
School Drama

As Kai opened the door to the infirmary, he was greeted by the sight of a pale, trembling Daniel, who looked as if he had seen a ghost sitting on one of the beds.

"Hey Daniel, right? What's wrong, you don't look so good. " As soon as Kai spoke, Daniel seemed to have been snapped out of whatever state he was stuck in as he whipped his head up at Kai.

"Yeah also don't worry I'm fine just feeling a little tired is all" Daniel replied as he watched Kai walk over to the cabinet and pulled out an ice bag to hold on his bruises immediately reminding Daniel of the incident in the cafeteria earlier 'There seems to be another scary guy in our class now' Daniel thought as he watched Kai pess the cold pack against his bruised skin.

"Anyway I better get back to class" Daniel said with a little bit of sweat forming on his forehead 'Hopefully he's not as violent as Zack or a bully' he thought as he stood up to leave the infirmary only to be confused when he grasped the handle and couldn't open the door to leave the room.

'Huh, it won't open' Thought Daniel as visible confusion appeared on his face, having thought it was locked or something.

"Yeah see you in class then" Kai said as he mistook Daniel's sudden stop to be waiting for a response after he replied ready to leave he took the ice pack with him as he walked towards the door where Daniel was still stand seemingly struggling to open the door.

'Huh, why hasn't he left yet?' Kai thought about to ask, only to be stunned when Daniel went flying forward out the door and stumbled into a massive dude.

"Hey it's the guy from before" Kaid said out loud as he waved at the guy who was standing just outside the door who looked back at him puzzled at his attitude towards him completely different to others.

'What's up with this guy? Does he know me?' Logan thought, confused at Kai's behaviour only to tense when he noticed Daniel directly in front of him "Hey what are you looking at? Get Lost, " Logan said with a sneer at the handsome guy blocking his way.

"Okay, Sorry" Daniel said while trembling confusing Kai as from what he's heard from the chatter around that Daniel is as strong if not stronger than Vasco the guy he was fighting earlier 'Why is he so scared of him?' He thought as he watched the exchange.

"What's going on, Daniel? You Okay?" A female with black shorts hair asked as she walked up behind Daniel and grabbed onto his arm affectionately, not noticing the tension in the air.

"Oh Zoe," Daniel replied, having immediately recognised the female who grabbed him.

"Do you know him? No? I haven't eaten yet. Let's go get a snack, " Zoe said as she began to pull Daniel away with her as soon as he responded positively to her invitation.

"Hey, you! Stop you are f*cked. " Logan stopped them with a furious face, ready to beat both out of pure jealousy due to his own experiences he hated people like these two.

"What class are you in? Your f*cked now" Logan growled as he reached out to grab the stunned Daniel who was confused as to what he had done wrong however before Logan could grab his shoulder a hand intercepted and grabbed Logan by the wrist and as Daniel and Logan followed the arm up they saw it was Kai who had grabbed Logan.

"Hey, what is with people and the attempted cheap shots at this school?" Kai asked with a scowl on his face as he gripped Logan's wrist tighter, making the said boy wince at the power behind the grip.

'Argh he's stronger than I thought' As Logan thought this he ripped his arm free from Kai's grip gaining a curious look from Kai as they sized each other up ready for a fight only to look away from each other both for different reasons Kai because he didn't want to be expelled for fighting on the first day and Logan because despite the fact he didn't feel like he needed it he still owed Kai for his help earlier so he decided he wouldn't owe him after this incident.

"Hey hurry up and leave with your stupid couple show while I'm being nice" Logan said with a scowl as he talked to Daniel and Zoe who immediately became flustered Daniel about to leave only to stop dead when Zoe spoke up in a hurried tone.

"I like Piggy!" She shouted, only realising what she had said when she saw the confused faces of the three guys near her and, in her embarrassment, grabbed Daniel and left.

'Huh clearly she is lying' Logan contemplated as he turned back to Kai "I don't owe you anymore, Next time you're going down" He said to him before he turned around and walked away his mind full of questions.

"Hah, what was that about? Oh well, better get to class," kai said to himself as he too walked away from the nurse's office.


