
Lost Artefacts | A Game of Thrones fic

Roberts rebellion goes on a lot longer than usual, Jon is two years older than Robb, he finds that he can no longer stay in his home so he travels across the narrow sea to seek fortune and adventure. Discovering relics of ages that have long past. (Ignore the first synopsis it was actual dog crap, I’d also changed my mind about certain aspects of the story when during the first chapter but forgot to change it) Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any respective works.

TheManUnderTheBed · Derivasi dari karya
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29 Chs

I Wish I could’ve seen home again

The flames danced in the dark of the cave shadows flicking on the walls. Right now Jon was sitting between Tyene and Missandei, the trio looked at the group before them with narrowed eyes, they didn't seem to be much threat once it was discovered they weren't members of the watch.

It seems that the people who attacked Jon at the river were Mance's men, they had come to the cave long after Jon and they were all sitting in various positions.

Mance sat in front of the fire with an attractive blonde woman with short hair wearing thick woollen garments "You know who I am, allow me to introduce you to my companions" Mance stated while pointing at the woman next to him.

"This is Dalla, she is my wife treat her like you would any southern queen," Mance says seriously though he does narrow his eyes as Tyene stifles a chuckle and Jon goes a bit pale.

Mance gestured towards the individuals standing by his side "This here," Mance began, pointing towards a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Dalla, "is Val. She's our healer, but don't let her gentle demeanour fool you. She's as fierce as they come when it comes to protecting our people."

Val's eyes flickered with a mix of disinterest and intrigue when she looked at Jon.

Mance then shifted his gaze towards a burly figure standing a few steps away. "And this, my friends, is Tormund Giantsbane." He emphasized the name, drawing attention to the man's immense stature. Tormund's beard flowed like fire, matching the fiery spirit that burned within him.

Tormund acknowledged the introductions with a hearty laugh, his eyes sparkling with mirth and a hint of danger "You pack quite the punch boy, for someone barely off his mother's milk"

His presence alone seemed to radiate a fierce loyalty to Mance.

Mance's gaze then fell upon a woman with curly red hair, who stood tall with a bow slung over her shoulder. "This here is Ygritte," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and affection. "She can put an arrow through the eye of a rabbit from 200 paces. A true marksman."

Ygritte's eyes held a mischievous glint, a testament to her sharp skills and free-spirited nature. She surveyed Jon with a mix of curiosity and intrigue, leaving an air of mystery surrounding her intentions.

Lastly, Mance directed his attention towards a man who sat near the entrance of the cave, clad in bones and leather. "He is the Lord of Bones, a loyal companion and a fierce warrior."

The Lord of Bones sat stoically, his identity concealed beneath the mask of bones. He leered a bit at the girls, having never seen such exotic women before but then went back to brooding looking out at the cave.

"While it's very nice making friends with new people, let's get down to the point" Jon states his face serious, his muscles tensed as he tried to come up with a plan to help them escape.

Mance can see that Jon looks like a cornered animal "Have no fear, we won't hurt you, but I'm afraid we can't let you leave either" Mance says bluntly.

Jon's frown intensifies but is mixed with a bit of confusion "And why is that?"

"Because our little group here is on an important quest, the southern King has been looking for me and letting you go could lead him right to us" Mance explains.

Jon and Tyene chuckle a bit "I don't think you need to worry about that, the king will have lost interest in you as soon as he hears of me"

"Regardless of the truth of it, our quest is too important to take chances, you won't be harmed and once we have completed what we need to do we will let you go free, fully supplied" Mance reasons, not sensing they had much choice anyway Jon nodded.

"Good, now get some rest we will leave at dawn," Mance says before getting up and leading his wife further into the cave.


Tyene and Jon were sitting next to each other in the cave, beside them Missandei was lying down she did not have the same stamina the other two had gotten from years of diving through ruins and travelling across planes.

Tyene leant in close to Jon so the others couldn't hear, Tormund and Ygriette were asleep however Val sat across from them looking at Jon's axe, while the Lord of Bones sat at the entrance on watch.

"Have a plan to get us out of this one" She whispers to him.

"Play along for now, we'll get an opportunity to escape eventually, even if they are telling the truth about letting us go it's best not to risk it.

Val looks up to the duo who were whispering and frowns "This is an interesting axe you have here, Tormund says you nearly cut his head off with it and that he saw you cut off a thick branch in one swing" She states to which Jon nods slowly not understanding her point.

A smile appears on Val's face accentuating her already beautiful features "I find that quite strange as the blade in this axe is dull" She proves this by slicing her hand with it making Jon and Tyene wince, but when she lifts her hand all that's there is a white line created from pressing the axe to her hand.

Val goes back to studying the mystery that was the Axe she carefully took Jon's axe in her hands, her eyes narrowing as she examined the intricate runes etched into the blade. Her fingers traced the ancient markings, feeling the faint energy that emanated from them. As a skilled healer and knowledgeable in the Old Tongue, Val was accustomed to deciphering ancient texts and symbols.

Curiosity piqued, Val's brow furrowed slightly as she studied the runes more intently. She muttered softly to herself, silently translating the familiar patterns and words etched in her memory. However, to her surprise, these particular runes seemed to elude her understanding.

She turned her gaze towards Jon, her expression a mix of curiosity and intrigue. "these runes... They are written in the Old Tongue, but there's something peculiar about them. I can't quite decipher their meaning. It's as if they carry a hidden message or a forgotten dialect," Val said, her voice filled with a tinge of frustration.

"Have you encountered these runes before? Do they hold any significance to you?" Val inquired, hoping that Jon might shed some light on the mysterious engravings that had baffled her.

Jon looked at Val, his expression betraying a mix of uncertainty and hesitancy. However, he chose to keep his true knowledge hidden.

"I apologize, Val," Jon replied, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. "I am not well-versed in the Old Tongue. The axe was passed down to me, but I never delved into the meaning behind these runes. I simply inherited it as a family heirloom."

Val nodded understandingly, though a flicker of disappointment flashed across her features. "I see. Well, perhaps there will come a time when these runes will reveal themselves to us," she said, her voice carrying a hint of longing for knowledge yet unattained.

Inside the dimly lit cave, a sense of calm settled over the weary travellers. Val, with her keen eyes and skilled hands, inspected the axe with scrutiny, assessing its craftsmanship and potential. Ygritte, having awoken from her slumber, joined Val, sitting beside her and meticulously checking her arrows, her gaze occasionally darting towards Jon.

Jon, leaning against the rough cave wall, took a moment to rest his tired body. His mind was filled with the recent encounters and the weight of his responsibilities. As Tyene nestled her head on his shoulder, a comforting presence, he found solace in their shared companionship amidst the uncertainty that surrounded them.

Eventually, the two fell asleep, knowing they needed their rest for the trials tomorrow would bring.


As the morning sun cast dappled light through the dense canopy of the haunted forest, Mance Rayder, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, led the small group with his wife, Dalla, at his side. Val, walked just behind them, her eyes scanning their surroundings with a watchful gaze.

Jon, Tyene, and Missandei followed closely, their steps are measured and purposeful. Jon's connection with the axe he carried allowed him to sense their proximity to the chalice of winter. A flicker of unease stirred within him as he pondered the significance of their path aligning with the relic they sought. He hoped that it was mere happenstance, but considering his luck he had more than a few doubts.

Tormund Giantsbane, a towering figure with a wild mane of hair, marched on one side of the trio, his presence exuding strength and determination. On the other side, Ygritte, her fiery spirit matched by her fiery hair, kept a keen eye on their surroundings. Though she also looked at Jon a healthy amount.

