
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

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100 Chs


Klein who just made new believers look at those stars. "Let's give them response tomorrow."

After that Klein immediately goes to sleep because he depleted his spirituality many time today. "Tomorrow is new day for tarot club."


Klein awake on 6AM, for today he took a leave. "I need to meet Mr. Azik. Why my life like this."

Now Klein and their siblings don't have to worry about the food because they hire a maid. After breakfast he comeback to his room.

He wrote a latter to mam daly and tell her he became a Sequence 8 Beyonder and also he tell everyone about acting method without mentioning acting and digestion. And ask her about contract creature. After sending letter.

" In future if someone question me about contract he can give answer easily." Klein was going to his combat training and today was last day for training because of his advancement and his adventure journey. Suddenly he heard murmurings and thought are those people praying in morning.

He go above the gray fog and noticed a new star. He first thought who is that after that he touched it and a scene of collapsed forest appeared in front of him. And some maggots.


In the collapsed forest, Queen mystic who finished mission give by the Fool standing in front of a body. It's not body now but some pieces of maggots and eye. He was botis Saint of secret and a Sequence 4 secret sorcerer. He was hunted by solely Sequence 3 beyonder Bernadette Gustav.

After the battle she prayed to Mr. Fool.

Mr. Fool who was seeing what he can see with his vision shocked because in his first life it took two Demigods and one Sequence 6 Beyonder for killing him. And queen mystic was only a Sequence 3 Beyonder with atheist three grade 0 artifact. " It's fortunate for his he never have a fight with her at Sequence 4 or above he can say that he has chance of winning. But before that he will died a miserable death."

He accommodate black emperor card and charm and another items.

In the forest, Queen mystic ready a altar and she placed everything which she obtained from botis body. And chanted

"Fool that doesn't belong to this era,

Mysterious ruler above the gray fog,

King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck,"

"Your devoted servant wish for your attention,

I wish for you to take his offerings.

I wish for you to open the gates to your Kingdom."

Klein was ready for shock of safirah castle he took every item which can increase his strength and control on safirah castle.

He look at the door of sacrifice and took a deep breath. He inject his spirituality and door opened. Every items on alter disappeared including box of old one.

Bernadette didn't surprise and wait for some moments.

And Klein when all items entered in safirah castle began to Boil out. Everything in magnificent palace break away after sometime castle fog started to thickened and palace returned to his formal shape.

"Yes, I am Fool." Klein smiled and said. Then he writes coordinate of island where Roselle sealed.

As for spoils of war

Box of the Great Old Ones and Botis's eyeballs staying with him also traveler's bag and 4 worm of stars and half of Large amounts of gems and spiritual materials.

For mystic information of island and characteristics of door pathway excluding Sequence 6. 5 worm of stars and half of gems and materials with giving her help and information in future.

He send remaining items to queen mystic and information. After that she concluded the ritual. And dissappear from the scene.


With the card and Charms Klein can act as a pseudo Demigod but it was not very powerful but with the box of old one he can act a pseudo angle even if it was not powerful it can influence many things in future.

As for miss justice she will get a reward in tarot club with this hanged man will motivates in future.

Queen mystic leave the area but the scene Klein still can see very clearly because of his level and took a card. And inject his spirituality into the box and card dissappear from his hand and some leaves appear on his hand card was appeared in forest because of safirah castle Klein can access the partial power of planeswalker with the box.

Klein didn't stay long and returned to real world.


Klein's mood get more better because of harvest with simple letters. He learned new moves and some basics of sword fight.

He have to meet dexter for new information. When he entered shooting range he was practicing there.

Klein get beside him and said "Good afternoon Mr. Dexter."