
Locked Secrets From You

There are up and downs in life. Secrets that are kept to avoid problems. If given another chance, will you take it? A story that gives 2 individuals another chance. Please Enjoy :)

Alyn_Lynn · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Elementary Exam

There are rules to protect you, if there aren't, make that change. But remember to follow the rules of society first, no one likes people different from them.


Everyone lived different lives and rules, never expect.

The day has arrived, the Zhou's Family Mansion has been busy since morning. Buses lined up outside, with staff arriving to prepare for the day. Yu Xin got up early as she needs to go to an examination center where she will take her elementary leaving school examination. Father Zhou will be accompanying her to the examination center after breakfast. Yu Xin waved goodbye to her brothers and left with her father.

Upon arriving at the examination center, Yu Xin went into the room while Father Zhou waits for his daughter. Yu Xin has signed up for several exams to be done on the same day, Yu Xin sat down on her children's size desk and chair. Not long, all the exams have begun.

"Hmm… let's see. Math, easy. But there are some questions that require you to apply certain methods to solve, luckily I did a read-through and practice again." 20 minutes passed. Yu Xin raised her hand to submit her completed paper. The invigilator then ask her "Do you wish to continue with the English paper?". Yu Xin nodded her head, the invigilator then passed her the paper and said "You have 1 hour to complete the paper, we will start in 5 minutes. Do check that there are 7 printed pages including the cover page. And write your name, examination ID number."

The exam continues for 4 hours, Yu Xin walked out of the exam room and thanked the invigilator for staying with her for the entire exam.

"Daddy!" said Yu Xin as she runs into Father Zhou's arms.

"How was it? I'm sure you did well. My daughter is the best regardless of what result she gets." Said Daddy Zhou as he lifts Yu Xin up high in the air.

The father and daughter happiness spread throughout the examination, other parents who were worried for their child's results, felt the load was removed and complimented on their child's success in completing the exam.

While all the parents were waiting for the results to be released which takes about 30 minutes, Daddy Zhou and Yu Xin went to the café in the examination building to take a break from exams and work. After placing their orders they went to an empty table and rest there. Yu Xin and Daddy Zhou talked the entire time until the buzzer rang indicating that their order is ready for collection. Daddy Zhou went to collect, while Yu Xin waited in her seat.

At the corner of the café, a parent was reprimanding their child. Causing a disturbance in the area, Yu Xin turned her head and saw that they have already received their results and it doesn't seem to be good seeing the parent going bonkers about it. The staff tried to calm the parents down which then the parents left the café without their kid after saying "I am disowning you! I will not have a failure in the house. Go live your life as you wished!".

Daddy Zhou came back with their orders and said "What are you looking at?". Yu Xin then said while still looking at the abandoned kid "Family disputes". Both father and daughter looked at the boy that was left behind. The little boy apologise to the café staff and the customers, Yu Xin and the boy made eye contact. The boy turned away from Yu Xin's gaze, troubled on what to do next.

Daddy Zhou then signals his daughter to do what she wants. Yu Xin smiled at Daddy Zhou and got off her seat and walked over and said "Do you want some sweets? Aren't you hungry after such tests? I also did mine today." The boy looked at Yu Xin then turned away from her. Yu Xin then held his hand and pulled him towards her table. "Daddy! Can he join us?" asked Yu Xin.

Daddy Zhou looked strictly at the little kid that Yu Xin is holding on to. 'Why does my daughter have to be surrounded by boys? I even changed her bodyguards to female ones.'

"Sure. Please have a seat." Smiled Daddy Zhou. Yu Xin passed over a macaron and her water to the boy. The atmosphere was quiet. Daddy Zhou then left saying he has to take a call. Yu Xin looked at the boy then said "Don't worry. No parent hates their child. This nation has laws to protect children from their parents if things go wary. My name is Zhou Yu Xin. You are?"



The conversation turned quiet. Daddy Zhou came back with men in uniforms, Yu Xin looked at their uniforms, 'Oh, the police'. "Xin'er, say goodbye to your new friend. The police will help him, you don't have to worry." Said Daddy Zhou. The boy named Han got off his seat with his bag and followed the police. Xin'er and Daddy Zhou also left the café to collect Yu Xin's certificate for graduating from elementary level.

"Now, that we have finished collecting. It's time to dress up! Will Daddy's princess give him the honor to escort you?" asked Daddy Zhou.

"Yes, please!" said Yu Xin as she placed her hand on her dad's.