Bringing up the rear was the enigmatic Lord of Bones, his skeletal attire and bone mask giving him an air of mystery.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the haunted forest, the air grew colder, and whispers seemed to echo through the ancient trees.

"So boy, tell me where did you get such strength for your size, was your father a bull or perhaps you have giant blood in you" Tormund comments as he walks next to them.

"Perhaps I have the strength of a normal man and you're just getting old" Jon retorts, though instead of getting offended it draws out a booming laugh from Tormund.

"I should've known you were not a crow after you took away my sword, most crows piss themselves at the sight of a wildling" he laughs out clapping Jon on the back and making him go forward a bit.

"Jon joining the watch? Please he wouldn't know what to do if he couldn't unload his seed every day, even after a week of waiting and I thought we would attack me" Tyene comments drawing a laugh from Ygritte and Tormund.

"Truly? Then perhaps I should take you right now?" Jon jokes grabbing Tyene by the sides and making her laugh.

Though they are snapped out of their conversation by Mance "We are here, stay close, wouldn't want someone mistaking you for a crow and murdering you" He says with a chuckle.

Breaking through the dense tree line, the group emerged to find themselves confronted by a bustling camp nestled by the shores of the Shivering Sea. Around fifty people bustled about, going about their daily tasks and tending to the necessities of survival in this harsh, unforgiving land.

Jon's eyes swept across the camp, taking in the makeshift shelters, crackling campfires, and the hodgepodge of individuals who called this place home. The salty tang of the sea air mingled with the sounds of distant waves crashing against the rocky shore, creating a rugged symphony that echoed through the camp.

Mance Rayder, ever the charismatic leader, stepped forward with a nod of recognition to the camp's inhabitants. His presence commanded respect, and the people in the camp acknowledged him with a mixture of deference and familiarity.

As the group made their way further into the camp, Jon observed the various activities taking place. Some were mending clothes, others preparing meals over crackling fires, and a few engaged in lively discussions or shared laughter amidst the backdrop of their challenging existence.

The shivering sea, with its restless waves crashing against the jagged rocks.

Jon, Tyene, and Missandei exchanged glances, their senses heightened by the unfamiliar faces and the palpable energy that permeated the camp. As they made their way deeper into the camp, they were met with curious gazes and guarded expressions. The camp's inhabitants watched them closely, assessing their intentions, some glared at Jon due to his outfits and leered at the exotic beauties by his side.

"You'll be free to wander the camp but if you leave before we've done what we came to do then you'll be shot down with arrows" Mance states before heading into the main tent. The rest follow him inside.

"What're you even trying to do here Mance, from what I've heard you've been gathering the different free folk tribes" Jon says crossing his arms as he looks at the wildling king.

"Aye, the plan is simple, we cross the wall before next winter" Mance states bluntly as he takes a seat by the fire pit in his tent.

Jon laughs at the ridiculousness of the statement "Perhaps you would have had a chance before, but with the king here and the wall as well supplied as it has been in years you won't have a chance"

"If this had been a few moons ago I would've agreed, however Tormund and his son stumbled across the entrance to what we believe to be Joramun's tomb" Mance says with a wide smile but before he can continue Jon laughs. 

"You're looking for the Horn of Winter? A simple wives tale told by those dreaming of warmer places" Jon said dismissively, though in his heart of hearts he wasn't so sure, he didn't believe in magic but recent events had made him start to question those beliefs.

"It is not warmer places we dream of Jon Snow, things as they are everyone beyond the wall won't see next summer" Mance says grimly, the mood suddenly shifts and the atmosphere gets colder.

Mance looks up at Jon giving him a steely look "Others return and dead things rise with them, I have seen them myself once when I was a crow, it was then I realised that free folk were not the enemy and unless I wanted over the 100,000 people fighting to break down the wall when they finally came I would have to save them"

Suspending his disbelief for a second Jon sees a flaw in his plan "If they are returning and you plan to bring down the wall then you'll doom everyone" Jon says bluntly.

Ygritte not content to stand there any longer chimes in "We may seem like savages to you fancy southern folk but we don't deserve to die because we refuse to kneel to your king" she spits out getting murmurs of agreement from the others there.

"Not everyone has seen the Others, I count myself lucky but I trust Mance, he went led us astray so far" Val added.

Mance appreciates the support of his friends, he looks back at Jon "Even if the others are not out there, this is set to be the coldest winter in generations, we cannot grow anything and hunting is becoming scarcer"

"Listen, the affairs of this kingdom are not my concern, if you wish to cross the wall then be my guest, you'd do me a favour killing the king," Jon says with a shrug, he didn't care whether they brought the wall down or not, men couldn't be raised from the dead no matter what Old Nan or Mance told him.

Mance chuckles a bit before looking to Ygritte "Show them to a tent they can use" She nods her head and Jon and the others are shown out.

Mance then looks to Val "What are your thoughts" He asks the beautiful blonde.

Though her face looks conflicted when she thinks about it, she once again looks to the axe that belonged to Jon "He knows more than he's told us, he's also after something, why else would he come this far north with two girls clearly from the south, I asked him if he knew what the runes on the axe meant and he lied to me" she says with a frown.

"Can't say I blame him, we did attack him and force him to come with us, fucker has a strong arm though" Tormund adds rubbing his belly where Jon's fist had impacted yesterday.

Mance then turns back to Val "Keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't cause any trouble"


They had been at the camp for a few days now, and they fit in well enough, once the free folk realised they weren't crows they were accommodating, the young ones asked Tyene and Missandei what life was like in the south, and they didn't believe her when she told them that Dorne had deserts which were dry snow.

Missandei told them of Naath and the butterflies, it was hot and humid in Naath so they would wear thin clothes, another thing the children couldn't believe.

Jon was standing about 30 paces away from a tree, they allowed him his weapons back when he proved that he wouldn't cause trouble, and now he was practising with his axe, it was a lot deadlier than his sword but it wouldn't matter if he couldn't use it well.

Val had happily given him the axe back saying it was heavy and uneven the axe head being a lot heavier than the pale weirwood handle. But Jon felt that it weighed perfectly in his hand, when he swung it, the axe felt like an extension of himself.

He began swinging it around trying to discover a rhythm he might be able to use, he spins it around and throws it to his other hand before swiping downwards.

"If you were using those moves against me I wouldn't know whether to fight or clap" A woman Jon recognised to be Ygritte states with a chuckle. Ygritte's appearance uniquely captivates him. Her flowing red hair, fiery as the northern sunset, catches his attention from the moment they meet. Its unruly nature mirrors her untamed spirit, drawing him closer. Her lithe and athletic build, honed by life beyond the Wall, stirs a primal admiration within Jon. Her eyes, a vivid shade of blue, enchanted him in their gaze. Clad in furs and skins. Through Jon's eyes, she becomes an embodiment of fiery beauty.

Jon rolls his eyes but a smile appears on his face, Ygritte had spent some time with him and the girls other the last few days, she liked Tyene as they shared the same fierce spirit and love of knives "I'll have you know that move could've taken your head off" Jon says with mirth.

"Oh my apologies Lord Snow If only I'd known of your mastery of the axe beforehand, your dancing would have impressed me more," She says sarcastically as she grips her chest, Jon shakes his head but it does elicit a smile from him.

"If you want to learn something deadly then you should learn the bow" Ygritte suggests as she stands next to Jon.

Jon turns his axe down and faces the fiery-haired girl "I am already more than passable with a bow, and I could always throw this" he says as he gestures to the axe.

Ygritte snorts in an unladylike manner holding herself up on Jon "That axe is not weighted evenly you would have a better chance throwing me" She snorts out.

Jon smirks at her "That sounds like a challenge, does the lady doubt my skill" he states in an exaggerated voice.

