
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

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100 Chs


Klein didn't awaken anyone but he took candle and some Harb and make a circle around the body of clown. He wanted to create a scene where he channel the spirit of clown. He wanted to give captain something which can rise his chance of advancement. After waiting for some time he

Klein quickly walked next to Aiur Harson . The gentleman in his gray windbreaker struggled to sit up but failed at every try . He was covered in dust and mud from the fall .

"Mr . Harson, what do you need me to do?" he asked, squatting down . He pointed the revolver in his hand at the ground in case of a misfire .

Aiur gasped for air and sighed .

"The monster was too strong; if not for its weakness . . . "

Then, he pointed at a sky-blue metal bottle beside him and said in a self-deprecating laugh, "I was trying to consume some medicine, but my hand shook . . . "

The sky-blue bottle was about the size of Klein's finger . It was not longer than five centimeters long and a cap that hid spiral patterns had fallen to the side . The liquid had completely spilled.

Klein reached out to pick up the bottle . As he looked at it with narrowed eyes, he answered helplessly, "Mr . Harson, there are only a few drops left in the bottle . "

"Go to . . . Borgia and search his body . In his inner pockets . " Aiur said as he gasped for breath .

"Alright . " Klein stood up and casually asked, "Is this restorative medicine?"

An item from mysticism?

"No, it only has certain restorative effects . The main goal is to stimulate our minds and squeeze out the potential . . . of our bodies . It allows to maintain a decent state for a short period of time until we return, where we can receive treatment . " Aiur attempted to sit up only to fail again . "It's name is the Goddess's Gaze . . . Remember to let Borgia drink half a bottle . "

Klein did not delay any further as he turned around . He briskly arrived at Borgia who was groaning in pain . He found the uniform sky-blue metal bottle from the Nighthawk's pocket .

After removing the cap, he carefully held the bottle to Borgia's mouth .

Having sensed it, Borgia tried hard to open his lips .

The bottle was held up as dark red liquid flowed in Borgia's mouth .

Klein estimated the quantity and stopped just in time . He then screwed the cap back on .

The medicine was rather effective . It only took Borgia a few seconds after drinking to regain the spirit in his eyes . Furthermore, he whispered, "Thank you . "

With that said, he pressed down on the ground as he slowly sat up . He first dealt with his wounds before walking to the unconscious Lorotta and Dunn . Then, he retrieved the Goddess's Gaze from the latter's inner pocket .

Klein returned to Aiur's side and fed him the remaining half bottle .

After Aiur panted a few times, his actions suddenly became nimbler . He stood up as though he had never been injured .

"I'll help Borgia . Help that partner of yours . " The gentleman with the charm of a middle-aged man pointed at Leonard Mitchell .

He turned around and jogged to the "poet," Leonard . In way he drunk remaining bottle. Klein touched his by shoes and said "there is no medicine. You have to go yourself to station for it."

Leonard open his eyes and he was stunned his injuries was lighter and he was aware there was some medicine remaining. He walking away.

Leonard, who was walking in his direction, stopped beside him and chuckled softly .

"I actually wanted to save you but discovered that you didn't need it .

"Don't mind it . There are many special people in this world that can always do things others can't, such as you . . . "

" . . . and me . " Leonard smiled as he went past Klein and walked to the awakening Dunn and Lorotta .

Yeah like parasite by an angel who is potential enemy of Amon... Klein thought silently as he felt a lot more relaxed .

As he regrouped with the rest while deep in thought, he saw Captain Dunn wear a cloth and pick up the Antigonus family notebook that was covered in yellowish-brown blood stains .

The notebook's cover was completely made of thick black paper . It suffused an aura from an ancient and distant time without any signs of softening or rotting

"Ahem . There's nothing wrong with it . " Dunn closed the notebook and held it securely . Then, he looked at Aiur and company . "Let's store this notebook and Sealed Artifact 2-049 behind Tingen's Chanis Gate . We can wait until all of you are recovered or Backlund sends someone over . "

Then captain reached Klein and the result of spirit channeling. Klein who was waiting for this said.

" He tell Bieber was advance with some ritual for power which was written in notebook and tell me they are members of secret order and captain I also ask his something." Klein didn't tell full details so captain understands and ask him tell him.

Klein written down on paper and give them to captain. When captain see it what was written on paper he surprised because there was potion formula of Spectator from 9 to 7.

Captain said to Klein " if these are real then you can gain contribution points more than enough." Dunn didn't tell him what was enough.

"Thank you sir" other there this he don't know anything.

Aiur Harson, Borgia, and Lorotta stuffed the puppet which had resumed moving into the black chest with an opening as they monitored it strictly .

"Everything is back to normal . " Aiur sounded a little more relaxed .

Inside the dimly lit black chest, the puppet wrapped in oil-stained cloth flipped over with its body creaking as it aligned its clown-painted face with the light source .

On the creepy face, under the black pupil-less eyes, two hardly noticeable crimson cracks appeared .

Meanwhile, Dunn, Leonard, and Klein, who had mustered his courage, began searching the suited clown's corpse . They found paper flowers, handkerchiefs, poker cards, glass pieces, and all sorts of strange items .

However, apart from that, he did not seem to carry anything of worth or potential clues .

Hmm, other than the wallet with seventy to eighty pounds and ten plus soli . . . Klein secretly sighed .

With money in mind, he immediately looked down and inspected himself . His face nearly fell literally .

His formal suit that cost several pounds had torn in five to six spots which required mending due to his rolling on the ground . Furthermore, it was covered in dust and dirt stains .

Dunn shot him a glance as the corner of his lips curved up .

"Losses during a mission can be reimbursed . "

Reimbursed . . . Upon hearing the term "invented" by Emperor Roselle, Klein instantly felt wonderful .

Yeah . This suit just needs some proper cleaning and mending before it can be worn again . It will still be presentable . . .

When the reimbursement comes, I can buy another set and I can take turns wearing them!

I should consider getting a set of clothes for combat in the future, such as a black windbreaker like Captain . . . Clothes with slightly poorer material would be much cheaper than a tuxedo . . . Tsk, has the reason why the bastard, Leonard, doesn't like wearing formal suits been due to him having such considerations . . .

"Let Frye take care of the dead body . We'll see if he can find what the man originally looked like or find any relevant clues . " Dunn touched the suited clown's face paint with his gloves .

Then, they searched the innermost warehouse and saw that there were a splotches of bloody flesh that looked like they had been smashed by boulders . They also saw one white bone after another that had been strewn everywhere .

"This is a kind of losing control," Dunn looked towards Klein and told him, as both an explanation and a lecture .

"Why didn't he just leave Tingen and try to absorb it elsewhere?" asked a perplexed Klein .

Aiur laughed and pointed to his head .

"People influenced by ancient or sinister powers often are lacking in this department . "

At that moment, Dunn inhaled and said while hiding his pain, "Leonard, you are still in good condition . Stay here and do not allow ordinary people to come close . . . The rest of us will immediately search for items among Ray Bieber's remains . We will return with them and the Sealed Artifact, as well as the Antigonus family's notebook . We will then get Frye, Royale, and the police to come here. And Klein you take a rest for tomorrow and thank you for today."

Leonard was wide eyes opened wanted to said this basterd.. he didn't give him any medicine.