
Little Kitten!

Izuku was invited into a group chat full of pro hero's by accident. Izuku was left by his parent's when he was 5 and raised himself not knowing much. Izuku gets bullied everyday and works an illegal from the age of 5 that his parents made him get for money. Izuku works as a prostitute but doesn't know, all he knows is he doesn't like the job because it hurts him and doesn't understand what they do to him at all. When Izuku starts talking in this group chat and meet them, they start becoming a family.

Xayli · Komik
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4 Chs

Aizawa meets Izuku!

Aizawa's pov:

    When I knock on the door of the small apartment where the kid lives. The door opens to reveal an adorable, innocent, small, green boy. "You Aizawa." Izuku asked, I smiled softly. "That's me, kid." I said, the kid grabbed my hand with his soft hand and pulled me in the apartment. I close the door quickly, before I get pulled all the way in. I sat on the couch and I sat next to him. I sat down and he sat beside me, "My name is Izuku." he said, smiling. "Can I call you Izu?" I asked, smiling. He smiled, making me blush. "Want to watch something?" He asked, I nodded. He hopped off the couch and grabbed the remote on the table and climbed back on the couch. He turned on the tv and put on the news. "Do you not like cartoons, kid?" I asked, "No, I like them, but I also like the news. It's interesting." he said, making me chuckle. "Oh! Yeah, the people of the groupchat want you to go on." Izuku said, before cuddling into my side in a little ball, making me blush a little. "Cute kid." I said, smiling. I looked at the tv for a tiny bet before I grabbed my phone that was in my pocket. I went on groupchat.

Eyebags is online

Bones: We should find out who these people are. There are other people that this happened too.

Eyebags: What are you guys talking about?

NightNight: Is the lil guy okay?

Scream: Is he healthy looking?

Nugget: Is he hurt?

Eyebags: He's fine, he's sleeping on my side right now.

 He is quite the cute kid, he is very small though. I have

 no idea why though.

SmartGuy: Aizawa, back read.

Eyebags: Okay.

I scrolled up and started reading from where I existed off. As I was reading I started to become very pissed. How the hell could they do that! The kid is so innocent it is hard to even think that is happening to him. I looked down at the kid beside me and sighed. I pulled the kid onto my lap and stroked his hair softly, making him pur. Confusing me, I looked closer in his hair and saw a cat ear, making me blush. I looked behind him and saw a little tail hidden away. He's a neko, but a damn cute one at that. That explains why he is so tiny. I went back to the group chat.

Eyebags: That's fucked up.

Scream: You got that right!

NightNight: We are coming over tomorrow to his place

in the morning to find stuff out.

Eyebags: Okay, just walk in and wake us up.

SmartGuy: Got it.

Bones: Is the kid okay?

Eyebags: He's fine, but I found something out?😒

Nugget: What is it?

Hellfire: Is there something wrong with him?

NightNight: Watch it, Enji.😡

Eyebags: He's a neko



 IS IT TINY!? DO THEY FEEL SOFT!? KYAAA~ 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰👄👄👄💜💜💜😘🤩🥵💘💘💘💖💖❤❤❤

SmartGuy: That explains why he is tiny.

Scream: Omg! He must be adorable!💛💚

Nugget: It makes me want to cuddle him more.🥰

Hellfire: You guys are acting like teenage girls

 fangirling over their favourite heroes.

 It's annoying.

NightNight: Screw off you, grumpy old man!😡

Nugget: I will fangirl over whoever I want!😡

Scream: I am not a teenage girl! Plus the kid is

 just too adorable to resist! So shut up, Fire bitch!🤬

SmartGuy: Calm down guys, lol!😂

Bones: We sould get some rest! I'll see you guys

 at Izulu's house tomorrow.😅

NightNight: Night guys!

Eyebags: Whatever night.

Scream: No far you get to sleep with Izu. 😭😔🥺😫 good night!

SmartGuy: Sleep well.

Nugget: Good night!😙

Everyone is offline.

I put my phone down and laid down on my back and held the Izu, close to my chest. "Night, kid." I said, smiling a little, before falling asleep myself.

Hope you enjoyed 😊