"Pffft I'm no lady, you've already got two of them though one of them is as fierce as any spearwife, but aye I do think a challenge is needed to prove your skill" she replies to him.

"A challenge? It seems I may have come at an interesting time" a voice calls out. Ygritte and Jon turn around to see Val.

Val has long, pale blonde hair that cascades down to her waist, braided with silver rings. Her features are both delicate and regal, with high cheekbones and a fair complexion that sets her apart from other wildlings. Her eyes are a striking shade of blue, reminiscent of ice and winter. She carries herself with grace and confidence that commands attention. Right now she can be seen wearing furs and intricately embroidered garments.

"Lord Snow thinks himself so masterful with the axe that he could throw it and hit that tree thirty paces away" Ygritte says with a smile on her face still finding the situation humorous.

Val also smirks at this, though her smirk gives her a much more womanly charm than it does with Ygritte, while Ygritte looks to be around Jon's age Val looks a few years older making her more developed. "Is this an open challenge, I'm interested to see what Lord Snow has to offer" Val says with a teasing smirk.

"Oh and what will I get from you two if I manage it," Jon asks curiously.

Ygritte thinks for a second before her eyes light up "I have a bottle of wine, it was part of my spoils in a raid south of the wall, I've kept it in case I'm ever taken" she states.

'Does she think someone would let her go for a bottle of wine' Jon thinks to himself, misunderstanding the meaning of her words.

"I managed to catch a duck yesterday, if you win the meat is yours, I'll even cook it for you" Val adds.

"Very tempting ladies, but I'm afraid I have nothing of value on me that I'd be willing the trade" Jon admits with a smile hoping he managed to get out of this situation.

Ygritte and Val look at each other for a few seconds as if having a silent conversation "I think a favour from you would be a fine reward" Val says getting a nod of agreement from Ygritte.

"Aye, so are we agreed" Ygritte adds with a smug face, she holds her hand out for Jon to clasp it. Jon silently curses as he wasn't confident he could throw the axe so far, but he couldn't back down now, so he takes Ygrittes arm in his "We do" he simply says trying to emulate her smug grin.

As Jon prepared himself for the daunting task of throwing the axe at the distant tree, he couldn't help but feel a wave of nervousness wash over him. He recognized that hitting the target from such a distance required both exceptional skill and substantial strength. With his feet firmly planted, Jon steadied himself and raised the axe high above his head, gripping it tightly with both hands. He mustered all his might and flung it forward, the power behind his throw evident as it soared through the air.

In that tense moment, it became apparent to both Ygritte and Val that Jon's lack of experience in throwing axes might result in a missed mark. Jon's mind raced, silently pleading for the axe to find its intended destination. However, just when it seemed the axe would pass by the tree, something extraordinary occurred. In a surreal twist, the trajectory of the axe appeared to shift ever so slightly, catching the attention of both Jon and Val. Val's eyebrows arched in surprise, reflecting the astonishment shared by Jon.

To their delight, the axe found its mark, striking the tree with a resounding thud. Overwhelmed by his unexpected success, Jon couldn't help but release a victorious shout. The triumph mingled with a touch of bewilderment, as he couldn't quite comprehend how the axe seemingly altered its course in midair. Nevertheless, at that moment, Jon relished the victory.

After witnessing the improbable hit, Jon couldn't help but be consumed by an overwhelming sense of smugness. He stood before Ygritte and Val, a self-assured grin stretching across his face. With a tone of mock generosity, he playfully proposed, "A bottle of wine and some finely cooked duck, perhaps? I might be persuaded to share a taste with you if you both would be so kind as to admit just how masterful I am with an axe."

His words were laced with a teasing arrogance, fully revelling in his newfound triumph. Jon took a moment to savour the victory, basking in the admiration he imagined he would receive from the two women.

As Jon basked in his smugness, expecting admiration and acknowledgement from Ygritte and Val, he found himself met with a surprising turn of events. The two women exchanged knowing glances, their smiles holding an air of mischief. Without warning, Ygritte playfully pushed Jon, while Val deftly manoeuvred her leg, causing him to lose his balance and tumble into the snowy ground.

Startled and humbled, Jon found himself sprawled in the snow, his earlier arrogance replaced with a sense of bemusement. Ygritte and Val shared a playful chuckle, their actions serving as a reminder that confidence could quickly be toppled. With a touch of teasing finality, Val spoke, "We'll see you in front of your fire later, to keep our end of the bargain."

As the two women walked away, Jon couldn't help but admire their spirited camaraderie. He rose from the snow, dusting himself off, and followed.


Sitting alone by the campfire, Jon revelled in the serene solitude of the wintry night. The flames crackled and danced, casting flickering shadows on the surrounding snow-covered landscape. While Tyene and Missandei sought shelter from the cold inside their tent, Jon found solace in the crispness of the chilled air.

Wrapped in his furs, Jon embraced the biting cold as a familiar companion. The cold air filled his lungs, a refreshing reminder of his connection to the unforgiving lands he called home.

As he gazed into the starry night sky, Jon allowed his thoughts to wander, The stillness of the night granted him a moment of respite, a chance to gather his thoughts and find clarity amidst the uncertainties that surrounded him.

In that solitary moment, He cherished the crisp cold air as a reminder of his home that he had left long ago.

As Jon sat by the campfire, lost in contemplation, he was taken aback by the unexpected arrival of Ygritte and Val. They approached him with purpose, carrying the spoils promised earlier—a notably expensive bottle of wine in Ygritte's hands and a pot emitting tantalizing steam in Val's grasp. Taking their seats beside him, they placed the items before Jon, a silent confirmation of their commitment to fulfilling their end of the bargain.

Ygritte, with a mischievous glint in her eye, presented the bottle of wine, its etching speaking of quality and indulgence. Val, her expression tinged with anticipation, gently set down the pot, its aroma filling the crisp air and stirring Jon's senses. The warm, inviting steam beckoned him to partake in the feast they had prepared.

Jon's smile widened as he recognized the sincerity in Ygritte and Val's gestures. He waved off his previous jest and spoke with genuine warmth, "Come, I was only jesting earlier. Food and drink mean very little without people to enjoy it with."

With a note of caution, Jon addressed the bottle of wine in Ygritte's hands, his tone tinged with appreciation, "Be careful with the wine. It's an Arbor Gold Reserve, known to be quite strong." He said with a smirk.

Jon, relishing the anticipated taste of the Arbor Gold Reserve, opened the bottle and took a generous swig, savouring the rich and captivating flavour that danced on his tongue. The sweetness of the wine enveloped his senses, momentarily transporting him from the harsh realities of their surroundings.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Jon passed the bottle to Ygritte, eager to witness her reaction. As she took a sip, her face scrunched up in a mixture of surprise and unfamiliarity. The sweetness seemed to catch her off guard, prompting both Jon and Val to burst into laughter at her expression.

Val, amused by the exchange, took the bottle from Ygritte, not one to shy away from a new experience. With a smirk, she confidently took a swig, her reaction contrasting with Ygritte's. Perhaps more accustomed to the sweeter flavours, Val appeared more at ease with the taste, adding another layer of amusement to the gathering.

As the laughter subsided, Jon's curiosity got the better of him, and he turned to Ygritte and Val with a more serious expression. He inquired about Mance's search, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and anticipation. "Has Mance found what he's been looking for?" he asked.

Val, with a hint of excitement in her eyes, nodded. "We're close," she replied, her voice carrying a sense of anticipation. However, it was Ygritte, in her slightly drunken state, who blurted out the unexpected revelation. "We found a big fucking door of ice," she slurred, her words laced with frustration. "But no matter how much we try to open it, it won't budge."

