
Living Armor

A young man who wasted most of his life as a office worker for someone who didn't care is given a chance to experience a new life in a different way by being reincarnated after death, but as Living armor that continuously evolves. Follow this reborn Knight as he copes and adapts to the challenges he will face. Will he learn to trust again, or will he will he walk this road alone? (this is my first novel so there will be mistakes but I will learn as I go) (warning: there will be sex scenes written out and some fighting scenes may be intense) ( WIll also probably start trying to publish on Royal Road as well)

Apocalypse2025 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 2: Beginning of adventure

Roughly 10 minutes into this grand adventure is the first obstacle in this lonely knights path. About 20 meters ahead there is a roughly 3-foot tall green creature fiddling with a small dagger.

The tunnel is dim enough that the creature hasn't noticed the Knight yet.

(Is… that a Goblin? Oh god, where exactly am I? Is this some sort of dungeon? It's currently not paying attention so maybe I can get a jump on it.)

The Knight slowly crept up as quietly as possible and prepared a kick to smash the goblin.

*Crack* Sneak attack 1.5 damage

As I land I powerful kick into the right temple of the goblin and I hear a crunch and a black 3 floats above the goblin's head.

(Nice, a sneak attack. Let's see what else I can do)

After the goblin was kicked in the side of the head, it started staggering a bit.

(Hmm, it seems my kick stunned him, nice! Might as well take advantage then.)

After the Knight noticed the goblin was stunned he started unleashing a flurry of punches to the best of his ability)





Numerous white numbers floated above the goblins head as the unfortunate creature took a flurry of punches to the skull, and it seemed to be more than it can take as it fell over and evaporated into bright blue particles and flew towards the Knight, absorbing it.

Level 1 goblin defeated: Rewarded 10 essence

(agh.. That was exhausting. At least it finally fell, and the goblin evaporated into what seemed to be essence and I absorbed it. If I kill 10 goblins I can level up, let's continue then)

After another 5 minutes, there is ugly creature, but unlike last time the creature seems to be occupied with something and the Knight tries to distinguish what it is as he gets closer. Once he gets closer he feels the non existent blood drain from his helmet.

( oh god… is that… is that a body?)

The Goblin seems to be rummaging through its pockets.

(ugh, if I had a stomach I'm sure I'd be losing whatever it contained at this moment. I am thankful for this new body, well let's avenge this fallen soul)

The Knight rushes to smash another sneak attack kick on this new goblin. Luckily the goblin is too preoccupied to hear the quiet clanking of metal coming from behind and loses concentration as a metal boot precedes to knock away from its prey.



After a black 3 floats above its head, it turns around making angry screeching noises while pointing at the body then charges at me and swings at the Knight. Barely missing his gut by a couple of centimeters when he tried to dodge.

(Holy shit, I thought they were gonna all be easy but I am actually a lot slower compared to them. Apparently, I am going to have to play more defensive than I thought.)

The Knight started to break out in a cold sweat as he was trying to dodge the enraged goblin. After multiple close calls he is able to finally land a hit of his own with his fist.

2… (for when MC loses health I'll do -2… instead)

After the hit landed the goblin turned around and stab him in the side and cracks the fragile armor there.


(agh!! Fuck, that hurts for being a suit of armor I still feel pain. I am really wishing instead of wasting all my time on that bitch, I took some martial arts classes because I really am worried this trash monster is going to kill me)

(the last goblin took roughly 11 damage before it collapsed, and he already halved my health…. This is gonna be a long fight.)

The knight then proceeds to take every shot that he can while dodging the goblin trying to gut him. Eventually he manages to land a couple of punches to the side of the goblins skull.



(That should put him at roughly 2 health, one more hit to go.) He then engages the bloody goblin for one last swing but not being used to his new body he stumbles and the goblin lands a glancing blow against him.


(argh… fuck…. I only have one health, but I need to kill him or he won't let me leave anyways, and I can't heal unless I rest.)