After spending the rest of the class doing nothing but blankly stare at the bored while Jay fretted over his wounds Kai decided he should go apologise to that Vasco dude for the misunderstanding from earlier having heard the reason why the fight in the cafeteria started not long after he returned to class so when the bell rang he stood decisively startling some of his classmates as he left for the architect department.

"I can't believe Kai is so strong," a male student whispered to his friend as he watched Kai leave. He received nods from those around him.

"Hey, you don't think he's like a bad guy or something, do you?" A female student said with a worried look on her face as she and a couple others looked towards their resident trouble maker who, noticing their gazes, scowled at the insinuation.

'I'm not like that any more, however that guy is pretty good though hopefully he isn't a bad guy other wise Mira might be in danger' Zack thought to himself as he let his thoughts grow exaggeratedly ignoring any logic.

Kai, oblivious to the chatter around him, started making his way towards the architecture department amidst looks of admiration and gossip only to see the target of his self-proclaimed mission before he had even reached halfway.

"Hey, you, your name is Vasco, right?" Kai said as he walked towards a group of students in grey coveralls only to stop when he was met with the furious looks of the sketchy students around him who all somehow turned to him at the same time, although not willing to back to he focused solely on the guy he fought earlier in the cafeteria.

"Yes, what did you want?" Vasco asked as he held out his arm to stop Jace from stepping forward to protect his friend just in case the situation took a turn for the worse.

"Don't worry I'm not here to fight, I just came to say sorry it was my misunderstanding of the situation earlier that lead to it so Sorry" Kai explained as he looked away while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment avoiding the judging eyes of those around him.

'Huh... He might not be a bad guy, "Vasco thought as he looked curiously at Kai as did the others as Vasco walked forward and held out his hand for a hand shake.

"Hold on Vasco he could be tricking us" Jace quickly said hoping to stop Vasco before he got hurt because of his inherent naivety only for Vasco to look back him with a smile making Jace sigh in exasperation and stand down which in turn made the others back off as well noticing what Vasco was trying to convey to them.

"Don't worry about it, it was a misunderstanding. Let's leave it at that, Friends?" Vasco asked as Kai reached out and shook his hand in confusion only to brighten up at the mention of being friends.

"Huh yeah that's cool, Friends definitely friends" Kai said excited shocking those around them as it had seemed as if he's not had friends before his expression making Vasco brighten up as well at the thought of making someone else happy just by extending friendship as he remembered his days of struggle in middle school.

"Yeah, well, anyway, have a nice day. I need to get home, Do you think I can get your number?" Kai asked as he got a positive response from Vasco he quickly added his number before waving to Vasco as he left to go home and rest.

Kai rushed home which didn't take long as he lived not quite close to the school he opened the door to his family sized empty apartment as he walked in the dark to his bed and flopped down onto it only to quickly fall fast asleep tired from his slightly stressful day nevertheless excited at having made a new friend for the first time in a long time.


As time flowed by Kai had grown closer to some of the others from both his class like Daniel, Jay, Zack, Zoe, Yui and Mira and from the school in general including Vasco and some of the Burn Knuckles who Kai had to admit are quite entertaining to watch as they goof around and do weirdly worrying things which often made his day at the sheer absurdity of their actions.

Over the last couple of months their hadn't been much incidents other than Logan disappearing randomly and an Arrogant hot guy showing up then vanishing which Kai is still confused at but chose to put it out of mind by the time the schools annual excursion came and went, this year's having been at a theme park ensured that Kai most likely had the most fun time of all his friends.

Everything seemed to have been going great as Kai spent more time with his friends... Until an incident with Jih, who had his bank account stolen by a gang called God Dog that ended with Daniel in the Hospital and Jiho in a juvenile detention centre for his part in it.

Daniel being unconscious left Kai and most of his friends in a slump at the unknown fate of the hospitalised friend who had yet to awaken as the days seemed to drag on with Logan causing more trouble in the Fashion Department with Zoe for a few weeks until he suddenly stopped his unwanted advances and kept to himself which Kai didn't have much problem with as he viewed Logan as a bully and although they aren't hostile to each other he would rather not be around the other.

Everything started to return to normal, though, until Daniel awoke and the beginning of their descent into Gang warfare began.

(P.S. Sorry for the times skips and brief description of events as after the troubled transfer Arc, there is not much to write about due to either random time leaps, personal arcs, or simply too difficult to fit into.)

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