

Penulis: Zarh_Ngidi
Contemporary Romance
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Baca novel LIVING DOESN'T MEAN U ARE ALIVE yang ditulis oleh penulis Zarh_Ngidi yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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The Legendary Sword "Ame no Habakiri"

[Mobile legends related story] A tragical night happens that change the ninja world forever. The restless conflict between the two Sects suddenly becomes intensified after one of an exceptional ninja named Hanzo, the leader of the Shadow Sect, brutally killed both the Crimson and Shadow most elite ninjas. After that tragedy, both Sect decided to extend the rules of the competition between them. They added a dangerous mission to any chosen ninja to hunt down the traitor. The one who can defeat the Shadow traitor will inherit the greatest title in the ninja world called Scarlet Shadow Supreme Grandmaster. Hayabusa is the chosen ninja from the Shadow Sect and is planned to hunt down the traitor, Hanzo. They do not know, Hanzo, with the legendary sword Ame no Habakiri in his hand, also made his own plan against all the left ninjas in the world The mission was already made and no one knows what will happen next. The sword that once killed many elite ninjas will use again to test for a potential victim. Will conflict ends to the ninja world or another tragedy once again that will ends them forever? The battle of the greatest ninjas is about to begin. The conflicting Shadows between Hanzo and Hayabusa will surge. Who will win? Is Hanzo' oath will come into reality? What would be Hayabusa's fate? Who will be the greatest ninja? Only the strongest will remain. Is Anger can cover up Love? Has love will play the greatest part? The secret inside Kagura's heart and Hanabi's dream is about to reveal. Raining blood and tears awaits in the land. The world about ninjas will start to unfold. Let us witness the way of a ninja. ____________________ The story is about betrayal, promises, and revenge. One of the most beautiful rivals in Love and Power. Rivals about who's the greatest. Who are really the strongest? And the sword will again reveal its true power to someone manage to control it. Read how I elaborated in a more detailed way the existing background story of the most beautiful storyline in Mobile Legends. Adding a bit of my imagination to create my own version. Thank you. ------------- PS: I highly advise a quick read of their real background in the game. Mostly my story based on their background story and mastery code. I will make this simple, quick and easy read though still unsure if this will be short.

Rhod_Icyfreeze · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Zhao Yao: The Legends

In a hilarious and sweet xianxia romance set in Ancient China, Lu Zhao Yao went through life living ostentatiously in every way possible. She lived her entire demon life in a loud and brazen manner, reigning over legions of demons, and yet——just before she was about to retrieve the sword of the ancient demon king and rightfully claim her spot on the throne——she died. In the most quiet and unobtrusive manner possible. How? By accident. Mo Qing, one of her lowest ranking lackeys at that point in time, had killed her after he retrieved the demon sword and unintentionally unleashed the sword’s demonic aura onto the heavily injured Lu Zhao Yao. Her quiet and untimely death, coupled with her firm belief that Mo Qing had sneakily betrayed her by lying in the shadows and waiting to strike the final blow and reap all the rewards, nurtured a heavy grievance within her. Lu Zhao Yao refused to head to the underworld and reincarnate, hanging around in the human world in her spirit form. Lady Luck, however, had not completely abandoned her. One fine day, a female disciple of the Immortal Sect (Zhi Yan) fought with her childhood friend and banged her head onto Lu Zhao Yao’s grave. To Lu Zhao Yao’s utmost delight, she was able to possess Zhi Yan’s body for short periods of time after this. Thus began her journey to avenge her very own death by destroying Mo Qing——and, in the process, resume her rightful place as the King over all demon sects! Thanks to the original who translated this.

Hazel_Zam · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs


所有两情相悦最美好的地方就在于,两个人都在为靠近对方而不断努力。我向前走一步​,就看见你也向前走了一步,于是我有了更大的勇气和信心,再往前走一步。 *** 她们是校园里两情相悦,羡煞旁人的情侣。 某人时常无赖的搂着她的温润帅气的小腰精:“序序,我觉得,我上辈子一定是楚王。” “嗯?”程序斜了她一眼:“你是想让我饿死,还是想后宫多几个人?” “嘿嘿”她娇俏着脸,不做回应。 手上却继续着小动作不断。 ...... 优秀的人总会被许多人喜欢。 情敌给她下了个套,她就傻傻的跳了进去。 伤心离去,未留下一点消息。 ...... 走向社会,设计大神Aviel回头,重新投入了冷酷无情的程总怀抱。 “序序,我错了。”她眨巴着眼,尽量让自己显得无辜。 某人恨铁不成钢的点了点她的脑袋:“别人随便P了几张图,录了几句音,你就什么都信?” “我错了~”语气更加娇柔。 “错了怎么办?”他声音缓下来,无奈的叹了口气。 “那就......罚我十天不能跟你亲亲!”她思考了一下,十分认真的开口。 某人:“......”“算了,这次就不罚了。” “不行,有功就要赏,有错就得罚!”她难得的坚持。 他半口气被噎在了嗓子里。 “......你没错”“是我错了。”

沾笑 · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
103 Chs

Lin Jin: Trapped In The World of The Mysterious CEO

Life as it is can be cruel to some and kind to others. In a world where there is much difference between the high class( the capable) and the low class ( the incapable); the incapable only have to follow the rules a world like this had set for centuries so as not to be totally trampled upon by the capable ones. Lin Jin had chosen to believe this. She had the notion that life easily favours the rich and wealthy and makes it difficult for the poor to even breath talk less of to live due to her past experiences while growing up. The ones she had experienced from her uncle's wife and daughter, who happened to be her father's younger brother, the past experiences from her mates in high school as she had always been bashed by them simply because of her low status and her recent experiences from the Acting agencies who had refused to take her in simply because she isn't connected to any higher up. But, Lin Jin being a very determined lady vowed not to let the unjust rules the world had set stop her from achieving her goals. While hustling as a roadside store owner, she met a man whom she thought pretended to be the owner of a brand after a first meet conflict between them and later realized he was truly the CEO of a group of companies. (X-Liang group of companies). She assumed the CEO to be like every other high class who deliberately likes to show off their wealth and fame which made Lin Jin dislike him even as a CEO. Few years later, Lin Jin became an actress like she had dreamt to be and was secretly crushing on the CEO of the agency she was working with (Li acting agency) due to the good treatment the actors and actresses get from the agency courtesy of the "Mysterious CEO" even though she had never met or seen him before as the CEO had carefully kept himself well hidden from the public. Little did she know that she had actually been trapped in the world of the two CEO she thought were different.

Scarlet_Fang · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


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  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
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