
Arrive at Ancient Demon Sect's Ruin

In one remote corner of the Eastern Desolate, it felt as though one had reached the very brink of existence. They were encircled by an unending expanse of arid wasteland, where no signs of human presence could be discerned.

The boundless world stretched limitlessly, without any visible demarcations or borders. In this desolation, life remained a distant memory, with no traces of greenery to be found—only an unforgiving terrain of rugged rocks and swirling sands. It bore the semblance of a colossal behemoth, its gaping maw stretching toward the heavens, as though endeavoring to engulf all in its path.

Even the most accomplished cultivator, upon venturing here, might find a touch of melancholy seeping into their being. It was as if they had been forsaken by both the heavens and the earth, doomed to wander in solitude.

Li Changsheng, puzzled, inquired, "Is this the location of the Ancient Demon Sect?"

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