
Looks Can Be Decieving

To the average eye Kageyama’s was a tall scary guy who hated everyone and only cared about himself. That’s what it looked like to a lot of people anyway. But not the volleyball players. They knew that looks can be deceiving and that Kageyama was just a big cutie that needed love. Along with this everyone thought the opposite of what they thought about kageyama to Hinata. But the boy just hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet. That was the only issue. So when the time for the training camp came along all of the teams put their minds to one thing. Make Kageyama’s their’s and make him feel the love he deserves.

That_Harem_Writer · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 2


"Okay then. Let's get started." Tanaka said and everyone nodded.

"I'll start." Kita says since it was his idea and everyone nods.

"Okay then. Kageyama. Truth or dare?" He asks him and kageyama smiles.

"Truth!" He says with a smile and Kita chuckles.

"If you could pick 6 people on here to make your dream team. Who would they be?" He asks and kageyama thinks for a moment.

"Well. I'd keep Hinata. We're a t-team. And I'd take Sakusa. Atsumu. Osamu. Nishinoya and Ushijima." Kageyama says with a nod and kita chuckles. 'I knew he liked those 3' he thinks to himself.

Kageyama then smiles. "Ushijima. Truth or dare." He says with a smile and Ushijima chuckles.

"Truth Kageyama Tobio." He says and kageyama nods.

"Why do you want Oikawa on your team so much. But when I applied, you didn't accept me." Kageyama says with a pout and Ushijima nearly chokes.

"Tanaka. If I please." He says and Tanaka chuckles and pours Ushijima a shot glass. He throws it back and sighs.

"Sorry Tobio Kageyama but that's not something I'm willing to talk about just yet." He says and kageyama just nods.

"Oikawa. Truth or dare." Ushijima says and Oikawa chuckles.

"You're all pussies. I choose dare." He says with a smirk and Ushijima nods.

"I dare you to be nice to me for a whole week." He says and Oikawa blinks.

"Game on ass- Wakatoshi." He says and everyone chuckles.

"Miya Sangwoo. Truth or dare. Guys. It's time to get more fun. Our questions and dares are too easy." He says and everyone nods.

Atsumu rolls his eyes at the name. "Truth." He says and Oikawa smirks.

"Tell us the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you." Oikawa says and Atsumu sighs.

"That would be, when Suna and Samu swapped out my volleyball kit for a cheerleading outfit, and I jumped and it spilt." He says and oikawa starts cackling.

Atsumu rolled his eyes. "Tobio-sama. Truth or Dare." He says and Kageyama smiles.

"Dare this time." He says with a nervous smile and Atsumu smirks.

"Well. We need to get these dares harder. So. I dare ye to kiss everyone ye admire Tobio-sama." He says and Kageyama turns being red.

He debated weather or not to take two shots as a forefeit but he couldn't. He wanted to kiss those people way too much to pass this up.

He was scared about having to do it in front of everyone but the part of him reminding him how much he wanted to kiss them was stronger than the part of him telling him to take a forfeit.

He stood up and took a deep breath before walking over to the group everyone knew he would go to. And it frustrated them so much.

Kageyama then leaned down in front of Osamu and pressed his lips against the others nervously.

Osamu chuckled and pulled him down to sit down, trying to calm him.

Osamu then grabbed Kageyama's chin and kissed the other deeply, this caused kageyama to be shocked but he got used to it. Yet his eyes widened when he felt the others tongue lick across his lips and he quickly pulled away.

He blushes and shifted to Sakusa who chuckled and gently grabbed the others chin.

He then kissed him and his hands slowly slid down kageyama and gave his a ass a soft squeeze. This caused the other to gasp and Sakusa pushes his tongue into Kageyama's mouth before pulling away.

Kageyama blinked, before moving to Atsumu who captured his lips as well and kageyama was just in shock.

He wasn't expecting a kiss to feel so good.

