
Lord of Mysteries: Demoness Pathway

Angel Gray, a former Templar Knight, died and was reborn as Cole Granger, a former man who took the Sequence 7 "Witch" potion and died. What would happen if a justice-driven Templar Knight traveled through a world of mysteries and vileness? Let's find out. My Patreon: Droama

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26 Chs

15. Night Watchers in Action

The sunlight outside the window gradually disappeared, being replaced by the crimson moonlight. It was then that the Night Watcher team of Tingen finally prepared to take action against Mrs. Sharon.

During dinner, Seeka Tron came to the lounge to replace Leonard Mitchell, who had been silent after a brief conversation, and also brought the second meal from the Blackthorn Security Company for Angel. The enthusiastic and talkative Mrs. Seeka originally wanted to continue the topics such as "Tingen City's Beyonder Matters," but seeing Angel in a bad mood, she did not disturb her and silently read the newspaper by the side.

In the meantime, under Seeka's guidance, Angel went to the company's third-floor washroom and met Daly Simone, the newly awakened "Spirit Medium," who was dressed in a slightly mysterious fashion.

According to Seeka, contrary to Angel's previous guess, Daly did not belong to the Night Watcher team of Tingen City but was a Night Watcherer from Enmat Port in East Chester County. She had come from Enmat Port because of a mysterious incident involving Beyonder items that required the Spirit Medium's assistance.

So, does the Night Watcher team of Tingen City's six combat members actually not include Daly Simone?

Angel removed Daly from the list of the Night Watcher team in her mind, realizing that this left three vacancies. However, she did not continue to inquire with Seeka, as it would seem like she was deliberately probing for information, which could be quite suspicious just as the Night Watcher was about to start their capture operation.

But soon, after dinner in the warm reception room of the Blackthorn Security Company, she saw most of the combat members of the Night Watcher team.


In Mrs. Sharon's invitation, the meeting time arranged with Ms. Granger is at 8 p.m. To avoid her missing the appointment and alerting Mrs. Sharon, we will start our action at 7 p.m.

Not wearing the black and white checkerboard uniform supplied by the Tingen City Police, Dunn Smith, donning a black, slim-fit trench coat, sat in a high-backed chair, flipping through his palm-sized, worn notebook. Other "Night Watchers," either standing or sitting, gathered around their captain. Angel no longer stayed in the lounge but listened in from a sofa in the corner of the room.

"Frye, Royale, and Seeka, the three of you will accompany me in a carriage to Mrs. Sharon Khoy's residence on Orsna Street to execute the arrest. I have applied for the use of Sealed item 2-105, which Frye will carry and use upon arrival. Kenley will guard the Chanis gate today and will not participate in the operation. Leonard, you and Daly stay here to protect Angel Granger until the operation is over."

This was the first time Angel heard the term "Chanis gate," with no clues about it in her memory. It seemed to be a special facility within this building that required constant guarding.

Frye and Royale, the other two Night Watchers who arrived at dinner time, the former a pale-skinned man in his thirties with a high nose bridge, taciturn, only nodding in acknowledgment when Captain Dunn mentioned him. Royale, a cold lady with black long hair, deep blue eyes, and slender eyebrows, answered softly, "Understood," when assigned the task.

Seeka, who had been sitting next to Angel, smiled and nodded slightly upon hearing he would participate in the arrest.

Leonard Mitchell, who had previously asked Angel if she wanted to join the NightWatchers, stood by the entrance, leaning against the wall, his green eyes occasionally sweeping over the crowd. Hearing his task was to stay behind, he appeared indifferent, as if he had already known.

Including Kenley, whom Dunn mentioned last, the six-person team roster was then fully presented to Angel.

The "outsider" Daly, still in her black robe, sat in a chair facing Dunn Smith, exuding a lazy air as if she had not yet woken up. Learning she would not participate in the arrest, she looked up at Dunn, then lowered her head again, studying the crystal pendant in her hand.