"Strange, I used to believe nothing of interest was beyond the wall," Jon says with awe.

"You know nothing! Jon snow" Ygritte drunkenly says taking another sip from the bottle. This draws a smile from Jon and Val as they watch her get tipsy.

As Jon, Val, and Ygritte continued to revel in each other's company, the warmth of the fire and the intoxicating effects of the wine loosened their inhibitions. Laughter and stories filled the air, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared merriment.

Unbeknownst to them, however, the Lord of Bones observed their interactions from a distance. His gaze seethed with anger and resentment, his desires and possessiveness fueling his ire. The sight of Jon, a member of the Night's Watch, getting close to two of the most beautiful women among the Free Folk, stirred a toxic mixture of jealousy and fury within him.

Hidden in the shadows, the Lord of Bones struggled to contain his emotions, his anger simmering beneath the surface. He resented Jon's presence, perceiving him as a threat to his standing and the affections of Val and Ygritte. The intensity of his emotions threatened to boil over, clouding his judgment and fanning the flames of a potential confrontation.

Meanwhile, Jon, Val, and Ygritte remained blissfully unaware of the brewing storm. They laughed, shared stories, and embraced the fleeting moments of respite amidst the unforgiving landscape. Little did they know that the envious eyes of the Lord of Bones lingered on them.

As the night wore on, the effects of the wine began to take their toll on Ygritte. Her laughter became more boisterous, her movements less coordinated. The meal had been consumed, and it was evident that it was time to retire for the evening and seek rest.

However, Jon's gaze lingered on the vast expanse of the starry night sky. He felt a yearning to savour the tranquillity and majesty of the celestial display. In a gentle tone, he expressed his desire to stay a bit longer, to soak in the beauty above and find solace in the stillness that surrounded them.

Understanding his sentiment, Val nodded with a smile, acknowledging his need for introspection. She, too, appreciated the allure of the starlit heavens. Meanwhile, Ygritte, her drunkenness evident, leaned against Jon's shoulder and mumbled something unintelligible, her exhaustion winning over her desire to remain awake.

With a mixture of amusement and tenderness, Jon gently guided Ygritte to her feet, offering his support. Val took up the role of ensuring their safe passage back to their tent, her arm offering stability to Ygritte's stumbling steps. Together, they began their journey towards the warmth and comfort of their resting place.

Meanwhile, Jon remained behind, his gaze fixated on the twinkling stars above. The crisp night air embraced him, inviting reflection and introspection. He welcomed this solitary moment, cherishing the silent beauty of the night sky.


Jon liked enjoying the night sky and the fresh northern air but eventually, he began to get tired and started to head back towards his tent. As he trudged through the snow on his way back the night was completely silent, only the murmurs of those still awake and the crackling of wood as the flames danced over it.

Suddenly Jon heard what sounded like a muffled screaming and the sounds of a struggle. As Jon approached the source of the commotion, his heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He threw open the flaps of the tent, his eyes widening in shock and fury at the sight before him. The Lord of Bones had Ygritte pinned down, her screams and struggles to fill the air.

The Lord of Bones, his face twisted with possessiveness and anger, let out a deranged scream. "You're mine!" he bellowed, his voice dripping with a twisted sense of entitlement. "No pretty boy from the south will steal you before me!"

As Jon's anger surged, fueled by the sight of Ygritte in distress, words failed to escape his lips. Instead, a primal rage consumed him, propelling him into action. With a swift and powerful motion, he reached for the Lord of Bones, his fingers wrapping tightly around the man's neck. In a display of formidable strength, Jon lifted him effortlessly into the air before forcefully slamming him down onto the ground.

The impact reverberated through the tent, causing the very fabric of the structure to tremble. Undeterred, Jon's grip tightened, his fingers digging into the Lord of Bones' throat as he pulled him up, his other hand clenched into a fist. With fierce determination, he delivered a devastating punch, aimed squarely at the man's face.

The sound of bone crunching filled the air as the force of Jon's blow connected with the Lord of Bones' nose. The impact sent shockwaves of pain rippling through the man's body, disorienting him as he was propelled backwards, crashing through the tent's opening and hurtling into the night.

As Jon moved to follow the Lord of Bones out of the tent, he never anticipated the unexpected turn of events that awaited him. Before he could make his way outside, Ygritte, sprung into action. With a sudden burst of energy, she threw a punch aimed squarely at Jon's back, catching him off guard.

The impact landed, causing Jon to stagger momentarily, his surprise evident on his face. He turned around, trying to comprehend Ygritte's actions, but her determination to fight persisted. She continued to unleash her fists upon him, striking with all her might.

Caught between a mix of concern and the need to protect himself, Jon swiftly caught one of Ygritte's punches, then the other. His strength matched with restraint as he held her hands in a firm grip, preventing further blows from landing. With controlled force, he pinned her to the ground, his voice lowering to a low, authoritative tone.

"Stop," Jon commanded, his voice filled with a combination of sternness and concern. The weight of his words hung in the air, causing a shiver to pass through Ygritte's body. At that moment, she submitted, acknowledging that he had beaten her.

Jon was confused as Ygritte looked at him with a flushed face and a passionate gaze. Having brought her under control he leaves the tent looking at the groaning form of the Lord of Bones nursing his face. Though unexpectedly Tormund had just arrived with a big smile on his face at the downed form of his companion.

"Ha! That's one less bone for you to be lord of eh Rattleshirt!" He booms out with laughter. Jon continues walking to the downed man ready to end what he started before Tormund puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm yourself, boy, it's over I don't think his face will ever look the same again" Tormund chuckles.

"He tried to rape Ygritte! Is there no punishment for that!" Jon shouts at the giant man.

Tormunds eyebrows raise as he looks at the man on the ground "I didn't think you had the balls to try and steal Ygritte, I'd congratulate you if it didn't look like you failed so miserably" he says with a laugh, his breath fogging up the air.

He then looks to Jon "Tell me what happened" Tormund asks.

Jon then relays the story of how he was walking back to his tent when he heard the struggle, when he came in The Lord of Bones was attempting to pin Ygritte down but she was struggling, and how he picked him up and beat him before throwing him out the tent.

Tormund strokes his beard as he contemplates the story "Is that all that happened" he asks curiously.

Jon not knowing the significance of his next words casually speaks them "Ygritte went wild and attacked me, but I managed to pin her down and make her stop, I thought she'd like some privacy so I thought to come out here and finish this filth" he ends kicking the downed form of the Lord of Bones.

When Tormund hears Jon's words his face lights up and he starts laughing "Ahahaha it seems fortunes have smiled upon you tonight my friend, come let us go and celebrate" he says grabbing him by the shoulder stepping on the now unconscious form of Rattleshirt.

Jon doesn't even try to hide his confusion at Tormunds excitement "Celebrate what?" Jon asks confusion evident in his voice.

"Why your new wife of course," he says with his usual booming voice.


As the morning light filtered through the tent, Jon's head throbbed with a dull ache, and the brightness intensified his discomfort. With a groan, he slowly sat up, feeling the remnants of a wild night and the consequences of Tormund's revelry.

His temples pulsated with each heartbeat, and a queasiness settled in his stomach. It was clear that the night's indulgence had taken its toll on him, leaving him to face the consequences in the form of a pounding headache and a lingering sense of grogginess.

Rubbing his temples and squinting against the intrusive light, Jon contemplated the choices that led to his current state. While the celebrations and laughter of the previous night had been enjoyable, the aftermath was a reminder of the price to be paid for indulgence.

Taking a deep breath, Jon resolved to endure the discomfort and regain his clarity. It was time to push through the haze and face the new day, With determination, Jon rose from his makeshift bed, nursing a sore head along the way.

