danger. She instructed him to hunt for the beast by himself 

He set in action once again failing and embarrassment on his face he ran back to his mother and embraced hiding his face 

Arin who was back saw this something burned inside him instinct he moved to the front and went straight to Gracillia and said

" Mama can I " with curiosity wrinkling in his eyes 

 " Sure if you want to try go for it " Arin with a small smile moved toward the small horn bogie on the side of a large tree and slowly with his small legs reached near the tree 

As soon as the forest fell silent, all the creatures there turned their attention towards Arin. He moved with swift and precise control, one leg at a time, and arrived at the back of the bogie, leaving everyone in shock.

Bogies are small creatures known for their agility and reflexes. Not everyone can catch them due to their extreme speed, but Arin was close behind.

In a sudden move, Arin launched himself at the bogie, aiming to capture it with his body. However, with its sharp reflexes, the bogie swiftly dodged his attack, evading him effortlessly.

Arin's small body was unable to react to the speed of the bogie and fell flat on the ground where Bogie was lying before hitting his face hard on the ground.

" he almost got it "Murmurs rang back in a weak voice subduing

" Thump " disrupting the silence of the surroundings several footsteps and 

" ROAR " Several foot-stomping sounds started to ring in the forest a horde of wild beasts that were on a rampage came into view running wildly 

Gracillia acted quickly when she saw the animals behaving oddly, creating a dome-shaped barrier around her and her children.

arin already recovered from the fall and was also standing beside Gracillia covered with soil watching the horde with curious faces and said

" Mama why are they running like this "

listening to Arin, Gracillia gazed over her children and Arin and stated with cold eyes "They are in a berserk state not right in their mind, which happens when one becomes angry you all should not come in the way of a berserk beast way they attack anyone in their anyone without even a care about their life."

A few minutes the horde passed mother bear sensed it was not safe to continue anymore and with a serious face commented 

"let's go back home it is not safe to continue anymore " 

Leave hard work to me u guys enjoy reading

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