

With her brother missing and serial killer on lose, asuna sets out to investigate what happened to all the victims. But this is not as easy as she thought it would be. Six boys get a little to attached to her and she can't seem to escape. Entering a high school which seems normal only to find out everyone has secrets. Even her family. Secrets yet to be revealed. The tale of 17 year old girl who is searching for a mass murderer. Only to end up losing herself and her freedom . Who is the serial killer and what do they want with her.? Why can't she seem to escape from grasp of six highschool seniors.? Will she survive long enough to uncover the mystery or will this be the last we see of her........

daaniya_bukhari · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

The defeat

Liar. You are a liar. You were scared beyond scared. Today what you saw buckled your knees made your heart in tripping pain. You couldn't find your brother. You were scared for him. You were scared of lots of things. But none of them was this.

"never scared"

"Asuna, you repeated that third time" kazuto said.

The dark haired male threw a katana towards you. On the gleaming blade you saw your own reflection. It's edge held a wavy hamon pattern. With determination you held tsuba tightly and moved towards Yukio.

Engaging in a sword fight with the male, you carefully choreograph your movements and strikes. As the clash of blades fills the air, you take note of the kazuto's reactions, gauging his interest in the match and his friend's prowess. Your sharp perception captures the nuances of their interactions, all while keeping your own emotions firmly in check.

As the clash of swords echoed in the training area, you squared off against the formidable opponent, both of you displaying impressive swordsmanship. The gamer male watched from the sidelines, his eyes flitting between the intense exchange and the beads of sweat forming on your brows.

Yukio 's voice, dripping with teasing affection, called you "kitten," a term that both annoyed and intrigued you.

As the battle raged on, you surprised everyone, including yourself, by holding your own against the self-assured swordsman. His strikes were swift and rash, yet you managed to anticipate and block them with unexpected finesse.

The hazel-haired male's surprise grew into disbelief, his heart racing at the unexpected turn of events. Kazuto's hazel eyes flickered with emotions not known to you.

"Come on, kitten. Is that the best you've got?" he taunted, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and something deeper. He breathed against your ear sending shivers down your spine.

"Watch your words," you retorted, your tone as sharp as your blade. "I'm not here to play games." you swallowed a urge to say this kitten's got claw. Before getting in an attack to send him back.

On the sidelines, kazuto watched with a mixture of surprise and jealousy, his fingers curling into fists. "I can't believe she's actually holding her ground against him," he muttered to himself.

The swordsman lunged forward with a swift strike, which you parried with equal agility. "Impressive," he mused, a glimmer of something softer beneath his tough exterior. "But don't think you can outmatch me."

The kazuto's eyes widened as he witnessed your resilience. "She's really something," he admitted, his initial jealousy giving way to reluctant admiration.

With a final, calculated move, the dark-haired swordsman managed to disarm you, his blade resting at your throat. "I win, kitten." he declared triumphantly, his breath slightly ragged.

You met his gaze, unwavering .

"Congratulations," you replied evenly, a hint of something unreadable in your eyes.

Your goal wasn't victory. You got what you wanted. The measure of his strength. Now you knew going against him in a serious match means death.

The hazel eyed male's jaw tightened, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the silent exchange between you. His knuckles began to whiten and blood rushing to his brain. As he got up a hand was kept on his shoulder.

He looked up to see the white haired male had entered the room. He gave him a knowing nod. As if he knew what the other was feeling. Kazuto slumped back into his chair.

He did not like feeling like this. He did not like what this emotion was. It was like glass piercing his chest. Unbeknownst to him this emotion had sprang due to his love for you. His attempts to understanding mirrored the strategies he used in his favourite games.

He dissected the complex feeling in his heart to that of challenging the final boss of the highest levels. His emotions were multilayered and often irrational. But one thing was sure he hate losing a game. His mind would blast so would his electronics.

He relished it. The triumph after defeating the main boss. He did not know who it was yet..

"That was beautiful." Subaru clapped.

"beautiful" you asked confused. Not understanding how could a fight be anything related to beauty.

" you were like a swan dancing on the rippling waters."

"a dove you mean"Hikaru entered showing off his million dollars smile. In an instant he was at your side latching onto you.

"please spend the night here dove~" he pleaded you.

"No I have some work " you moved your face away from his eyes shielding yourself from his puppy dog eyes.

"ok but no one leaves without first enduring barrage of my terrible puns" he said immediately blocking the door. You could see Subaru face palming from corner of your eye.

" I wouldn't call them terrible. But great a hostage situation with pun barricade" you statistically smiled.

" you could call this a linguistic hostage situation"

"okay hit me with you worst" you tapped your phone furiously sending text to your cousin to not come in through the window but knowing her she would never use the front door.

"alright why don't scientists trust atoms"

"I don't know you tell me" you ask

" because they make up everything "

"like you " Yukio interjected making you laugh. Hikaru's face lit with redness and turned brighter as he saw you laugh. Forgetting why his cheeks turned red in the first place.

"ok I had my fill for tonight. Time to be rescued "

" no my pun-ishment must go on~" he said smirking.