With his eyes gradually clearing, Jon could see Tyene kneeling beside him, a sweet smile on her face "How are you feeling my love" she says gently. Groaning slightly, Jon admitted, "My head hurts. I must have had too much to drink."

Tyene's smile shifted subtly, a touch of darkness clouding her expression as she remarked, her voice softening, "It must've been a very nice wedding celebration." Her words hung in the air, carrying a hint of underlying tension.

As Jon registered the change in Tyene's demeanour, his nerves flared, causing him to stutter in an attempt to explain himself. "I... It wasn't what it seemed. I didn't know..." His voice trailed off, unable to form a coherent sentence under the weight of his guilt and confusion.

However, before Jon could find the right words to articulate his thoughts, Tyene's reaction took a sharp turn. Without warning, she swiftly punched him in the face, the force of the blow catching him off guard and causing his nose to bleed. Stunned and taken aback, Jon instinctively recoiled his expression a mix of surprise and pain.

Caught in the whirlwind of emotions, Jon gasped for breath, struggling to find his voice as Tyene's words cut through the air. Her voice, filled with passionate anger, "The first one was for getting married to another before me. And the second was for not inviting me to the celebrations."

'Second?' Jon thinks to himself but before he can react Tyene punches him in the stomach making him cough.

"Now once you've gotten ready come join us by the fire we've just prepared breakfast" she adds before kissing him

On the lips and heading out.

Jon groans in pain as he lies there wondering about the predicament that he found himself in.

'It's still unbelievable free folk marry by trying to steal each other" Jon thought with exasperation.

Getting up Jon went into his bag and pulled out another tunic changing the one that reeked of mead he then grabs his sword belt and ties it onto his waist before getting his makeshift harness and putting it over his head for his axe. emerging from the tent he covered his eyes with his arms the morning light nearly blinding him. He sees Missandei and Tyene sitting around a fire eating from wooden bowls.

Sitting down next to them he smiles as Missandei hands him something to eat. Jon looks at Tyene who seems to have a neutral face as she eats her breakfast, he sighs before trying to think of what to say "Tyene, I wanted to tell you…"

"Jon, Tormund already told me what happened, and while I'm not happy I wasn't your first I understand the situation was unavoidable" she says with a smile putting her hand on my arm.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Ygritte will know it was a misunderstanding, she won't take it seriously," Jon says with relief evident in his voice.

Tyene and even Missandei look at him and then laugh together "Jon if she didn't want this she wouldn't have attacked you, Tormund made it clear that it was the woman's duty to fight as hard as she can until she is made to submit"

Jon goes pale, Ygritte was beautiful, she was fierce and strong, all the same types of traits that made him fall in love with Tyene but to find that he married her so soon after meeting her "I think maybe I should talk to her" he says ignoring the laughs of the girls as he gets up and leaves the campfire to try and find Ygritte.

As Jon rose from the campfire after finishing his breakfast, he left behind the lighthearted laughter of Missandei and Tyene. Determined to locate Ygritte, he set off on a brisk walk around the camp, scanning the surroundings for any signs of her presence.

However, the tranquillity of his search was abruptly shattered by the piercing sound of a horn, cutting through the air and instantly igniting a sense of urgency within Jon. The sound was soon followed by a deeper, more foreboding horn, signalling an imminent danger that sent a ripple of panic through the camp.

In an instant, Tormund's booming voice echoed through the air, commanding everyone to action. "Attack! Attack!" he bellowed, his voice carrying a mixture of authority and urgency. The camp quickly transformed into a scene of organized chaos as people scrambled to arm themselves and gather their defences.

Jon ran forward to the edge of the camp looking to the tree line of the haunted forest looking to see the enemy that emerged.

As Jon's eyes strained through the tree line, a figure emerged, casting a foreboding shadow over the camp. His heart sank as he recognized the last person he wanted to see at that moment. It was none other than King Robert Baratheon himself, clad in formidable black steel plate armour. The knight's helm adorned with stags' horns and a crown further accentuated his imposing presence.

Jon's mind raced with a mixture of disbelief and apprehension. The arrival of King Robert could only mean that they had managed to track him and the others. Behind Robert was the personal guard he brought with him beyond the wall, several hundred men who while not as well armoured as their king had on enough to make a difference in a fight.

Eagles and ravens were being sent off, it seems the wargs of the camp knew the futility of this fight and wanted to warn the main force at Hardhome. Jon sees a man about to send off his bird when he grabs him.

"Don't send it yet, I need you to send it somewhere else for me" Jon says his face completely serious.


With his axe at the ready, Jon forged through the chaotic scene, desperately scanning the throng of over 50 wildlings, searching for any sign of Tyene and Missandei. The tumultuous sea of bodies made it challenging to locate them amidst the frenzy.

However, amidst the clamour, the figure of King Robert Baratheon dismounted from his horse, a testament to his unyielding belief that true warriors fought on foot. His presence commanded attention and stirred a mixture of fear and admiration among both friend and foe alike.

A resounding blast of the horn shattered the air, signalling the charge. The ground beneath Jon's feet seemed to tremble as the king's men surged forward, a relentless force driven by the formidable might of King Robert. The wildlings, though outnumbered, possessed a fierce determination, knowing that they were willing to fight with every fibre of their being.

A sense of trepidation mingled with unwavering bravery permeated the air, as the clash between the two forces became imminent. The wildlings, with their unyielding spirit, stared down the oncoming charge, unafraid to face the impending danger head-on.

As the clash of steel resounded, King Robert Baratheon unleashed his immense strength upon the battlefield. His Warhammer swung with a thunderous force, striking a hapless warrior and sending him hurtling through a nearby hut, reducing it to rubble in an instant. The sheer power behind each swing was a testament to the king's unrivalled might.

Amidst the chaos, an adversary attempted to strike at Robert with a spear, aiming to pierce through his defences. However, the king's reflexes were lightning-fast. With his off hand, he deftly caught the spear, halting its trajectory. In a display of raw power, he effortlessly yanked the assailant toward him, seizing his throat in a vice-like grip.

The unfortunate warrior, caught in the unyielding grasp of King Robert, found himself facing a grim fate. The sound of bones snapping echoed through the air as the king exerted his formidable strength, swiftly ending the man's life.

With a sense of urgency burning within him, Jon swiftly evaded a sword swipe from one of King Robert's men, narrowly dodging the deadly blade. In a fluid motion, he spun around, bringing his axe to bear, delivering a decisive strike that cleaved through his assailant's defences, cutting him down with lethal precision.

Driven by the instinct to survive and protect his comrades, Jon darted through the tumultuous camp, now transformed into a battlefield. The chaos surrounding him was a cacophony of clashing weapons, shouts of combat, and the agonized cries of the wounded. Every step he took was a dance of calculated movements, skillfully navigating the terrain, weaving between friend and foe alike.

His senses honed, and Jon's focus remained unyielding as he fought and evaded enemies with a tenacious determination. His axe swung with lethal intent, finding its mark on those who dared to stand in his path. Each encounter carried its risks, demanding split-second decisions and swift actions.

Then Jon saw something that made him pause, his gaze fell upon the brave figure of Val, and his heart surged with a mix of admiration and concern. There she stood, resolute and unyielding, facing off against the formidable King Robert Baratheon. In a selfless act, she positioned herself as a shield, protecting an injured comrade from the wrath of the hulking giant before her.

The king's boisterous laughter echoed through the chaos, his amusement at Val's display of spirit evident. With a dismissive gesture, he smacked the bone knife from her hand effortlessly, sending it spinning through the air. A resounding slap followed, the sheer force behind it causing Val's vision to blur as dizziness set in. In a swift motion, King Robert effortlessly hoisted her onto his shoulder, claiming her as his prize.

