

When the arrow hit the trap, I try to use Ursa as a shield and my reason is? Well, it's just I don't want to be hit again by the shockwave. While waiting for it to explode when it is a couple of seconds I saw a jaw-dropping scene that made my mind crumbled.

Me: you gotta be kidding me! It didn't explode... sh*t 'this is so embarrassing man... I thought it's a combustible liquid?'

Ursa: uhh... master I think your plan s*ck... hahaha (he chuckled)

Me: ugh.. don't put a salt will ya? (I rolled my eyes) But really what in the world just happen?

Maybe right now I'm the most f*cking stupidest person right now, if I just use inspect on it, maybe this plan will succeed. I bring one of bamboo.. then I use the skill I was shocked.


An unknown flammable liquid that even withstands the freezing point. If it's ignited it will not be fire out and its temperature can exceed up to 7000°C.]

Me: Holy molly!... it's almost the same as Amaterasu!

Ursa: ????

Me: nope... nothing! Well well... we got a badass weapon.

Ursa: I think you're going, crazy master. I know it hard to accept the loss but you can't just be a psycho you know?

When I heard that comment if this is anime I do have a tickmark right now.

Me: tsk... just because you got your intelligence to improve you can mock me? (I grumbled) OK, can you at the Kraken.

Ursa saw the fire spreading throughout the ocean floor and the krakens tentacles are melting at a rapid pace, and wailing so loudly. *shiieekkk....ghooooaaa*

Ursa: uhhh... that fire can it be put out?

I look into him with a face like this... (-_-)

Ursa: oi moron! Don't tell that!...

Me: hahaha... my bad

Ursa facepalm at me.

Ursa: sigh... I think I got made the wrong decision to follow you, master.

Me: come on let's go... I think it's dying.

I try to inspect the krakens hp is rapidly decreasing. We can help to gulp down our saliva right now cause it's not a burnt smell, instead, it's like a fragrance of fresh seafood that been cook delicately. It's been a while that I able to ride Ursa

Ursa: I think I'm hungry right now though I'm a vegetarian.

Me: your what?!

Ursa: what? Just because I'm a bear I'm carnivorous?

Me: Ye-yeah... kinda.

Ursa: f*cking racist.

Me: wait... when did you learn that word?

I arrive at the other side of the beach, Ursa is already at his space so no one can know. We just used a shortcut using the Kraken last attack that destroyed the surroundings. They questioned me a lot of things.

Arnold: hey... what the hell happened there?

Me: maybe later... just keep pushing the boat, I'll tell you later on.

Finally, we set sail, we still using an old compass of Arnold and he said that there's a lot of memories. I told them all off things happen when I (we) faced the Kraken and they were so shocked that even Aaron was so angry at me that he made a contact with that chemical, while he's arguing with me, Chris happens to bring a bunch of those chemicals.

Aaron: why did you bring it?!

Christopher: haha... I thought that we can make a fire to cook.

Me: but did I told you that it's combustible?

Christopher: well... I thought maybe we can adjust it then can make a fire. I made this boat that in case of fire happens, we put it out.

Elena: whatever... just get it away from us if possible throw it out.

Me: don't throw it... maybe there are other uses of it.

We still didn't know our location so we just go with the wind this time, when we are a few kilometers maybe around 10, we saw a transparent barrier but we can distinguish its property, if I described it, it's like glass but liquid form. I thought that this island's barrier more like a force field like those movies.

It's been a month since we departed from the island, the magnificent sun shining so brightly that there were no clouds can be seen, if it's on land we can say that it's a good day but for us it's hell. The heat can average up to 35°-40°C, it's so hot that condensation of our water is so fast and we were running out of it, the water did last for months because we made a tool to make water from seawater by condensing it. We don't need to worry about our food cause we are fishing night and day so we have a lot of dried food. We didn't use the chemical as a fuel, it may burn down the whole boat.

Arnold: waters not gonna last guys we only have 4 liters to spare. What are we do about it?

Me: Sigh... I got no idea at all.

Whilst pondering what we do about our water, Aaron shouted a piece of good news to us.

Aaron: good news guys!... it connected!.

Jenny: so we just wait here!...

Christopher: Thank God... finally... (while he's crying)

Me: wait did you just cry, Chris?

Christopher: nope... it's manly cry!

In just a couple of days, we saw some rescue chopper, right now that noise is like a guardian angel coming down to earth. We shouted as long we can shout, they cried and smiling like we are lost to our parents in the mall and have met again.

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