"Hikaru, do forgive the intrusion" Subaru cut in.

"ah, Subaru are you here to witness my epic pun-der seige "

The white haired male politely smiles at his friend. " as much as I would love to hear them. I think I must escort asuna home. Shall we.?" he said slightly raising his arm towards you.

"well how can I resist an offer like that" you say interlocking your hand in his."lead the way Subaru"

"surely. It be my honor"

Hikaru playfully pouts as he sees you exiting after saying your good byes to all the male in the room. He slumped back into a corner of the room.

His jealousy resembled one of a bird cage. It was beautiful and ornate from outside but suffocatingly tight on inside. He stared at the cage metal of envy constricting around his heart. She should be in there where he could see her. Feel her. Sense her.

Soon Hikaru and kazuto were removed quite forcibly out of yukio's private dojo. He looked at the katana you were using minutes ago. Slowly dragging his hand along his edge uncaring if it cuts him.

"they are all around you aren't they kitten. Those smiles you are giving. Those laughs you are sharing. Don't you see you are center of their attention."

"having a heartfelt conversation with the air or you have finally gone mad" akira enters smirking.

"get out " Yukio growled

" oh but your heartfelt emotions were too hard to be ignored please continue."

"you are impossible" the chocolate eyed male grumbled.

"now now don't be shy aren't we friends. I couldn't help but hearing you take our lovely

Asuna' s name."

"Go polish your ego. We aren't friends only thing that binds us together is Subaru " Yukio covered slight blush on his cheeks with palms and looked at the red haired male with annoyance.

Akira chuckled" You are underestimating my multifaced talents. Ego polishing is merely a leisure activity of mine. Right now I am here to bask in glow of your unguarded feelings"

"What do you want.?" Yukio stood up gripping his katana in his hand.

" Oh nothing. I am here to remind you. That you are five people too late to fall for y/n's charm"

"What do you mean"

" Let's just say. While you are talking to the air and going insane contemplating love for your dear kitten. There are others, myself included caught in her web."


"Say whatever you want. Competition is thick. It seems like Subaru is already miles ahead of us "

Akira leaves the room. As he looks back one last time he sees blood dripping from yukio's hand. He did not care enough to ask him what happened and left the wounded male to himself.

Smirking he crossed the living room. As he stood in front of the window he could see down below on the school grounds subaru walking hand in hand with y/n smiling as she continued to talk about something he could not hear.


" This is enough subaru. I can go from here " you said in a convincing tone.

It might be ten at night. But you did not need protection. " I live five minutes from here I will be okay. "

"I insist asuna. I will not let you navigate this darken streets on your own"he remarked with a gentle smile.

Subaru walked alongside you despite you refusing his assistance several times. His polished demeanour and poised bearings made him to not let you walk the rest of the way alone.

A soft chuckle escaped your lips " really touching. But I have navigated these streets several times before. I usually take that back alley it's a short cut "

His calm gaze met yours an array of unspoken thoughts danced between the two of you. As you both continued up the back alley a man in drunken stupor did an unwanted touch.

" oi girl let's have some good time " the raggedy man slurred his tone heavy and unsteady. You were disgusted at the very sight of him.

In a fluid motion you kicked the man to the ground. Launching an attack for the improper touch he did. Showcasing your high end combat skills that have been accumulated over the years.

Subaru's once gentle expression shifted to that of approval but with an undercurrent of something darker. The disappointment was evident on his face. You did not know the reason behind the disappointment.

" He did not deserve that. He did not deserve to be touched by you. " the white haired male said. His tone steady but his eyes betraying an unfamiliar intensity.

You just nodded agreeing with him. You wish you could hit that man without actually have to touch him. But too bad there are no supernatural powers in this world.

The two of you finally reached the front of your home. You internally groaned as you saw the window to your room open.

" Good night subaru and thank you for the escort " you eagerly bid farewell to the kind musician.

His grey eyes met yours. His gaze unreadable. " good night dear Asuna. Until next time " And he was gone.

He went back walking towards the shadow of the forgotten back alley. His encounter with the drunken man left a bitter taste in his mouth. His finger danced over his silver nail tip extracting it effortlessly.

The glint of malice was hidden behind the calmness of his grey eyes. The tip was laced with a common poison. Common as it may be. It was very much potent.

" You shouldn't have touched her. " he murmured his voice a chilly whisper.

" You should not touch what not belongs to you. Is that not common courtesy " he asked the intoxicated man.

"wha - wh who ar are you " the man said in a broken voice.

With practised ease he approached the drunken man who you had met earlier. The tip found its mark, and the man gasped, his hands clutching at his throat as realization dawned too late. He collapsed to the ground, convulsions racking his body, before stillness claimed him.

Subaru's gaze remained steady and detached as he saw the life ebb away out of the man in front of him. Looking up at the sky the greyness in his eyes matched that of unassuming clouds. He was determined to be more than mere observer.

"lines between protector and puppeteer blur, and in that blurred boundary lies the potential for a symphony of control that orchestrates every note of fate. Asuna,my plan is about to commence."