Jon's heart pounded with a mixture of fury and desperation. He knew he couldn't stand by and watch his friend be taken away. Without a second thought, he sprinted towards the king, his determination guiding every step. Spotting a discarded spear on the ground, he snatched it up, gripping it tightly in his hand. With all his might, he launched the spear toward King Robert, unleashing it with unyielding force.

The spear found its mark, striking the king's head, but the impact was deflected by the sturdy helmet he wore. The projectile veered off course, failing to penetrate his defences. Yet, the force of the blow proved powerful enough to dislodge the king's helmet, revealing his face to the world.

Shouting out over the battlefield so that he could hear Jon taunting the King "Kidnapping a young maiden, it seems your Targaryen blood is coming out" Jon shuts with a smirk. This catches the attention of the king as a malicious smile makes its way onto his face.

"For years I've dreamed of you, after the trident I never thought I'd feel the way I did when I caved in Rhaegars breastplate, but the gods seemed to reward me for spending years sitting on that fucking chair and marrying a miserable cunt who's legs are wound up so tight that it's a wonder she can walk" Robert spits out as he faces the young Targaryen. He seems to tremble with a mix between rage and excitement Jon could to tell which.

Jon was afraid, he had never forgotten what happened in Old Town he never stood a chance against the king. But he wasn't the same man he was before, he had trained himself harder than he ever had during his exile, if he could match the skill of people like Jaime Lannister then he'd be able to grab Val and Escape.

"Come now Robert, I think mayhaps you're jealous of me since the Starks seem to love me more than you, like father like son eh?" Jon says with a wink, this succeeded in enraging the already angry Stag King.

As King Robert Baratheon swung his mighty Warhammer downward with a brutal force, his intent clear to end the last of Rhaegar's sons, Jon's instincts kicked in. Spinning around in a split second, he deftly manoeuvred his axe, intercepting the trajectory of the Warhammer devastating strike.

The clash of metal against metal resonated through the air as Jon's axe collided with the Warhammer, redirecting its path. The impact sent shockwaves through his arm, but he held firm, refusing to yield. The combined force caused the Warhammer to veer off course, missing its intended mark.

As the clash between Jon and King Robert continued, a flicker of surprise crossed the king's face. His eyes widened, momentarily taken aback by the display of strength emanating from Jon's seemingly lithe physique.

Robert attempts to swipe at Jon's side with his hammer crushing his ribs in the process but in a display of agility and quick thinking, Jon anticipated the powerful swing of Robert's Warhammer. Reacting with remarkable grace, he performed a daring side flip, deftly evading the hammer's devastating trajectory. As he soared through the air, Jon unleashed a swift and precise kick aimed squarely at Robert's face.

The impact of Jon's kick reverberated through the battlefield, catching the king off guard. Robert stumbled backwards, his grip on the Warhammer faltering as he instinctively clutched his injured face. The mighty weapon slipped from his grasp, crashing onto the ground with a resounding thud.

In a desperate bid to end this fight, Jon's mind raced with a daring plan. Swiftly retrieving an alchemical mix from his belt, he splashed it across Roberts body, its potent formula designed to melt locks.

With a firm grip on Val's dagger, Jon unleashed a throw aimed directly at the king. As the blade sailed through the air, a serendipitous spark ignited from the collision of the dagger against Robert's formidable armor. A tiny flicker grew into an inferno as the flames consumed the king's protective plates.

The sudden eruption of fire engulfed Robert Baratheon, wrapping him in a consuming blaze. The once mighty king, now writhing amidst the flames, let out a bellow of pain and fury. The sight of the reigning monarch in pain was enough to distract the guards who rushed to try and help their king.

Jon picks up Val in a bridal carry, before running off, the formula burns hot and bright but not for long. He runs out of the camp with ease as the sound of the king in pain was enough to stop the fighting and rally his men. Val seems to become coherent again shaking off the blow Robert dealt her.

"Did you just stop the southern King from taking me and then proceed to take me yourself" Val asks in a low voice.

Jon starts to go pale and his voice trembles "Please don't tell me this…"

"It does, congratulations you have two wives in less than a day…idiot" Val says though she says the last part jokingly.

Jon gets frustrated "we don't have time to argue, where is Mance the survivors will rally to him, that's where we need to go" Jon states seriously.

Val knowing he's right nods her head, "Follow the coast, about 3 miles away is a small ravine that has the entrance we've been trying to open these past weeks" Val tells Jon, he changed direction heading up the coast towards Mance and hopefully other survivors.


As Jon carried Val in his arms, their pace quickened along the rugged coastal terrain. The sound of battle and chaos faded behind them as they approached the small ravine that Val had mentioned as their destination. The anticipation grew as they neared their goal, hoping to find safety and respite within its confines.

As they descended into the ravine, their path was abruptly halted by a group of archers, their arrows trained on Jon and Val. Tensions ran high as the archers assessed the newcomers, their fingers poised on the strings of their bows.

However, their impending confrontation was swiftly diffused when a familiar voice cut through the air. Tormund Giantsbane, his face etched with a mix of blood and sweat, recognized Jon and Val, and his booming command halted the archers in their tracks.

"Stand down, you bloody fools! It's Jon and Val," Tormund bellowed, his authoritative tone carrying the weight of his reputation. The archers lowered their bows, their skepticism replaced with relief.

Jon, still holding Val securely in his arms, felt a mixture of gratitude and weariness wash over him. The sight of Tormund's familiar face brought a sense of reassurance amidst the turmoil they had just escaped.

With the immediate threat quelled, Jon and Val were guided further into the depths of the ravine, their wary footsteps echoing against the rocky walls. They followed Tormund's lead, navigating the twists and turns of the rugged terrain, their minds filled with a mix of trepidation and hope. As they ventured deeper into the heart of the ravine, their senses were heightened, every sound and movement alerting them to potential danger.

Finally, as they reached the bottom of the ravine, their eyes fell upon a makeshift camp, it was filled with injured free folk being tended to, not even half the number that had set up camp remained, being cut down by the Kings men.

Jon had placed Val back onto her feet and she immediately went to work, as she was one of the best healers the free folk has she needed to treat them. However Jon was looking around in a panic looking for two specific girls.

"Jon they're over there by the ice gate" Tormund states putting a hand on his shoulder and turning it. And sat down was Tyene and Missandei both looking bruised and bloody, Ygritte was also with them her face matching her hair.

Jon quickly ran over to them, before pulling Tyene into a hug a few seconds later he also grabbed Missandei, he was terrified that he had lost them Tyene most of all.

Tyene looks relieved as well, though she trusted in Jon's ability to escape bad situations so she wasn't as worried "I'm glad you're okay my love" she says kissing him on the lips, he returns the kiss before putting his forehead in hers "I'm sorry I couldn't reach you, Val was about to get taken and I couldn't stand there and let it happen" Jon replies to her. She chuckles at the very Jonlike thing to do.

"It's okay, we barely made it out and might not of if Ygritte hadn't helped" Tyene says looking over to the blood soaked girl, Jon looks over and smiles at her, then he walks over and pulls her into a hug, she melts into his arms as if she had been waiting for this. "Thank you Ygritte, I'm grateful you saved them" Jon whispers to her.

Ygritte doesn't say anything just nodding her head into his shoulder revelling in his feeling.

"I'm glad you could make it Snow, I'd thought you would've been cut down like the rest" Jon hears a voice behind him, looking while still hugging Ygritte Jon recognises the man as Mance.

"Though with the amount of people here now I doubt the king will have a tough time tracking us, but I'm glad we'll all die together fighting, a worthy song" he says clapping Jon on the back.

