
Lost as Invincible

Waking up as invincible was not exactly a good thing.

Random_Entity · Komik
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3 Chs

Naked and afraid

'W…where?' In a barren wasteland, a bloody topples figure was laid down flat on his back.

'Where the hell am I?...' groaning, he sat up. 'Was I kidnapped? No, I'm pretty sure I was in bed watching Invincible. The last thing I remember doing was watching Angstrom Levy getting his ass turned into a tomato by Invincible, then I fell asleep.' Squinting his eyes, he blocked the sun's rays with his hand.

"What the hell…" He examined his bloody hands with a frown on his face. Frozen, he got on his two feet and looked around. Turning to look around he saw a big blood stain on the ground and metal with a mashed and beaten face.

"No…" he stumbled back, his body visibly shaking.

"No no no no no no…" He crouched down holding his head. 'It can't be. This has to be a dream or something. It's impossible, insane to think that I could even be here.' He closed his eyes. 'I'm gonna wake up any second now.'

…three minutes later…

Looking up at Angstroms body again, he sighed. "Im not dreaming am I?" Getting a good look at Angstroms face he almost threw up. Mark really did a number on him. Walking far away from the body his breathing started to shake. 'What do I do now? I never read the comic of Invincible and only watched the show so I wouldn't be spoiled.' He spoke with a chuckle.

"Bet your really regretting that now, aren't you." He fell down on his butt, his hands in his lap, also looking down at the blue boots and black pants he was wearing. He was basically almost naked. 'Im Mark Grayson now huh?' He sat down quietly alone. He had nothing to do but think about what his next move would be. How will he get out of this demension? How should he act if he gets out of here? He's not some amazing actor or anyone special at all, but your normal average guy.

'I had a goood life, family and friends. I always wished I could reincarnate or transmigrate into some fictional universe, system included. Now that I'm here, I wanna go back. I don't have Marks memories nor do I have a system!' He let out a frustrated voice, balling his hand he hit his right fist into the ground. Making a shockwave, a dust of sand in his face.

"God dammit." Getting up once again, he started wondering about his newly gained powers. 'Now that I'm Mark, I can fly and survive in space for while…' He looked up at the sky. 'Maybe there are still other versions of aliens, do viltrimites exist here? I could try to fly off this planet and look, but I need to learn how to fly properly.'


'How do I start to fly exactly? How the hell did Mark make it look so easy to get started?' Closing his eyes he tried to imagine himself getting lifted into the air. 'Please tell me this will work.' Starting to feel the feeling of weightlessness he opened his eyes.

"YES! I fucking did it!" With his hands in the the air he took the position Mark usually took when flying, shooting his hands in front of him.


He took off into the air at top speed making a sonic boom.

"Hahaha!" For a few minutes he did a series of spins and tricks in the air until he got bored. Straightening his position in the air, he flew across the sky at a good pace to observe the planet's surface. 'Hmmm, not much to see but sand and rusted metal. What kind of dimension is this?' Slowing down till he stopped in the air he crossed his arms.

'There's gotta be a way to get out, the show wouldn't have ended with Mark forever being stranded here with no way to go home unless…' he raises his hands to his face. 'Unless I'm a different version than him, and duh, I'm obviously not gonna make the same decisions as Mark will in the show.' He slowly levitated down back to the ground. 'Maybe someone will come save me, maybe a portal will open right behind me with Robot Rex telling me that he figured some nerdy shit out.' The sun started setting for the new Mark, as he laid on his back again, just like he woke up before.

'I'm tired.' He thought while looking up at the sky.

'Just maybe, this is a very realistic dream I'm gonna wake up from. I'm still holding on to hope that this is one. A quick nap might do me good.' He thought while trying to get as comfortable as possible on the sandy ground. 'Man I miss my bed already, I can't sleep and I'm bored out of my mind.' Having no one to talk to had started getting to him.

"Fuck my life!" Yelling at air made him feel a little better for a few microseconds till depression started sinking in. He started to hold his breath, testing how long he can hold it until he needed air, and found out he still didn't need to breath even after what felt like hours. 'Well I guess going into space to meet some aliens can be a solution to my isolation. Waking up in Dc would be way better than the situation I'm in right now.

Just when he started to feel tired enough that he didn't need to be comfortable to sleep, a bright light appeared in front of him, blinding him into oblivion. "Holy fucking shit, my eyes!" He covered them with his right forearm, preparing to fly straight into and punch whatever the hell the thing was that probably caused him vision damage, even if that might never actually happen with the body he has now.

Then everything went dark.


A/N: this is just something I cooked up in the back of my head so I don't really know where to go from this, ideas are appreciated.

Poor Angstrom

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