
Lord of Identities

When Soha the Human Sovereign perishes, his soul fractures into three fragments, dispersing into the River Of Reincarnation. Reborn in different bodies without any memories, they discover a startling reality: Dragons aren't dragons, Demons aren't demons, and Devils aren't devils. Watch as these new beings, a new race known as Possessors, challenge the established rules of existence. As they mold the world in the way they want, They compete against each other for the title of – The Lord of Identities. .... Previous Name: Possessed Identity The power system is complex; just a glimpse: Everybody, including all background characters, has their own unique abilities. There are multiple races in this world, each with a unique cultivation path and power system. People are even more so. Extremely so. The more you read, the more you should understand.

FamishedGod · Fantasi
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48 Chs

What After Maths?

Arman Dragona's POV

After learning some advanced, truly advanced maths, I was really tired now,

it was said that other races' children don't do anything except sleep and drink milk until they grow up,

But it seemed I am not that lucky, born in the dragon race, I had to work hard, or I'll be left behind by my peers

as my mom told me yesterday, there were almost three hundred more of my peers in this generation of Royal dragons, and I didn't want to lose against any of them

in anything.

so even though my mom wasn't too pushy in my mental training, I continued even while tired

My innate Pride didn't want to let me lose,

and I didn't want to show my mom my inferior self.

I wanted to be the Hero and Winner in the stories that my mom told than be the losers and background characters in there,

but after hearing that the maths classes were over, I won't lie, I was relieved, that sure was hard.

and after my mother said that what the current him required was not more training but rather rest, I accepted her words and started resting for a week

with mud bottles of milk and mom's new stories as my leisurely time pass and fun.

her stories were always interesting,

it was not the stories themselves, but how she told it that made them interesting

and I surely want more, everytime, anytime.

I can't get enough of them.

and these days continued for a week before my mom told me to start my next subject, Mortal Science, another subject that Humans came up with, before a thing called cultivation or magic or anything similar was invented in their ancestral planet-Earth.

even though most of the knowledge in old science were redundant now, she wanted me to learn it

and as ever, I didn't question why. in my opinion, she knew the best

and learning Science unlike Maths was rather interesting, mainly because I didn't have to memorize anything due to the inheritance,

and having not much to comprehend like maths had, made it fun for me

but fun didn't mean I did not take it seriously, I learned with all seriousness.


sub subjects like Biology and Geography according to my mom, were truly helpful in the path of cultivation if used correctly

and as I learned more, I could understand why!

especially the Biology, even though I had a complete understanding of my own body due to Race Annihilic Instinct, after I learned the biology of dragons, and especially my own biology,

the biology of an hybrid, which she didn't understand I was, yet.

which my mom wrote and drew for me after doing some harmless research on myself,

I came to understand my own body even more.

I now knew what organ was there to do what in me, and what happens if something happens to it, I even learned about my own human blood and dragon blood's cooperative system of existence inside myself

they didn't interfere with each other at all,

like two sides of a coin, they were two, but seemed like one to an outsider

even to my mom.

and science concepts like, the four fundamental forces were an eye opener, of course,

all of this also helped him broaden his horizons

especially, Space Geography, A new subject where they learn about the geography in different parts of infinite space

but that was an infinitely big subject, so I only learned the basics like the requirements to first travel in space and so on...

Chemistry was skipped wholely by my mom, and when I asked, she only replied

"Chemistry is a stupid subject nowadays, Potioneering and alchemy are much more profound, even World Scrying is much better than learning chemistry, you don't have to focus too much on Human Inventions, not all of them are that good, so always keep a broad mind and see everything for what it is"

and through all these studying, I also came to undertand one important thing, a VERY important thing.

even though I had knowledge of almost everything because of the minor inheritance, I can't use all of them without practically learned knowledge

of course I will come to understand them naturally through age too, atleast in My mother's opinion.

and with that, he came to learn Advanced Mortal Science with only 38 days,

it took more time because he learned with a leisurely pace this time

rather than rushing it, like I did with maths.

I was carefree and happy the whole time.

and My mother too, only happily observed Me.

and for some reason, I could feel that she had changed somewhat, so I asked without hesitation. "Mom, You seem somewhat different, what happened to you?"

even some worry oozed out of my voice without my knowledge.