Jon goes to respond but feels a throbbing in his chest, something seems to be pulling inside him. Jon faces the direction it's coming from and he sees the massive ice doors that Mance had said he was trying to get into. Tyene sees Jon acting weird and goes to stand next to him "What is it Jon, I know that face" She whispers.

Jon frowning looks at her "It's behind those doors, I can feel it" Jon whispers back to her. Jon unconsciously approaches the giant ice door, Mance and the others look at him strangely but don't do anything to stop him.

Placing his hand on the door he feels a strange connection forming just like with Winter Weaver, suddenly the ravine trembles and the doors open as if they were waiting for the right person. The doors open revealing a staircase going down, entirely made out of ice.

"Gods" Mance whispers out as he looks at Jon in awe. Jon turns around to face Mance "A small group of us should head inside and look for another exit, this place could be filled with who knows what so it would be risky for the injured people. Mance nodded and barked out some commands before getting Dalla, Tormund, Val and Ygritte to follow him, as well as Jon.

"You seem to be able to open the doors, I won't ask you how you're able to do it for now but it's clear we'll need you" Mance says bluntly to Jon.

Jon feels a bit nervous about leaving Tyene and Missandei but they simply nod and smile to him reassuring him. Ygritte and Val both glare at him both promising that they'd have a talk about this later.

As Jon and his companions descended the ice stairs behind the frozen gates, they entered a breathtaking sight—a colossal temple constructed entirely from ice. The grandeur of the structure, coupled with the knowledge that it lay submerged beneath the ocean's depths, left them in awe.

Their footsteps echoed softly within the icy halls as they ventured deeper into the temple. The air grew colder, and a sense of reverence filled their hearts. They observed the frozen figures of what appeared to be free folk, their frozen forms perpetually kneeling before an imposing altar.

The altar held a precious artifact that Jon could immediately recognise as it emanated a mystical aura, the Chalice of Winter. Its composition was a mesmerizing blend of living ice, constantly shifting and glistening, and a milky-white metal that radiated an otherworldly glow. At its center rested a captivating blue gem, casting a soft, ethereal light that danced across the icy surfaces.

Jon felt a strange connection to the Chalice, a sense of ancient power and significance. It held an undeniable beauty, but also a weight of responsibility. The sight of the frozen free folk, their devotion frozen in time, added to the solemnity of the moment.

Mance, Dalla, Val, Ygritte, and Tormund stood alongside Jon, their expressions a mix of wonder and curiosity.

Though one among them quickly snapped out of his awe and began searching the temple, Mance's frustration grew as he searched the temple, his eyes darting around in hopes of finding the coveted horn he sought. He paced back and forth, his determination mingled with impatience.

"Where is it?" he muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with disappointment. He had anticipated that the horn would be within this sacred ice temple, a crucial piece in their quest. The weight of his responsibility as the leader of the free folk weighed heavily on his shoulders.

The others observed Mance's growing frustration, their own anticipation mingling with concern. All of them apart from shared in his desire to locate the horn, as it held the potential to save their people.

"I'm sorry Mance but I don't think it's here" Jon states as he approaches the alter. He placed his hands around the cup feeling it's icy texture. He lifts it off the altar. It was beautiful, he couldn't believe an artefact this beautiful existed.

The others looked at Jon with suspicion, Jon realised this an sighed. "I'm sorry I lied to you but I couldn't trust you wouldn't attempt to steal this, Missandei and her people need this to put their fire mountain to sleep" Jon explains to them.

Mance looks angry and narrows his eyes at Jon "What aren't you telling us Snow, what can this thing do" He says taking on step forward.

Jon buts his hand on his axe ready to spring into action "Things that are dark and terrible" He says ominously unhooking his axe. For a minute they all stand there quietly, Tormund getting angry takes out his sword and so does Mance and Dalla. Surprisingly Ygritte and Val unsheathe their weapons but they turn and face their former companions.

Mance looking a mix between shocked and betrayed looks at them "You'd choose him over your own people!" Mance spat out.

"I am his and he is mine, if he says the Cup can be used for evil then I think the free folk should stay far from it" Ygritte simply says knocking her bow.

Mance then looks at Val who has a neutral expression "He saved me from being a bed slave to the southern king, I don't believe a man like that has bad intentions"

They stay there for a few minutes in this standoff none knowing what to do or what to say, whether they should fight or end this peacefully. Though they are snapped out of their thoughts when water starts to drip onto the floor and all of their heads. Looking up they can see that the ceiling appears to be melting.

"Jon what's happening!" Ygritte asks in a panic. Jon looks at the ceiling and then the altar and then back to the cup. His heart sinks as the realisation of what he had done set in.

"They made this temple with the cup, but they knew no spells to weave into the ice so the cup constantly refreshed it, now that it's gone this whole temple is being melted and crushed under the ocean" Jon shouted in a panic, before grabbing the girls arms and making them run back to the entrance.

"RUN!!" Jon shouts at the other as the leaking behind to intensify, the ice ceiling cracking above them. By the time they make it to the stairs the ocean starts pouring in, they desperately try and stay ahead of the current. Mances wife slips and is headed for the water until Jon grabs her by the waist and lifts her onto his shoulder.

As they emerge out of the temple, into the ravine they see the free folk still camped there, Mance shouts at them to get out of the ravine, and to get above the sea.

They all burst out of the ravine with the injured free folk not far behind, though instead of the clear air and sunny skies they wanted to be greeted with it was King Robert Baratheon and his army. The king looked bad, his thick beard was now burnt and uneven, he had bandages all over his body and was no longer wearing the upper part of his armour.

Even things as dire as they were Jon couldn't help but make fun of him "Are you okay your grace, it seems you must've awoken a dragon of some kind" he says with a smirk, the king is no longer smiling, he has a scowl on his face as he drops off his horse.

"I will no longer play any games, you have managed to enrage me to such a level that I'm not even sure if I'm enraged anymore, so I will not kill you using my warhammer, but with fists, I will beat you to death and crush your skull in front of all these witness'" Robert speaks clearly and to the point leaving his Warhammer on the ground.

Jon tightens his grip on his axe not content to play games with the king "If you do not fight me with your fists I will have my guards kill everyone here and then strip you of your weapons, either way you will fight" Robert says maliciously.

Tyene grabs onto Jon not wanting him to go but he kisses her on the forehead before handing her his weapons and, the Chalice of Winter her eyes widen momentarily as she sees it before stuffing it in her bag, she then secretly hands it to Missandei who was close by.

In this intense showdown between Robert Baratheon and Jon, the clash of their formidable strength reverberated through the snowy field. As the two men circled each other, the air crackled with tension, and their respective forces watched with bated breath.

With a fierce roar, Robert charged towards Jon, his powerful fists aimed to strike with brute force. However, Jon's agility and honed reflexes allowed him to evade the oncoming punch, narrowly avoiding its impact. Seizing the opportunity, Jon swiftly retaliated, launching himself forward and landing a devastating elbow strike to Robert's stomach.

The blow momentarily stunned Robert, causing him to gasp for breath as the wind was knocked out of him. But the seasoned warrior quickly regained his composure, capitalizing on Jon's proximity by seizing him in a vice-like grip. Just like years before, Robert unleashed his formidable strength, slamming Jon into the ground and hurling him away.

The impact was severe, and Jon felt the crushing force coursing through his body. Blood filled his mouth as he coughed, yet the enhanced durability he possessed granted him the resilience to endure, preventing the blow from being immediately fatal.

Robert starting walking over to Jon "It truly is a shame moments like this last forever, I'll only ever have the sweet sensation of killing you once" he says with something sounding like regret.