He'd seen people kiss and thought it was gross. But. He loved this.

Kageyama then pulled away and took a few deep breaths.

"Have you got anyone else you admire Kageyama. Because you look tired. How about. Stay sat. You can message them and they can come over to you." Kita says and kageyama nods.

He then pulls out his phone and sends a message to Kita, Daishou and Terushima.

The three smirked and walked over. Each taking their time when kissing kageyama before leaving him to catch his breath.

Kageyama's breathed deeply. Those kisses were amazing.

"I-" he took a deep breath.

"I'm gonna head to bed now." He says and everyone nods. They've pushed him a bit too far. It made sense that he'd want to leave.

Kageyama left to go to the bathroom and Sakusa coughed.

"I need a shower. You're all too close and making me stink." He says and Sakusa stands up and heads to the bathroom.

When there he catches kageyama and smirks.

"Hey Kageyama. I have a question." Sakusa says and Kageyama smiles.

"What's up?" He asks and Sakusa chuckles.

"Do you just admire us. Or is there something else?" He asks with a smirk and Kageyama blushes bright red.

"W-What do you mean?" He asks and Sakusa chuckles.

"Do you like us kageyama?" He asks with a smirk and Kageyama blushes bright red.

"I-I. I don't know. I g-get all jittery inside around so many people from volleyball. A-and I just. I don't know Sakusa-san." He says and Sakusa just nods.

"Well that's fine Kageyama. As long as you truly don't know. But if that's not the case. Well. Nevermind that." He says with a smirk and winks at kageyama before heading to the showers.

Kageyama turns bright red and goes to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

He then took a deep breath. "Do I.. Do I like them? If I. If I like them then. I must like everyone a-and. That's embarrassing." He says to himself as he goes to his bed and falls asleep, his head full of thoughts.


The next morning kageyama woke up bright and early and got up to change.

He changed into a different pair of shorts and a top that had an owl on it before heading down to breakfast.

When he arrived at breakfast he saw many people there already, most in just boxers and a shirt or sweat pants and shirtless and he couldn't help but look.

As he realised what he was doing he blushed and turned away, but he was too late, as someone had caught Kageyama's starring.

Kita chuckled. He saw everything. And he knew everything. Even if Kageyama didn't realise this yet. He knew. He knew kageyama liked them just as much as they liked him. He knew all. He always knew.

Kita just sat at a table and watched Kageyama.

Kageyama went to a table and sat down as he began to eat.

Everyone couldn't help but look at him and he couldn't help but to steal small glances at people.

He'd been thinking about what Sakusa had said all night. And he now thought he was right.

'I think. I do like them.' He thinks to himself as he finishes eating.

Sakusa walks over and sits next to Kageyama as he finishes. "Hey Kageyama. Did you think about our little conversation yesterday?" He asks and Kageyama blushes bright red.

He pauses as he thinks weather he should answer or not. He was very embarrassed about the conclusion he had came to do he shook his head.

"I-I still don't know." He said and Sakusa just raised one of his eyebrows and nodded.

"Well. We're all heading to a water park later. So tell me if you figure it out before then. Because we've rented it out just for us. And as I said. If you're lying. Well who knows what will happen." He says with a smirk and stands up.

He then pulls out his phone.


He likes us. But he's lying. He's figured it out. He's telling me though that he still doesn't know. So at the waterpark today. We are gonna rig the game

𝙵𝚘𝚡 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐:

I know. You have to speak to him to know. I've been watching him and I know. A game of hide and seek tag is in store. We will split into 2 teams. A team of hiders and a team of seekers. The first person from the hiders team to be tagged by everyone on the seekers team will get a Forefeit from the seekers team. The leaderboard there will have all the names of the hiders and the seekers just have to make sure. They rig it so they all tag Kageyama, and not anyone else. Still tag others though. But don't let someone else get caught out first.

Everyone read the message and nodded. That sounded like a plan to them.