(Fuck you, you green bastard!!!) The Knight makes one final charge and manages to dodge the goblin and land a haymaker straight to the goblins temple.


*level 1 goblin killed: reward 10 essence, 1 bronze grade dagger*

(hell yeah! Something else besides my heads. Lets see what the bad boy does.)

*goblin dagger (Bronze grade): +2 damage* 2x damage on crit


(I've played enough games to know that, that is a shitty dagger but you know what, it's my shitty dagger now. It doubles my current damage and has better sneak damage at least.)

The Knight equips his first drop, and even though he is dead tired, he is ecstatic to finally have his first weapon. After he does that he checks the body that was being looted and it seems to be a young male around 16 that is really skinny, and looks like someone that lives on the street. He starts digging in his pockets to find nothing but the necklace around the kids neck catches his eye. Its a bronze medallion with a word engraved on it with what seems to be some kind of magic formation on the back of the shape of a star.

(Hmmm.. I don't understand what the formation is but it might be a some kind of name plate, I read in some novels where adventures had some kind of name sake on them in case they died in dungeons. The name on the plate is "Andy".) He picks of the necklace and a window pops up giving him a prompt.

*Do you want to store Andy's Adventure Tag in your inventory? YES/NO*

(Oh? I have an inventory? That's cool, yes store his necklace. Maybe someday I can return it to where it belongs.) After storing the necklace he decides its time to rest a bit.

(I think that's enough goblin, I need some rest) Even though he is an animated armor who doesn't need to sleep he expands energy and he needs to replenish that. He can do it by remaining unmoving for a long period of time.

(At least I can remain alert while resting or this would be a dangerous place to rest. Man, I haven't been here that long and I already feel more accomplished than I did in my previous life, I am excited to see all the stuff I can do with this system as a Soul knight. Speaking of which, why didn't it say what my class is?) Immediately after there is a "ding" prompted by a window.

*Class features are locked until level 5*

(well that explains it. I guess Ill just wait until i heal up then continue on.)

After a couple of hours of rest he gets back up and continues on, hoping to find some more goblins so he can level up because he doesn't like that a trash creature can kill him easily.

(It's interesting to see that the armor that was cracked form battle actually regenerated after some rest, so at least the armor I wear doesn't permanently break. Even though the armor is weak now, that will be really helpful when I hopefully get better gear down the road.)

After Walking for roughly 30 minutes he comes he two goblins this time, talking to each other in their own language.

(It will be a rough fight but If I can surprise them I might be able to kill one of them off quickly with my new dagger before the fight turns south, and make it a 1v1 again.) The Knight then rushes up while the goblins are distracted and stab one in the back.


A black 8 floats above the head of the goblin and he proceeds to do another quick slash to finish him off, and the goblin disintegrates to essence.

(Luckily it seems these goblins aren't very observant or they wouldn't be so easy to pick off)

After that he turns on the second goblin who was now angry his friend was kills and tries to stab you.

(Hmm, these goblins seem to have a basic attack pattern that they repeat so its pretty easy to dodge after you know it. They don't think most of the time, but it's better to be careful because sometimes they do pull of a surprise.)

They second goblin was also downed pretty easy because of the new equipment. Unfortunately they didn't have any more drops but they did give him 20 more essence.

*ding* a new window pops up

*new title: Minor Goblin Slayer-gives +2 damage to versus goblins*

( A new title? That bonus effect is just what I need right now.)

After the Knight received the title he became a terror and for the level one goblins and proceeded to chase any down he could find killing them in to hits

*Level 1 goblin slayed: rewarded 10 essence*

*Level 1 goblin slayed: rewarded 10 essence*

*Level 1 goblin slayed: rewarded 10 essence*

*Level 1 goblin slayed: rewarded 10 essence*

*Level 1 goblin slayed: rewarded 10 essence*

*Level 1 goblin slayed: rewarded 10 essence*


The Knight proceeded to spend every bit of essence he had to level up


*You have leveled up*

Goblin Slayer :3

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