"But at least I'll get to enjoy those female companions of yours, I'll enjoy fucking them and then when I'm bored they can join you in whatever hell you end up in" He finishes maliciously.

Jon's anger bubbles to the surface it feels like he's going to explode, this felt exactly how his uncle had described it when someone woke the dragon.

As Robert Baratheon attempted to stomp on Jon, the agile warrior swiftly rolled out of harm's way, narrowly evading the crushing blow. Seizing the opportunity, Jon capitalized on Robert's vulnerability, his instincts guiding him to take decisive action. With a burst of strength, Jon launched himself forward, driving his knee forcefully into Robert's face.

A thunderous roar erupted from Robert as searing pain coursed through his battered visage. Disoriented and enraged, he swung his massive hands in a wild attempt to strike back, hoping to connect with anything within his reach. However,

with impeccable timing and coordination, Jon skillfully caught Robert's arm, using his opponent's own momentum against him.

With a powerful pivot, Jon swiftly flipped Robert over, toppling him onto his back with a resounding thud. The ground shook beneath their combined weight, momentarily silencing the chaos of battle. Jon stood above Robert, his chest heaving with exertion and trembling rage.

As Jon straddled the fallen King Robert Baratheon, a torrent of rage surged through him, fueling his relentless assault. His fists pounded against Robert's face with a fierce intensity, blow after blow raining down upon the once-mighty ruler. The ferocity of each punch echoed through the battlefield as Jon's primal screams mingled with the sounds of battle.

The force of Jon's strikes disfigured Robert's visage, transforming it into an unrecognizable mass of blood and mangled flesh. The weight of Jon's anger and the weight of his punches left an indelible mark.

Roberts men seeing that he was now losing and could potentially lose his life started to run out to him, with his two kingsguard at the forefront. Though they all looked behind them, as the sound of the horn reverberated through the air, echoing across the snowy field. The Kingsguard and Robert's men turned their attention towards the source of the sound, their eyes widening in surprise and concern. Emerging from the depths of the haunted forest came a formidable force, a united front of the free folk, numbering over 500 strong.

Clad in furs and armed with an assortment of weapons, the wildlings charged forward, their battle cries filling the air. They moved with a primal determination, fueled by their shared desire for freedom and their fierce loyalty to Jon and their cause.

The clash of steel and the cries of combat intensified as the free folk collided with the Kingsguard and Robert's men. The battle became a chaotic dance of blades and brute strength.

The arrival of the reinforcements shifted the momentum of the conflict, as the tide turned against the forces of King Robert. The wildlings fought with a primal ferocity, their knowledge of the harsh northern terrain giving them an advantage over their more disciplined but unfamiliar adversaries.

Jon jumped off the king not caring about his state but more wishing to make use of this distraction to get away. Running back to Tyene and the others he grabs his axe and other weapons from her.

"We need to leave while they're distracted, I sent a message with one of the free folks birds but I can only hope they managed to get there in time" Jon shouts out at them over the sounds of fighting.

"About time, let's get out of this cold wasteland" Tyene agrees as they head off. But as they turn to leave leave they run into a brick wall that is the bloody form of the king. With a swipe of his warhammer Jon is knocked away his axe sliding away from him, he can feel a few of his ribs break at the impact.

He puts his hand around Tyenes neck, Missandei tries to stop him but her blows had no effect on the man, Robert puts down his hammer and backhands Missandei nearly knocking her out.

Robert looks over to Jon who was struggling to his feet trying to catch his breath "Perhaps this will teach you the pain of what your father did to me" Jon looks at him and his eyes widen, but before he can do anything Robert unsheathed his Dagger and stabs Tyene before throwing her away.

Jon feels himself freeze, he can't comprehend what he just saw he's in total shock, but once that shock disappears it gives way to a rage he had never felt before, a cold rage that he felt could freeze over the narrow sea.

Without even thinking he charges Robert screaming at the top of his lungs, Robert lifts his Warhammer ready to end the Targaryen, but Jon lifts his hand to the side and in a moment that shocked those who saw it his axe returned to his hand. Striking at Robert he defends with his Warhammer, but Jon's axe shimmers and the metal of his hammer begins to freeze before it shatters. Dragons bane is no more.

Kicking out at Jon he hits him in the stomach making the Targaryen skid backwards, he then starts to run away, having lost his weapon he can sense he won't win this fight especially not when Jon has that weapon.

"YOU WONT GET AWAY!!!" Jon screams as he chases after him, but he's blocked by Roberts men and one of his Kingsguard, someone who he didn't recognise.

In one swing towards the ground Jon causes spikes of ice to erupt impaling most of them, He then jumps onto the kingsguards shoulder and launches himself up into the air, he finds the cowardly form of Robert going for his horse and he throws his axe, he manages to control the direction and make it hit the lower part of Roberts spine. He collapses on the floor unable to move his lower body.

Jon walks to Robert slowly with eyes as cold as winter, he tries to push himself away but it seems to be in vain.

"I WONT BEG FOR MY LIFE" He spits at Jon who stands before him.

"You don't need to…" Jon says before cutting the man's head off in one swipe. This action is seen by some of his men who shout out that the king has fallen, which led to them sounding a retreat and running into the forest.

Jon runs back to where he was before, he sees than Missandei is with Tyene holding her. Jon skids and kneels down next to her dropping his axe.

"Tyene! Tyene! You're gonna be okay don't worry I'm here now" Jon says as he puts his hand over the wound that seems to still spurt blood.

"Jon? I'm glad you're okay…" Tyene mumbles out as she smiles, Jon isn't focused at the moment all he can see is her wound.

"Is there a healer! Missandei find Val!" Jon shouts frantically as he looks around in a panic.

"I'll come back soon! Let me find you a healer then it will all be okay!" Jon says but he's grabbed before he can stand up.

"No healer, stay please…I have something I need to tell you" Tyene groans out as the act of moving hurts.

"Tyene you can tell me once you're better I promise" Jon says with a smile but she shakes her head, Jon sees tears pouring out of her eyes and can't help but do the same.

Tyene puts her hand on Jon's "Jon…I don't want you to feel responsible for this" She breaths out

"I've felt so…b-blessed ever s-since I met you…if I could go back and do it all again…I pray that we have twice as much fun as we did" She stutters out with a sad smile.

"You'll be fine…we can have as much fun as you want Tyene, why're you saying such things" Jon says tears streaming down his face.

"I love you deeply Jon… I hope that wherever I end up you'll join me when it's your time" Tyene says as she cups Jon's face.

"I just wish I could've seen home one more time…" Tyene breathes out as she starts to still.



Jon tries shaking her but she's not responsible he screams out in pain.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" He shouts out trying to wake her up.

Missandei who had been on her knees next to him also had tears pouring down her face. "Jon! She's gone" She shouts harshly.

"No! I won't let her leave" Jon shouts, he grabs Missandei's bag from her and takes the Chalice out, grabbing some snow he melts it into the cup. He opens her mouth and goes to pour it inside but he hesitates.

"I-I don't know what to do" he says tears streaming down his face looking at Missandei.

Missandei knowing the effect of using the chalice on a person cups his face "yes you do" she says with teary eyes as Jon's hand starts to tremble, he knows Tyene would never be happy with the life the chalice gave. He finally throws the chalice onto the ground hugging Tyene into his chest as he cried for her.

(AN: ooooof long af chapter nearly 13,000 words and I don't like it tbh, but it was really hard to write ngl and if anyone who reads the story thinks they could've done it easy then I can only apologise for not being at your level. Anyway I just wanted to finish off this Arc and now I have good stuff. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter hope you join me in the next arc: Sword of the Warrior)