Mrs. Sharon's residence is located on Orsna Street in the eastern district of Tingen City, not far from the Blackthorn Security Company in the northern district. It takes about a quarter of an hour by carriage, so leaving at 7 p.m. provides ample buffer time and avoids arriving too early and exposing oneself. Faced with a known target, choosing not to deploy the entire team but cautiously leaving some personnel behind to guard the base and protect important "witnesses" demonstrates Dunn Smith's prudent approach to action.

"Captain, didn't you say that once everyone has arrived, you would give a detailed introduction of Mrs. Sharon's abilities?" Seeka Tron raised her right hand beside Angel and asked.

"Ah, sorry, I almost forgot..." Dunn was momentarily stunned before he answered. He flipped through his notebook to find the content he was to talk about, cleared his throat, and began to recount Mrs. Sharon's Beyonder abilities as understood from Angel.

The other "Night Watchers" seemed accustomed to this, listening to the captain's speech with unchanged expressions.

Is this guy really reliable... The slight admiration Angel had just felt vanished instantly.

"...The abilities we currently understand are these, among which the greatest threat to us is the 'Witch's' invisibility ability. Once the opponent enters an invisible state, lacking a means of area attack, we will be in a difficult fight. Therefore, I will first try to drag her into a dream from afar. If successful, the rest of you will directly enter the residence to subdue her. However, Mrs. Sharon might possess the strength of Sequence 6, and my ability cannot guarantee success. If we fall into direct combat, Frye needs to use 2-105 to attempt to steal Mrs. Sharon's invisibility ability. As long as she cannot turn invisible, her other abilities do not pose a threat to us well-prepared. At that time, I will restrain her, and your combat objective will change from capturing to killing Mrs. Sharon on the spot. Our own safety is most important."

Dunn Smith quickly finished introducing Mrs. Sharon's Beyonder abilities and assigned the combat team's tasks.

Angel, using Cole Granger's memories of Mrs. Sharon, incorporated her into Dunn Smith's combat plan and rehearsed it in her mind, feeling that Mrs. Sharon would have no chance of escape this time.

Considering Mrs. Sharon, who is likely Sequence 6, as "not guaranteed success," Dunn Smith must also possess no less than Sequence 7 abilities. Once successful in dragging Mrs. Sharon into a dream, isolated and helpless, whether to kill or capture her would be at the "Night Watchers'" discretion. Even if the dream entry fails and it comes to direct combat, the Sealed item "2-105" he mentioned could still steal her invisibility ability, depriving her of her greatest means of escape or counterattack. Curses cannot be used or take effect immediately, and in close combat, her fire and frost abilities might not surpass firearms. With a four against one, taking the initiative, even against Sequence 6 Mrs. Sharon, the odds of winning are very high.

And in Tingen City alone, there are three teams with such combat capabilities. According to Seeka Tron, the "Punishers" are more aggressive, and "Machinery Hivemind" also has no shortage of heavy firepower, no wonder unofficial Beyonders keep a low profile. Once they expose themselves, in the official Beyonder organizations' premeditated capture operations, they hardly stand a chance, even if they're solely focused on escaping.

Angel mentally lit a candle for Mrs. Sharon's tragic fate and also understood why Dunn Smith was against her participation in the capture operation. In this room of seven Beyonders, she might just be the weakest, and the "Assassin's" close combat capability wouldn't be of much use in the operation; going would only add to the chaos.

If she had the strength of Sequence 7 or even Sequence 6, she would have taken up arms and stormed Mrs. Sharon's home long ago, so why wait here for the "Night Watchers'" operation outcome to decide her own fate?

Angel sighed quietly to herself. Even if there was a chance to increase her strength, could she really go against her conscience to become an "Assassin" and "Instigator," stepping on the flesh and blood of the innocent to ascend?


The four members of the "Action Squad" quickly set off, organizing their firearms and ammunition. Frye, with black hair and blue eyes, carried an object that looked like a blood vessel that had been stripped from a human body. The quartet exited the main gate one after another, and soon, the sound of wheels rolling over cobblestone streets followed by the diminishing noise of a horsewhip could be heard.

Angel also met one of the night watchers' civilian staff, a middle-aged man named Bredt with a thick beard, wearing a suit and a top hat, his face adorned with a faint smile. Compared to the members of this Beyonder organization, he seemed more like a butler for a wealthy family.

Civilian staff like Bredt did not participate in external operations. He was responsible for reception, cleaning rooms, paperwork, as well as guarding the armory, materials, and archive library. Similar to the Beyonder watchers of the "Chanis Gate," he also took turns on night duty.

"We originally had seven civilian staff members, including Old Neil who transitioned from a formal member to a civilian role. Five people were involved in rotating duty for the weapons and materials storage. Kenley White, who is on duty at the 'Chanis Gate' today, chose to become a Sleepless, and Viola did not renew her contract. Now, they are somewhat overwhelmed with the rotation."

After the departure of the four, the reception room seemed a bit empty. Angel, Daly, and Leonard sat around the central table in a circle. After Bredt made tea for everyone, he went back to continue guarding the armory. Watching his departing figure, Leonard sighed.

"This week we had a newcomer, like you, involved in a mysterious event. Although he is not Beyonder, he was fortunate to survive and decided to join the 'NightWatchers.' Rozanne thought he would be a civilian staff member and was very pleased. But the captain told me that he will not participate in the rotation for now, and Rozanne doesn't know about this yet... Oh, Rozanne is also one of our civilian staff, she's on duty tomorrow, and you'll meet her."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

Angel maintained a polite smile, listening to Leonard's introduction of the civilian staff's work schedule, yet felt somewhat puzzled. Seeka avoided discussing the internal affairs of the "Night Watchers" during the afternoon chat, indicating there were certain restrictions, but Leonard spoke openly, revealing everything without reservation. Was there a special reason for this?

Daly Simon, sitting beside them, seemed uninterested in these details. After Dunn Smith and the others left, she fell into a gloomy mood, either staring at the floating tea leaves in her cup or seemingly looking towards the other two without actually focusing.

"By the way, the captain asked me to return the weapon to you, and I also have a question." Leonard was nearly done introducing the history of the Chanis Gate when he suddenly clapped his hands as if remembering something. He took out a wooden box from his pocket and placed it on the table, the very special bullets that had been taken from Angel before.

Leonard took out two revolvers, one larger and one smaller, and placed them together with the box of bullets. Then, he picked up a "Storm Convergence" bullet, engraved with intricate patterns and the holy emblem of the Evernight Goddess, and placed it alongside his own demon hunting bullet, just as he had done during the day in the carriage, for comparison.

"The 'Demon Hunting Bullets' produced by the Church, through the engraving of Hermes script used for sacrificial rituals, and the emblem pointing to the Evernight Goddess, obtain extra lethality against Beyonder creatures," he explained, pointing to the smaller but obviously more finely crafted, and thus more expensive-looking, silver-white bullet.

Angel slightly straightened up to listen to his introduction, while Daly, who had been staring blankly beside them, also focused her gaze on Leonard.

"But I studied your bullet carefully this afternoon. The patterns on it are orderly, which should also be an engraving effect similar to that of the demon hunting bullets, but it's not Hermes script, nor does it belong to any script I've seen. It uses the holy emblem of the Evernight Goddess, just like the demon hunting bullet, but I'm very curious about what its content actually is?"

Of course, it doesn't belong to any script you've seen, because it's in English, and in cursive at that...

Angel felt somewhat helpless. During the day in the carriage, she had cleverly managed to bluff her way through the test with the lie-detecting seal, thinking Leonard wouldn't bring it up again. However, the young Nightwatcher, with his spirit for research, still remembered and even carefully studied the patterns on the bullet.

Fortunately, the "Sealed item" had already been put away. Daly needed the help of the Sealed item to lie detect, indicating she didn't have this ability herself, or couldn't use it on the spot. The moment to test my ability to lie without blushing or skipping a heartbeat had arrived...

As Angel was quickly preparing her cover story to divert this nonexistent script towards some ancient belief, Daly suddenly frowned, looked around, and then stood up straight.

"Something's not right, the spirits nearby are filled with unease…"

Leonard is so nosy

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